Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Fallout 1 (GOG.COM) with FalloutFIXT v9995

Good work :clap: , but there are some errors...
I'm going to try it with another version of Fallout 1 installation. Hopefully my saves will work.

Unfortunately same thing happens with Fallout US 1.0 (with FalloutFIXT v9995)...

I've also checked The Glow: I can attach the rope, but can't descend in to the crater. Funny thing is that each time I try to descend by the rope, I take "Large dose of radiation" (about 70 rads :twisted:).

Errors so far (with GOG version):
1. Find and destroy the Deathclaw quest (HUB) never expires (I still can talk about it with Harold and then Slappy can take me to the cave which obviously is empty).
2. Lit flares disappears when put in the hand (although I have been able to use them that way while killing rats at the entrance of Vault 13). I still can drop them where I stand and then grab them back.
3. Ian is throwing flares at enemies... :wink:
4. Some animals (Pig Rats, radscorpions) don't attack when shot form a long distance (say 15 hex and more).
5. Tycho won't take a Geiger Counter ("Your offer is not good enough")
6. Critical (stuck) - can't climb the lower ladder at Necropolis Vault. My character stops in the middle of it.

Also I find Weapon Drop Mod very disturbing - searching for guns in the guts of fallen enemies while your NPCs walk around you... :roll:


Oh, well... since I can't play anymore (no water chip, can't go to The Glow...) I'll have to switch to real life and go clubbing... It's all your fault Sduibek! :D <that's just a joke, no offense :wink: >
Sduibek said:
tokisto said:
First, sorry about anything that I can do/write, ´cause this is my first post here (but I follow this forum from ages) and my mother languague is portuguese (brazilian).

Great job with the mod, all the Fallout fans are in fault with a unique massive mod (like the Restoration Project in FO2). Thanks!

Meanwhile, I´ve found some "glitches":
1. When you get the black jacket in Vault 15, no matter if you wear it or not, the same disapear! (If you wearing it, seems the stats show you that you using it, mas doesn´t appear);
2. It´s not possible enter the Glow. I can atrach the rope, and when use it, nothing happens;
3. Almost the same to the Cathedral, I can´t get the upstairs to have with Morpheus. When the staircase is clicked, nothing happens.

I´m using the Fallout GOG version, and I don´t know if this interferes. Without the mod, the game flows without these "bugs".

Great job, and continues going in.
Sduibek said:
Oh wow, those are major bugs.

I will release a fix for them today. Thank you for letting me know!!!

tokisto said:
1. When you get the black jacket in Vault 15, no matter if you wear it or not, the same disapear! (If you wearing it, seems the stats show you that you using it, mas doesn´t appear);
I was able to duplicate this the first few times I tried it, and now I can't. This is very strange.

Put these in Fallout/DATA/SCRIPTS and it will fix the Glow and Cathedral bugs:



Hi, have the same problem. Cant get this fix because link was dead. Could you share this fix again or include it in the main FIXT archive? Thanks
Sduibek said:
I could maybe add a minimum character level or something, not sure if that's a good idea though.
Such a mysterious and powerful fraction (BOS) cannot to accept everyone. Put the character level check there and maybe some passed time check too! :twisted:

Sduibek said:
What would the player have to do to become a Scribe or Paladin???? Maybe talk to Vree or Maxon after completing all the quests below?
Hm, it would be great to see Rhombus involved in this, he's a head paladin after all. Still these NPC's (along with Maxon and Vree) have a talking heads builded, so it could be tricky to insert new dialogue lines into an existing structure.
Re: Fallout 1 (GOG.COM) with FalloutFIXT v9995

Specto said:
Good work :clap: , but there are some errors...
I'm going to try it with another version of Fallout 1 installation. Hopefully my saves will work.

Unfortunately same thing happens with Fallout US 1.0 (with FalloutFIXT v9995)...

I've also checked The Glow: I can attach the rope, but can't descend in to the crater. Funny thing is that each time I try to descend by the rope, I take "Large dose of radiation" (about 70 rads :twisted:).

Errors so far (with GOG version):
1. Find and destroy the Deathclaw quest (HUB) never expires (I still can talk about it with Harold and then Slappy can take me to the cave which obviously is empty).
2. Lit flares disappears when put in the hand (although I have been able to use them that way while killing rats at the entrance of Vault 13). I still can drop them where I stand and then grab them back.
3. Ian is throwing flares at enemies... :wink:
4. Some animals (Pig Rats, radscorpions) don't attack when shot form a long distance (say 15 hex and more).
5. Tycho won't take a Geiger Counter ("Your offer is not good enough")
6. Critical (stuck) - can't climb the lower ladder at Necropolis Vault. My character stops in the middle of it.

Also I find Weapon Drop Mod very disturbing - searching for guns in the guts of fallen enemies while your NPCs walk around you... :roll:


Oh, well... since I can't play anymore (no water chip, can't go to The Glow...) I'll have to switch to real life and go clubbing... It's all your fault Sduibek! :D <that's just a joke, no offense :wink: >
Hey, buddy, I've found exactly the same bugs. Last one the most upsetting.
It'll be awesome to get fixes for these critical stucks
I got the same problem than specto and svv.
I enjoy the patch very much but the stuck thing at Necro is quite frustrating
Re: Fallout 1 (GOG.COM) with FalloutFIXT v9995

svv said:
1. Find and destroy the Deathclaw quest (HUB) never expires (I still can talk about it with Harold and then Slappy can take me to the cave which obviously is empty).
2. Lit flares disappears when put in the hand (although I have been able to use them that way while killing rats at the entrance of Vault 13). I still can drop them where I stand and then grab them back.
Not sure what is causing these, i'll get them fixed.

svv said:
3. Ian is throwing flares at enemies... :wink:
This has always been the case...

svv said:
4. Some animals (Pig Rats, radscorpions) don't attack when shot form a long distance (say 15 hex and more).
6. Critical (stuck) - can't climb the lower ladder at Necropolis Vault. My character stops in the middle of it.
I'll have a version with these fixed, uploaded within the next couple hours.

svv said:
5. Tycho won't take a Geiger Counter ("Your offer is not good enough")
If your are refering to the BARTER interface -- Engine bug, can't be fixed:

Per Jorner said:
There's a bartering bug related to Geiger Counters: some of them cannot be bartered away no matter what kind of offer you make although they have a cash value displayed in the bartering interface as usual (kind of like trying to sell armed Dynamite or a lit Flare). It may have to do with the fact that traders will refuse to accept Geiger Counters whose batteries have run out (although this bug affects items with charges as well). The latter is true for Stealth Boys, but not Motion Sensors.

Not a whole lot changed in this one; mostly just bug fixes. If you cannot enter an area via manhole/ladder/sewer, DO NOT report it as a bug until you've installed this version of Fixt (9996)

I'll have the Changes Log updated eventually (sorry, lots less free time than I used to have)


Version: Beta 0.9996 (April 11, 2011)

Major bugs from above should all be resolved (i.e. not being able to enter areas), please test and let me know.

Download links are in the OP of this thread.
Works for me.
I can now climb the lower ladder at Necropolis and get out.
Congratz about the quick support, very much appreciated :clap:
sorry but i dont think this will be good, just look at F2RP, ppl will ALWAYS post more in the forums than in the wikia.
Felipefpl said:
sorry but i dont think this will be good, just look at F2RP, {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} will ALWAYS post more in the forums than in the wikia.
In the words of the old phrase, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" -- You are accurate that many Wikis in general tend to be outdated and/or incomplete, but if it bothers you so much, you should update them yourself; it's a Wiki after all. More ways to retrieve/share/provide information is good, when you know people will be looking for it or at least appreciate access to it. This especially applies in the context of search engine crawlers, for example if someone uses Google to look for the mod, and the actual page/thread for the mod itself isn't on top.

Dude101 said:
Awesome, thank you!! :clap:
I'm downloading the 'Uncut Patch (70MB) for the German version by Lexx, i'm going to see about including that stuff in my version.... I don't know if it's necessary but can't hurt to at least take a look 8-)
Sduibek said:
I'm downloading the 'Uncut Patch (70MB) for the German version by Lexx, i'm going to see about including that stuff in my version.... I don't know if it's necessary but can't hurt to at least take a look 8-)
This is going to be very easy to include. Sweet! It will unfortunately increase the download size by 70MB though :(

I'm not so sure about making 70mb of extra data when most people won't need it... although, hard drives are cheap and internet is fast these days.

What do you guys think?
It's all gore animations (and children) from Fallout 1, because they are missing in the german version.
no need to include a patch that can and will be downloaded apart only for a bunch of ppl, let everything as it is. ;)
Sduibek said:
Felipefpl said:
sorry but i dont think this will be good, just look at F2RP, {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} will ALWAYS post more in the forums than in the wikia.
In the words of the old phrase, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" -- You are accurate that many Wikis in general tend to be outdated and/or incomplete, but if it bothers you so much, you should update them yourself; it's a Wiki after all. More ways to retrieve/share/provide information is good, when you know people will be looking for it or at least appreciate access to it. This especially applies in the context of search engine crawlers, for example if someone uses Google to look for the mod, and the actual page/thread for the mod itself isn't on top.

as u wish, i just hope you dont exchange the forums 4 wikia since most of guys will be here anyway.
It works! ;)

Same here - the 0.9996 version solved the problem with Necropolis Vault ladder and with The Glow rope.
Lit flares still disappear when put in hands and the Deathclaw quest in Hub is still active (I'll have to replay the game to check whether it's expiring correctly now) but who cares (those are minor bugs). 8-)
Thanks for quick and successful feedback Sduibek!. :clap:

As for:
Sduibek said:
I'm downloading the 'Uncut Patch (70MB) for the German version by Lexx, i'm going to see about including that stuff in my version.... I don't know if it's necessary but can't hurt to at least take a look 8-)
If this patch changes only the German version and can be installed separately then I see no point in adding it to the FIXT. If it was a matter of a few KB like the No Children Fix then why not, but IMHO 100MB vs 30MB makes a huge difference.
You can always add an information in readme and FIXT main thread that there's a possibility of installing this patch, and explain how to do it.

Oh, and... please, exclude the Weapon Drop Mod! :|
I had to replay a battle against mutants in Necropolis because Harry fell down over his weapon (Laser Rifle). I know I could leave and return after a while but for what reason? I've never seen enemies or my NPC's pick up dropped weapons... I find it useless and often frustrating... It would be great to have a choice over installation of such mods...
Re: It works! ;)

Specto said:
Oh, and... please, exclude the Weapon Drop Mod! :|
I had to replay a battle against mutants in Necropolis because Harry fell down over his weapon (Laser Rifle). I know I could leave and return after a while but for what reason? I've never seen enemies or my NPC's pick up dropped weapons... I find it useless and often frustrating... It would be great to have a choice over installation of such mods...

I thought it would only work on a critical target shot to the arm...maybe instead of dropping it, it should be tweaked to see what works best. :shrug: