Cazadors- your thoughts?

I've over 50 Antivenoms from legion assassins with me, so the poison isn't a problem for me. I ussually use a flamer against cazadors if they are in bigger groups, it works well.

The only problem I have is if they hit companions just one time, they will die by poison and theres nothing you can do against it.
Brush gun with HP ammo, riot shotgun or Oh Baby! are the usual weapons of choice when I'm facing Cazadors. Sometimes I snipe them from a distance with Christine's COS sniper rifle. Recently I've adopted the habit of raping everything with the Survivalist's rifle. It's a beast, even though the iron sight is kinda' crooked.
That's what I figured, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a bit hard to aim correctly. But then again I haven't used it for too long.
Yeah, I've noticed that as well, but it'd be nice to learn how to snipe people with it. Love the sound as well.
OWB essentially rendered encounters with our favorite insects of destruction to a mild annoyance rather than the teeth-clenching-almost-certain-death experiences we've been accustomed to. :)

Heartless negates their horrific poison and you get a +40% damage bonus with the new implant and new perk (3 ranks of 10%)