Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

After being examined with a japanese doctor at the Hunter's Base while trying to join the Hunters, every effort to speak to doctor leads to receiving "Grabbing Text Error" message & CTD. Also receive an Error text in the textbox on main screeen while pointing the cursor on doctor's figure.

Resurrection v1.2, 2 companions (Keri & Lystra), Drobovik's last Google translation.
Is it necessary to speak to Doctor in future or I can continue playing with this error & forget about that? =)
I've finished the main quest line a few times without talking to the doc, so you should be fine.
Another text errors during cut-scene with mentor Aran in the basement of Dead City.
I can't understand, what had happened =/
It's hard to tell, because that situation should result in many different events, depending on whom you're working for and what answers did you choose in that dialogue. This sucks, man! Quest with Elisa/Aran is pretty complicated and easily one of the best things in Resurrection. Rather wait for official translation from authors, do not ruin your first run like this!
The sutiation is happening when a hero come to the basement after speaking with Elise, while completing Empire quest line.
There are "Error" messages upon the character's heads during cut-scene with Aran and his men. But in dialog windows all text is fine. Also, if you choose to go to Elise with Aran, all mesages in the cut-scene near the gate to Empire City is OK too. All "errors" are in the basement.

Though, I've save-loaded and played all the variants of the situation, so the quest line is clear for me ) Just reporting about a bug.
Can you provide savegames, so I can fix the errors? Thanks

Asian doctor in Hunters base is fixed.
To fix the cutscene do need a savegame before the event though. Otherwise it will take some time for me to get to that point.
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Here's the save: http : // rghost . ru / 56452205
I can't publish direct link because of account's policy. Just remove the breakspaces )
Another "Error" messages upon the character's heads in a cut-scene near Empire City gates with Sophia, her mother and a woman from Empire City.
The savegame lies here: http: // rghost . ru / 56454018

This save also provides you to reach the sutiation described in #85. Just walk to Elise & have a chat.
You don't have to download the save from my previous post, if so.

Ok, errors should be fixed now. Will reupload the updated translation files within an hour. Thanks for the bug report. Спасибо, товарищ.:revolution:
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I wanted to try this out. I went to http://resurrection.cz and found the downloads in the czech section of the site. Is the main install executable all I need from this page ?

Edit: Those file sharing sites are far too slow. I'll wait for official release.
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Is the main install executable all I need from this page ?
Yup, *install.exe is the complete and up-to-date version, no need to download anything else. Patches are for people who are playing some of the older releases. As for the download speed, uloz.to works at reasonable 300 kB/s for me, that's not bad at all for a free file sharing service.
Is there already a walkthrough for this mod? I would really like to play it, but a walkthrough is always great if i get stuck.
I got through it using Drobovik's google translation. However, I left some side quests unfinished because I was not able to understand them fully.
I started playing this mod and it looks like very interesting but the problem is that i´m having a HUGE bug that turns it so annoying and umplayable: The game crashes every single time i try to barter with someone. After barting and returning to the dialogue option of the character (all of them who i can barter) the game just crashes. So there´s no way to buy anything in the whole game... Any sugestion or is this just some bug waiting for a fix? Or an issue with the english translation patch? - well, great work on translation but still with a lot of errors and screwed words in game...)
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Try switching the graphics mode to "original 8 bit". You can do that either through the fores_config.exe program, or by editing f2_res.ini file manually; both are located in your Fallout2/Resurrection directory. That should help.

edit: Just for the record, this doesn't seem to be a bug. IIRC, two dudes have reported this so far, without providing any informations about their video card, DirectX version, or OS. There are hundreds of other people playing in DDraw7 and DX9 modes without any trouble, including me, so it's hard to tell what the hell happened.
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Try switching the graphics mode to "original 8 bit". You can do that either through the fores_config.exe program, or by editing f2_res.ini file manually; both are located in your Fallout2/Resurrection directory. That should help.

edit: Just for the record, this doesn't seem to be a bug. IIRC, two dudes have reported this so far, without providing any informations about their video card, DirectX version, or OS. There are hundreds of other people playing in DDraw7 and DX9 modes without any trouble, including me, so it's hard to tell what the hell happened.

Thanks, found the way to fix it in the 1.5 Resurrection forum. In fact it was just editing the Graphic_Mode on f2_res.ini and Mode in ddraw.ini setting it to 0.

Now my problem is understanding the poorly translated dialogues from the patch... What a mess.
I understand that it was a nice try but using google translator...
As far as i read official English patch will be released this year, so i decided to wait. The english patch i found, made with Google translator is just a pain... can understand half of it, barely.
Where can I download the final game and english translation?

Edit: Was blind for several minutes found the game v1.3.

Is there any english translation for v1.3?

Edit: I used Drobovik's translation and it worked :) I finished it but I had so many problems and still some things didn't make sense and couldn't complete all side quests etc. anyway thanks it was a real pleasure playing something new :)

Hoping for real english translation so I can play it for full experience
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