.Pixote. said:
Does the change in the light conditions effect the accuracy of the player, like night and day...just asking.
I just discovered that the answer is definitely YES. Changing light levels from 40 --> 20 in cavern areas affects the accuracy,
but accuracy is also affected if you hold the flare and/or drop a flare next to yourself. So for the cheaters amongst us, you could start combat with a flare in hand, fire (getting the bonus ToHit%) getting some free accuracy before the next shot
Oh, it's worth mentioning that I created a new character to test out several things, and I was 'playing the game normally', so after a half hour or so when I cleared out the radscorpion cave, I found myself holding lit flares as I ran around
There's now a message to ignore the errors that may show up in the command window (for FalloutW.bat) because they can safely be ignored.
free_space variable in fallout.cfg is set to zero on every game launch, fix/workaround for the Not Enough Space crash
Flares -- better ground image (thanks .Pixote.!), make light when held in active hand.
Mountain worldmap type now supports all location-specific encounters -- in other words you can encounter super mutants in the mountains near the military base, gangs in the mountains by Boneyard, etc etc.
slight change to how Luck affects the type of random encounter ..uh... encountered. heh. Previously the "Bad" ones were never encountered, this should hopefully fix that
forcefields on MB level 1 STAY off if you disable them via the computer (although you get a stupid message whenever the map loads...sigh)
angry version of Step Aside. And yeah it reduces their reaction level of you

Hookers in Falcon at The Hub now function as would be expected... they cycle through various salutations (both in dialog and floats) and the price is based on your CHarisma. Lastly they can do group action if you have someone in your party, the other details you'll just have to find out

Children no longer run CONSTANTLY (those buggers had infinite stamina apparently...)
streamlined my Children's No Infinite Rocks code (will only generate more rocks if all are gone)
changes to drugs toned down, hopefully they are improved but not "overly changed" now -- i'm feeling lazy so i haven't updated the stats listed in this thread, please try them out in-game and let me know what you think