Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Thanks for the response :)

How about the German translation? Did anyone worked on it?
How much of the Text-Data did you changed?

Someone is working on German translation, yes: http://www.nma-fallout.com/member.php?73118-kynori @kynori I don't have the German files shared at the moment, if you want I can share the files.

Lots of text was changed.. perhaps 25%? Not sure, I never estimated a total of how much it changed from the original, but I think something like 25% might be a good estimate. Maybe less.
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Idea: Fallout endings for vault 13

by Qwerty/nintendow131

Endings good (return water chip, kill master) (picture: FO1Vault13Intro.png
or "VOTF" picture)

"Thanks to your actions vault 13 survives
and will keep going for a long time to come."

Endings bad (vault 13 invaded) (picture: Fo1_Vault_13_Overrun.png)

"As you return to vault 13
you find a empty , destroyed vault with blood and corpses all over the place."

Alternative 1 (water chip retrieved)

"Your returned the water chip, however as you return to vault 13
you find a empty , destroyed vault with blood and corpses all over the place."

NOTE:The game does not end when the invasion cutsence plays.

Endings bad 2 (water chip not returned) (picture: ?)

"You did not return the water chip, and the giant vault door now serves as a grave for the vault inhabitants."

Alternative (v13 invaded):

"You did not return the water chip.
as the mutants invade v13 they find nothing but corpses of the dwellers.

NOTE: Game does not end after final water state cutscene.
Thanks for this. Fallout 3 and NV get all the love when it comes to mods; even out of the classic games, FO1 often gets ignored. Well, not any more.
Sorry for the double post but I'm doing it so Sduibek is aware there's a new bit of info. I'm getting a CTD when trying to talk to Tandi after rescuing her from the Khans. It says "the instruction at 10010db0 referenced memory at 0000000c. The memory could not be read from." Not sure but it may be linked to talking to her in a "random battle area" as opposed to a named area. Also, are there any plans to add an option to change her sprite to one that looks more like her (maybe the same body but with the female Vault Dweller's head?) since her current one doesn't really resemble her?
Nope, it's not abandoned :) , I've just been busy lately :(

I spent June looking for a job, July & August working many hours and moving to a new apartment. The rest is kind of a haze; I also was/am going through the transition of a relationship ending so everything has been in and out of a state of flux and disorder ever since the most recent patch came out.

Things are steadily but slowly getting more organized and normal in my life but I'm not yet sure when I can resume work on Fixt.

My eventual goal is to be self-employed doing programming (web, mobile) so that I can work on Fixt whenever I feel like it :)
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Well I look forward to when you can work on it again. It's a great addition to Fallout and the kind of thing I've wanted to see for as long as I've played it. Just a little bug report as well, just to sour the compliment a bit, but is it a known bug that when Katja runs her appearance reverts to that of the female vault dweller? She's wearing leather armour right now, she has her head with the female leather armour body usually, but the running animation sets the head back to the black hair of the vault dweller. I guess those frames weren't edited?
@SorgFall lol why you so in love with knives bro? In seriousness though, if you could please add to the Bugs wiki, that way I won't forget :)
@Matroska I think I know what is causing that bug, but please add to the Bugs wiki. Thank you :)
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@SorgFall lol why you so in love with knives bro? In seriousness though, if you could please add to the Bugs wiki, that way I won't forget :)
@Matroska I think I know what is causing that bug, but please add to the Bugs wiki. Thank you :)

I used it on the rats in the cave and kept that very same knife in my first playthrough throughout the entire game. It sort of has a strong emotional attachment. :twitch:

But it's not a bug.
No updates on Fixt yet. I apologize. I feel shitty about being empty-handed for six months.

My inner and outer worlds are slow-going lately... At this point I don't think it's necessarily the breakup; I'm not sure exactly why this lull. Maybe it is the breakup and I'm in denial, lol. I suppose that's possible. I've been working on making improvements on most parts of my life, with varying degrees of success, but I can tell that I'm holding back. I allow myself to not follow through with my commitments, or choose to laze instead of working on what I really want to be doing. Right now I'm just not fully present. It's like I'm living an existential crisis without the crisis, if that makes any sense.

I have so much gratitude and love for you all. You guys are great. You are the reason this project will never die.


My eventual goal is to be self-employed doing programming (web, mobile) so that I can work on Fixt whenever I feel like it :)

It's everyone's wish here! Not to be self-employed programmers but rather that you become one... Good luck, bro!
Thank you :) I am making baby steps in that direction. Even if I just end up doing web design 40/week or something like that, it will ironically make me more likely to stay on target with projects like this. Currently I'm working a bit of a mind-numbing job, so while it's a great company and my coworkers are the best, it still drains my soul a little each day, meaning I don't have much desire to do things like personal projects :(

Sduibek, are there any plans on making the charisma more relevant?

Sounds good to me. What do you have in mind? :)
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Is work still active? I have a few VERY minor typos to report, and a small plot bug involving the death of the regulators. Screenshots ready and waiting.
Troubleshooting Guide has been updated. I put the "specific crashes" section at the top of the document, and added a list of map names to the bottom of the document, for anyone trying to replace map files to solve crashes. Other minor changes.

(Link in my signature as usual)

Is work still active? I have a few VERY minor typos to report, and a small plot bug involving the death of the regulators. Screenshots ready and waiting.
Active but slow. Please do report bugs no matter how small :) Link is in my signature or at the beginning of the top post on this page.
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Troubleshooting Guide has been updated. I put the "specific crashes" section at the top of the document, and added a list of map names to the bottom of the document, for anyone trying to replace map files to solve crashes. Other minor changes.

(Link in my signature as usual)

Is work still active? I have a few VERY minor typos to report, and a small plot bug involving the death of the regulators. Screenshots ready and waiting.
Active but slow. Please do report bugs no matter how small :) Link is in my signature or at the beginning of the top post on this page.

Updated the bug report page with a mess of stuff.
Troubleshooting Guide has been updated. I put the "specific crashes" section at the top of the document, and added a list of map names to the bottom of the document, for anyone trying to replace map files to solve crashes. Other minor changes.

(Link in my signature as usual)

Is work still active? I have a few VERY minor typos to report, and a small plot bug involving the death of the regulators. Screenshots ready and waiting.
Active but slow. Please do report bugs no matter how small :) Link is in my signature or at the beginning of the top post on this page.

Updated the bug report page with a mess of stuff.
Nice Prisoner I never spend enough time playing with that stuff to notice some of the things you picked up on.
Hi Sduibek
I've fiddled a little with TeamX's fallout npc armor mod proto files. thanks to cubik2k's editor it wasn't that hard. I've managed to change their hp to properly adjust at lvlup and at armor change (well all except power and hardned power armor since the ediotor takes bonus [+3 exactly]str from those protos and adds them to base hp and it's uneditable in this editor) so most works perfectly and at switch to PA or HPA npc have 3max hp less than current hp (as always save/load fixes this). previously in FIXT 6.7.3 most of this was screwed and most of the time you'd get 75/50 hp or something like that when changing npc armor.
Further more adjusted HP/lvl for each proto to what they would gain after four levels based on their endurance (they level up once per player's 4 lvls so that seemed logical) additionally I've pumped some of their skills at lvl 3 way up, so now at lvl 3 they are proficient with big guns and energy weapons and have decent skill lvl so they won't hit player char all the time.
I've tested this with Vad's editor and gave them hardned power armor and turbo plasma rifle each.. so yeah.. now they kick ass instead of beeing sissies in combat..
contact me if You want me to somehow pass theese edited files over to You.

Additionaly I have a feature to request for FIXT..
since You've managed to allow players to pilage through broderhood armory and have those 2 additional power armors in comparsion to what player could obtain normally (one from Kyle and one from Talus)
it would be a good idea to allow player to upgrade all of those fancy Power armors to their hardned versions ( miles never mumbled anything about not beeing able to repeat the process nor does he lack materials [he's a chemmist he makes chemicals from scrap] so why not leting him upgrade 3 more power armor suits) same for Smitty he can upgrade plasma rifle and doesn't say that he can't do it more than once.. so why not.
to make it happen (and avoid cheating evry time evryone plays this game) two scripts have to be edited smitty's and miles script from boneyard. alternatively You could manage to squeeze into FIXT another gizmo made by TeamX called "FixIt"
it's sort of a external program working inside Fallout that could be set to create hardned power armor and turbo plasma rifle (sort of a thing as craft system in FOnline was). FixIt was designed to work for Fallout 2, but i'm sure it can be retrofitted into Fallout 1 just editing of object_dude.int (or a workbench script) is required to add proper strings under look at pproc section plus including some of their sources to the script (wich are provided in the downloadable package) and voila.
As to why i'm referring to eryone cheating :) ... it's simple now we've got a chance to properly armor our party members however two guys at boneyard said that they can help you and say "come any time" they help You once and next thing You know they end up speaking in float and one just love that your team has inferior armors to his... one loves such scenarios so much that he ditches all 3 of those power armors in hub downtown with rest of luggage and multiplies HPA ant turboplasma in vad's editor to have a proper cowboy style assault playthrough..
so will You help me there Sduibek..
Troubleshooting Guide has been updated. I put the "specific crashes" section at the top of the document, and added a list of map names to the bottom of the document, for anyone trying to replace map files to solve crashes. Other minor changes.

(Link in my signature as usual)

Is work still active? I have a few VERY minor typos to report, and a small plot bug involving the death of the regulators. Screenshots ready and waiting.
Active but slow. Please do report bugs no matter how small :) Link is in my signature or at the beginning of the top post on this page.

Updated the bug report page with a mess of stuff.
Nice Prisoner I never spend enough time playing with that stuff to notice some of the things you picked up on.

I'm a tad OCD, but it comes in handy for editing. I did some logging of typos for the New Vegas patch, and some for Fallout Three that haven't been processed yet.

Other then that... I like seeing if things can be broken. :P