Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Hi everyone

I am playing Fallout 1 with the fixt mod and really enjoying it, but I have a strange issue in the game. People in the game are disappering and reappearing when I move around in Shady sands and Vault 13(that is how far I have reached in the game). For example: If I go to a specific corner in shady sands people appear, but when I go away they disappear even though I can see the entire part of the city?

Could it because I play with the higher resolution then the original?

Listen man.. Fixt is considered obsolete for years now.. last major update was like 2015. the 0.81a ( and I presume that is what you're playing. If not then it's time to update) previous versions of fixt had a lot of bugs, Fixt itself still has a lot of bugs.. if you intend Your bug report to be heard out i suggest moving on to more recently developed projects which are still maintained by it's creators. Namely Fallout: Et Tu or so called "fallout 1 ported to fallout 2 engine" ( the final and never reached goal of Fallout Fixt).
The mentioned issue sounds to me like Fog of War is activated. Can't remember if that was a thing in Fo1 Sfall, though.
The mentioned issue sounds to me like Fog of War is activated. Can't remember if that was a thing in Fo1 Sfall, though.
Fixt's sfall nope, however Fixt used HRP v4.1.8 most recent of old times, and fog of war is actually HRP feature not sfall's if i recall right... right?

EDIT: besides that guy said he can see whole map only npc's are vanishing.. that usually happened between 6:00 and 7:00 as 6:00 is native Fo1 wake time, and 7:00 is fixt script time to set as morning, this was especially true in V13 lvl3 and possibly kids in shady sands. You fixed this bug few years back in Et Tu after shoveling the fixt coding out & replacing it with more finesse rotator's code ;)
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Hm, but kids in Shady Sands should run off-map and not just toggle invisible. At least that's how I remember it right now.
Hm, but kids in Shady Sands should run off-map and not just toggle invisible. At least that's how I remember it right now.
Well yes but in fixt they uset to run into map at 6:00 and blink visible/invisible between 6:00 and 7:00 as they were the critters scripted by sduibek to work at 7:00 same as appearance of lvl3 V13 citizens, they all blinked until 7:00 intil they became stabile. Anyways Long story short.. as 've said You did fix this bug a long while ago, and hence why You prolly don't remember... nothig to worry about
Listen man.. Fixt is considered obsolete for years now.. last major update was like 2015. the 0.81a ( and I presume that is what you're playing. If not then it's time to update) previous versions of fixt had a lot of bugs, Fixt itself still has a lot of bugs.. if you intend Your bug report to be heard out i suggest moving on to more recently developed projects which are still maintained by it's creators. Namely Fallout: Et Tu or so called "fallout 1 ported to fallout 2 engine" ( the final and never reached goal of Fallout Fixt).

Thanks... I did not know that....

But.. I actually just gave "Fallout Et Tu" a try, and unfortunately it is also causing problems... When I start the game it asks if I want to disable a high resolution patch by Mash? If I say "yes" it comes with a error, saying it could not disable it. The game starts, though... If I say "no" it runs without an error. I do not know why it asks me about the high resolution patch?
When the game runs, there is no intro with the overseer talking? In shady sands all the buildings looks very strange like having graphic fault...
I say "yes" it comes with a error, saying it could not disable it. The game starts, though... If I say "no" it runs without an error. I do not know why it asks me about the high resolution patch?
When the game runs, there is no intro with the overseer talking? In shady sands all the buildings looks very strange like having graphic fault...
Either you installed your game under C:\Program Files directory or the permission to write the exe is limited.
As for buildings look strange, make sure you install et tu correctly. It's a Fallout 2 mod that requires files from Fallout 1, if you install it on Fallout 1 game it will not work.
Clearly something went wrong, since your mentioned issues are indicators that Fo1 files were not installed correctly.
You might check if your game is installed under some directories that require special permission to write/modify files.
What directories could it be?

C:\Program files directory?
Currently I have Fallout 1 i C:\Games\Fallout and Fallout 2 in C:\Program files\blackisle\Fallout2.

First time I had them both under C:\games directory and then I was not able to get the games work at all...
In newer windows, some system folders like C:\Program Files (and "x86" one if you're using 64bit windows) are protected by TrustedInstaller special account. Programs need to have elevated permission to make file changes under those folders.

The reason I suspect the file permission is that from your post above, sfall cannot disable Mash's HRP from the game exe, which usually happens for game installed under those special folders. And if you did follow the installation guide, undat.exe might have trouble extracting assets from FO1 to FO2 folder as well, so you don't actually have proper files for et tu.
Should I try to install both Fallout games i C:\Games\ ??

What is "Mash´s HRP? Is it a part og "Fallout et tu"? Because I did not install any other mods??
1. Yes.
2. It's those "f2_res.*" files, and the main component is f2_res.dll. Current Steam/GOG release already has it bundled (along with older sfall 3.2) and many TCs have it as well. In Steam/GOG release, fallout2HR.exe is a pre-patched exe that will use Mash's HRP while fallout2.exe is the original unpatched one.
Is there a workaround for the Nuka-Cola truck special encounter crash? (I tried et tu, but I find fixt easier to use.)

Edit: I found the bug. There's a typo in the COLATRUK script. "destroy_object(Cokes)" should be "destroy_object(Coke)". (I don't know whether it's worth uploading the fixed file.)
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Is there a workaround for the Nuka-Cola truck special encounter crash? (I tried et tu, but I find fixt easier to use.)
there is one, try not setting GVAR that gives multiply of Fortune Finder perk too high. setting this too high with high enaugh luck generates so huge amount of caps the game crashes. in an add on so called 0.90b which is listed several pages back in this thread Sduibek fixed this himself by actually limiting how high the Fortune finder perk multipiler GVAR can give, as far as I'm aware it's the only reason to crash there, otherwise it's the unstable sfall1 by Crafty which is unsupported anymore unfortuneatly.
there is one, try not setting GVAR that gives multiply of Fortune Finder perk too high. setting this too high with high enaugh luck generates so huge amount of caps the game crashes. in an add on so called 0.90b which is listed several pages back in this thread Sduibek fixed this himself by actually limiting how high the Fortune finder perk multipiler GVAR can give, as far as I'm aware it's the only reason to crash there, otherwise it's the unstable sfall1 by Crafty which is unsupported anymore unfortuneatly.
Thanks, but I don't know how to set GVARs, and I can't find 0.90b or any evidence to support its existence. Right now, I'm testing the idea that lowering my luck from 10 to 9 might help. 10 makes the game a little too easy anyway.
Thanks, but I don't know how to set GVARs, and I can't find 0.90b or any evidence to support its existence. Right now, I'm testing the idea that lowering my luck from 10 to 9 might help. 10 makes the game a little too easy anyway.

don't worry you can just hunt for cola truck encounter while having 9 luck and get the +1 Lk boost from chuck later so that You'll have 10 for the endgame :)