Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down


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Contains spoilers so only watch if you are okay with that:

Bethesda is playing whack a mole with the leaks. Funnily enough I got the links for all of these from Pete Hine's twitter:

<iframe src="https://vid.me/e/hAxq?stats=1&amp;tools=1" width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen scrolling="no"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://vid.me/e/GZYH?stats=1&amp;tools=1" width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen scrolling="no"></iframe>

<iframe src="https://vid.me/e/7WFl?stats=1&amp;tools=1" width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen scrolling="no"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://vid.me/e/qaku?stats=1&amp;tools=1" width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen scrolling="no"></iframe>
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That's some ASS quality voice acting.

"Now I can't wait for the world to end". Wow, I think that ones is better than Hate Newspaper.
Sorry if i am so blunt about it ... but those facial expressions ... seriously, how is that an improvement over Skyrim or Fallout 3 again? Looks as shit like ever, I personaly even feel that it seems to be WORSE because everything around it looks better, but the expressions always hit me, like those weird japenese-robot-dolls talking with each other :?

Fallout 5 leaked screenshot:


Fallout 5 dialog trailer:

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Just as boring and uninteresting as the Fallout 3 beginning.
This game is so unrealistic. That blastwave from the nuke should have given them 3rd degree burns and probably burn them to a crisp by the time they got into the vault.
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Sorry if i am so blunt about it ... but those facial expressions ... seriously, how is that an improvement over Skyrim or Fallout 3 again? Looks as shit like ever, I personaly even feel that it seems to be WORSE because everything around it looks better, but the expressions always hit me, like those weird japenese-robot-dolls talking with each other :?

Fallout 5 leaked screenshot:


Fallout 5 dialog trailer:

Like I said, I've seen Skyrim mods and hell even NV mods that do a better job with faces then what Beth has given us. Those facial features and expressions are so jarring to me that it kinda gives me the creeps. As much as I love to give shit to Bioware at lest in DA:I the facial features and expressions were pretty good. They weren't jarring or plasticity like they are in Fallout 4.
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They look shit, BBUUUUTTTT I've never really complained about graphics.

It's not just graphic, it could be as simple as that only the shittiest animators work for Bethesda which struggle even with the simplest knowledge about anatomy and facial expressions, but I don't know it. The overall look of the game isn't that bad, really. Not impressive but not shit either.

I hate to insult people ... but after 10 years they STILL can't seem to get that one right though. There are much older games and it doesn't strike me as odd when NCPs start to talk or move as like it does with Fallout 4.
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Why does a laser rifle sound like a ballistic one?

What is the point of real time looting if you can just mash the Take button an pick everything?

what are mentats good for if you don't have skills and need perks?