Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

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Chris should do what Joe did and get a lawyer and make a response soon. Waiting like this is just making him look more guilty.
Eh, I think the fact that he’s not even deigning to get a lawyer looks good, imo. Now, the apology admittedly shoots down my “sticking to his guns” theory, but hey, we can dream.
That's the sad part. I just have the feeling that he is going to apologize instead of fight back. And it's only going to make him look worse because he would be admitting to something he didn't do.
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Chris should do what Joe did and get a lawyer and make a response soon. Waiting like this is just making him look more guilty.

Yeah, he's going to need both somebody representing him, but also some evidence about the accusations. Locations, time stamps, receipts. Like I said; our memories are not reliable sources of evidence, but hard data is. His silence only will incriminate him further.
The US needs a big fuckin' thing. The next president should build a big ol huge fuckin thing right in the middle of the country. That way people could go and stare at it. It would make lots of money, and there will be all these businesses created that are devoted to the big fuckin' thing. It would make everyone really wealthy and everyone would travel far and wide to see the great big fuckin' thing.

Like a Las Vegas space elevator.

That way, people will be thinking about the big fuckin' thing instead of worrying about laws and courts and suing and no money waa waa who's going to the gulag this week?
That checks all the boxes for marketing. Now it has to have architectural accreditation as well as be able to make squatting less desirable because homeless crazy people don't like mazes. Assemble the team at once.

Islam is retarded cave-shitter alphabet soup bullshit.

I could go into a diatribe about the golden age of islam before they were fucked but that's inconsequential.
Islam is retarded cave-shitter alphabet soup bullshit.

I could go into a diatribe about the golden age of islam before they were fucked but that's inconsequential.

Islam effectively looked at Christianity and went "You guys didn't go far enough on the fundamentalist scale, so we're making our own group". I don't mean to be so blunt about the Quran but it's effectively the Bible with DLC, and the fact there's in-fighting within over who is the true Prophet of the religion shows some serious issues that need to be ironed out (ain't happening anytime soon), not to mention how much of the Islamic world is led (lead... what is the correct usage of that word?) using theology where the teachings of a book are absolute; therefore all laws must withhold to outdated societal norms. Doesn't help that they can be divided into two additional groups; countries that lack resources (Mauritania, Somalia, Yemen) and countries that have practically all the resources (Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Iran), and it's the latter that allow their oil and natural resources to convince other countries to look the other way against social reform.

Though I can assure that there are plenty of people in Iran who look at the Ayatollah and the phony government put in place and think he's full of shit, and the whole "Saudi Vision 2030" project that Saudi Arabia has going on is a total crock and a half; who cares if women finally get to drive cars if political prisoners get executed publicly and there's no voice for opposition... but Saudi Arabia is gonna tell us about the suffrage to get a driver's license for the next 10 years.

... wait, why are we talking about religion? I thought this was about the Fallout Bible Guy?
Christianity is retarded cave-shitter alphabet soup bullshit.

I could go into a diatribe about how god is dead and we have killed him, but that's inconsequential.
The best part of this is people going "fuck and he was such a good writer too" talking in past tense like he is no longer a good writer. Morons.
The problem today is that women keep moving the goal post on what is considered flirting or not. It doesn't help that society made it to where if a woman had consensual sex with a man but regrets it latter she can accuse the man of rape and he can get charged with it. This is what happens when you absolve women of responsibility and treat them like perpetual children.
Listen, I’m all for pampering people. Hell, I treat both my boyfriends and girlfriends like royalty when possible (write them affectionate letters, make breakfast, blah blah blah etc); but pampering someone FOREVER is overkill, at best.

At worst it’s an irritant for everyone.
This fucking nutbag went off on Twitter saying, basically; "How dare men have evidence that disproves a woman's claims! This hurts women!"

She blocked half of Twitter by the way. Between AngryJoe and Chris Avellone I realize that this #MeToo shit was never about helping victims. It was always just a means to take out powerful men in the industry and further their own standing. This is abhorrent to anyone who ever was a genuine victim.
This fucking nutbag went off on Twitter saying, basically; "How dare men have evidence that disproves a woman's claims! This hurts women!"
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She blocked half of Twitter by the way. Between AngryJoe and Chris Avellone I realize that this #MeToo shit was never about helping victims. It was always just a means to take out powerful men in the industry and further their own standing. This is abhorrent to anyone who ever was a genuine victim.
Hey man, taking down Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein was good.