Cazadors- your thoughts?

Crni Vuk said:
death claw families are cute though :3

same for scorpions (yeah!).

Always felt like a bitch when I had to kill those D:

I actually think that the Geckos kinda cute, I have animal friend so they don't bother me and I could not help but smile when I saw a little one waddle/run across the road as I was walking through Zion.

brfritos said:
I thinked I was the only one who felt that way, nice to see I'm not alone. :cool:
I don't have much stomach to kill coyotes mother and pulps, the same goes for Mole Rats, most of the time I stay clear from them.

Where ARE the Mole Rats in New Vegas? I ran into them In Zion sometimes but I never saw any in the Mojave wasteland with the exception of Sniffles in Sloan
There are some Fire Geckos that attack you no matter if you have the animal Friend Perk or not, for example the ones on the lower levels of Vault 19, and some random ones out in the wild.
Nay, I never wasted my usable perks on stuff like Entomologist, Robotics Expert and other specific-critters-killing-related perks.
Mostly because I usually play as a talkative, peaceful character that first tries to make his way through dialogue, rather than go with guns blazing.
Though I often take perks like Better Criticals and such - after all, a little killing is not out of place.
Atomkilla said:
I usually play as a talkative, peaceful character that first tries to make his way through dialogue, rather than go with guns blazing.
Good luck talking your way out of a cazador attack!

Here is your speech options when talking to a cazador:
[survival 95] buzzzz bzzzz buzzzzzz bzz (please don't attack me)

[speech 75] Can't you see the error in your violent ways?

[unarmed 100] Hulk SMASH!!!! (attack)

[guns 45] Hold still for a second, I need to introduce you to my friend, Ranger Sequioa!

outofthegamer said:
[guns 45] Hold still for a second, I need to introduce you to my friend, Ranger Sequioa!

You know, my main problem with some skill schecks in NV is this, they are too low.

Ranger Sequoia needs 75 guns skill and 6 ST to be used without any drawbacks.
Why the check is lower than the gun requirements?

That's why I like Cristine in Dead Money, the medicine, INT and PE checks for her are steep most of the time (thank God for Mentats).
outofthegamer said:
Good luck talking your way out of a cazador attack!

Here is your speech options when talking to a cazador:
[survival 95] buzzzz bzzzz buzzzzzz bzz (please don't attack me)

[speech 75] Can't you see the error in your violent ways?

[unarmed 100] Hulk SMASH!!!! (attack)

[guns 45] Hold still for a second, I need to introduce you to my friend, Ranger Sequioa!


Funny. [Sneak 50] is about enough, or, worst case scenario, an Alien Pistol. Or just don't get near the bugs. Not much point in it, really.

That's the funny thing in New Vegas - no matter how good or bad your character build is, or how tough opponents are, with one trait, one unique gun and a little prudence, you shouldn't have bigger problems while trekking the Mojave.
brfritos said:
outofthegamer said:
[guns 45] Hold still for a second, I need to introduce you to my friend, Ranger Sequioa!
Ranger Sequoia needs 75 guns skill and 6 ST to be used without any drawbacks.
Why the check is lower than the gun requirements?

It's just a joke. lol.

Furthermore, my newest character only has 45 in guns, and he uses the Ranger Sequioa very effectively. I don't know what the drawbacks are, but he can take out a cazador with 2 hollow point bullets -- that's ok for me.

I know that with 80+ in guns the RS will take out a cazador with 1 HP bullet. But my newest character is only level 10 and he is a survival/unarmed build, so 45 in guns is ok for now. The only problem is: I don't want a cazador to get close enough for me to punch it.

Atomkilla said:
[Sneak 50] is about enough, or, worst case scenario, an Alien Pistol.
You can sneak past cazadores with only a 50 in sneak? I did not know that!

I tend to only use the Alien Blaster for Deathclaws and the rare occasion that I want to kill everyone in Caesar's tent. But I agree with your point about having the proper equipment and/or strategy can make a huge difference in this game. That's why I like this game so much and don't ever play regular FPS games.
Crni Vuk said:
strange when you consider how close vegas plays to a shooter.
True, but I play in 3rd person 90% of the time. Use VATS 90% of the time, and use melee fairly often. And with all the RPG characteristics, and dialogue, I never feel like I am playing an FPS.
outofthegamer said:
You can sneak past cazadores with only a 50 in sneak? I did not know that!

I tend to only use the Alien Blaster for Deathclaws and the rare occasion that I want to kill everyone in Caesar's tent. But I agree with your point about having the proper equipment and/or strategy can make a huge difference in this game. That's why I like this game so much and don't ever play regular FPS games.

Well, not really 50, maybe a bit more. Maybe 50 is enough, I'm not sure.
I've never had problems sneaking by them. At a proper distance, that is.

I personally used Blaster only on Lanius, but even then it was kinda dull, just ruining the fight. Poor fella didn't even have the chance to raise that monster sword of his. In the end, I reloaded and played it by the book. It was way more fun, at least.
Kinda dull? I used the blaster and it took me about twenty blasts to kill him. Maybe it was just because I had a low energy weapons skill though. :?
My Energy weapons skill was the lowest it can get. I've never put a single point into it, aside from skill books, and it took me one V.A.T.S. load-out to the head from a point blank range. Maybe a shot or two manually after that, but you get the picture.
I was able to buy 100 stimpaks at once with all the sierra madre chips I had let build up in the deposit box. :shock: