Cazadors- your thoughts?


Ok, so what do you think are the worst critters in New Vegas. I think it has to be the Cazadors. What a pain in the ass!

How do you swat them bugs from the sky? Assault rifle bursts, shotgun blasts? Precision strikes? Incinerate the bastards?

Ok, stealth night stalkers are also pretty bad. I don't mind the stealthed muties as much as the damn stealth night stalkers.
I used to think the nightstalkers were a breeze, but that was because I spent my entire first playthrough coupled with Ed-E and Boone. My second playthrough was pure melee hardcore with the combat difficulty up, and it took me a frustrating number fo ignoble deaths to learn to just stand there and aim at my feet.

Cazadores still bite harder, though, in every sense of the word. When I see them coming, I bite the bullet, lay hard on the trigger to my chainsaw, and start sucking from the 10-gallon drum of antivenom I carry around for just such occasions. The melee knockback perk helps if I'm lucky enough for it to work consistently... on good days, a supersledge will keep them on their backs in a 15-foot radius around me while my companions chip away from a distance.
Cass with a riot shotgun is probably the best defense against Cazadores.
Cazadores are my companions worst nightmares. When they get to close, they are fucked. One or two hits and the poison will kill them.
Incredibly annoying. Was it so hard to enable NPCs to take antidote?
Well. Then you sure love to visit those caves where you have 6 or 7 of them attacking you at the same time :mrgreen:

And there is even a gigantic cazadore somewhere.
Crni Vuk said:
Well. Then you sure love to visit those caves where you have 6 or 7 of them attacking you at the same time :mrgreen:

And there is even a gigantic cazadore somewhere.
Yep, loved those. And those fuckers are fast! Poor Boone got killed so often by them :D
They are a nightmare for companions, but an instant death for Rex. Doggie chases them and gets killed.

Still, they're really well designed and badass, probably the best insectoid mutants featured in any Fallout game so far.
Hassknecht said:
Cazadores are my companions worst nightmares. When they get to close, they are fucked. One or two hits and the poison will kill them.
Incredibly annoying. Was it so hard to enable NPCs to take antidote?

I was under the impression that the high fatality rate of NPCs suffering from Cazador poison was actually a bug (no pun intended) stemming from the last patch.
Yamu said:
Hassknecht said:
Cazadores are my companions worst nightmares. When they get to close, they are fucked. One or two hits and the poison will kill them.
Incredibly annoying. Was it so hard to enable NPCs to take antidote?

I was under the impression that the high fatality rate of NPCs suffering from Cazador poison was actually a bug (no pun intended) stemming from the last patch.
I don't know. The instant death by forced stimpak is certainly a bug, but I don't know if that happened in earlier versions, too.
Cazadors... hands down. Deathclaws are pretty annoying in packs early on but cazadors... cazadors can suck it.
death claw families are cute though :3

same for scorpions (yeah!).

Always felt like a bitch when I had to kill those D:
Crni Vuk said:
death claw families are cute though :3

Man, when I visited the quarry the first time, I saw the deathclaw mother with all the small babys walking behind her. It was so nice to look at that I couldn't kill them. Took some time until I came back to exterminate everything.
yeah ... one of those very rare times I really felt like an asshole while playing some game - which was somewhat positive it is nice when a game can have that kind of touch. I think I only had that again in Planescape or F1 no clue.
I always feel like a dick killing deathclaws after visiting Vault 13 in FO2. :(
I must have missed something because I slaughtered every single one of those things. Was there a cut scene where one of them coos gently while rocking a baby in its arms?
The cazadores were pretty hard for me until i got the BAR from Dead Money.

Using the BAR with AP or JSP ammo kills the cazadores pretty fast, even at a distance.

If you pit a Deathclaw against two cazadores in the Thorn, the Cazadores are actualy gonna win most of the time, what does that tell you?
It was hard to kill baby deathclaws on account of how adorable they are. Young cazadores on the other hand, I just think "Great, now they'll be easier to kill!"
Is awesome to have a Brush gun against those wasps, but I remember my first playthrough, I was an unarmed character, I either had to rely on turbo and antidotes or I was fucked whenever I found one of those.