Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

First time playing Fallout 1 ever? Interesting. Well I hope you enjoy yourself; this is an awesome game! :)

Yep. I was a young kid just playing console games when it first came out. I'm one of the many recent fallout fans brought about by Bethesda. You may now commence flaming. :p

I've been a longtime fan of turn based Isometrics (and the tabletop turn based RPGs they mimic), and enjoyed Fallout 3 enough to want to explore the rich history of the fallout Universe. So here I am starting at the beginning.

Thanks for the warm welcome. People like you certainly help make this classic more accessible.

PS. the guard at Set's hall glitched and froze my game as you indicated it would. Luckily, it wasn't anything a Sniper Rifle couldn't handle. ;)

I'm loving having to figure out ways around the bugs in this game. First the combat was so difficult, I could barely survive... and by the time that became easy, glitches came so I'd have new challenges to overcome. Smart programming. :D

I definitely prefer glicthes you can work around to the random freezes that Fallout 3 had.
Kelldroth said:
Thanks for the warm welcome. People like you certainly help make this classic more accessible.
I didn't know I was warm or whatever, my ex says i'm a douche. Maybe that's why she's my ex. HA

Kelldroth said:
I'm loving having to figure out ways around the bugs in this game. First the combat was so difficult, I could barely survive... and by the time that became easy, glitches came so I'd have new challenges to overcome. Smart programming. :D
Uh.. well it's not by design by I think I get what you mean ;)

EDIT: Any other glitches besides the ones we've already talked about?

And yeah, on Google, "oblivion crash to desktop" gets 3,120,000 results and Fallout 3 is using the same damn engine. Bastards.
Lexx said:
What exactly do you want to do with Fallout 1? Because you will never ever fit this into the map.

I will adjust the map so it will fit, but if the thing looks out of place then we can scrap the whole idea...but it would be a pity because the enhanced Cathedral looks great IMO...but we'll see. I wouldn't want your good work to go to waste Lexx. :wink:

I can imagine the Cathedral roof will be made up of 300+ tiles, so it will be a killer to put together... :shock:
.Pixote. said:
I can imagine the Cathedral roof will be made up of 300+ tiles, so it will be a killer to put together... :shock:

My little rocket silo gate thingy was pretty small and needed ~70 tiles. Depending on how big you want to make the cathedral, I can tell you it will need lots of more tiles. :p

The only real thing I can imagine, is to make the roof *a little bit* bigger. This could be done already now, as a lot stuff has been done via image editing already.

Anyway, some day I will sit down on the cathedral again and make it some whole shit for my cathedral in FOnline and then I will merge the inside with the outside map to have some really epic looking shit.
Lexx said:
Anyway, some day I will sit down on the cathedral again and make it some whole shit for my cathedral in FOnline and then I will merge the inside with the outside map to have some really epic looking shit.

Sounds good Lexx. 8-)
Spectro said:
Did anyone else get an error running the .bat file on Windows 7 x64?
Yes. Crap I forgot about that. Honestly I know nothing about running old apps in 64-bit operating systems, and very little about Windows 7 in general.

I assume you've tried various Compatibility Mode settings on both the fallout exe and fallout bat file?
I encountered that same issue, and tried various compatibility modes to no avail.

Most of the mods work without it, and it was already mentioned earlier in the thread, so I didn't figure it was worth mentioning.
I have just noticed another glitch.

The pipboy button goes black, and can no longer be selected... and will not reappear until I restart the game. Characteristic is independent of saved gamestate.
What about Run As Administrator?

Kelldroth said:
I have just noticed another glitch.

The pipboy button goes black, and can no longer be selected... and will not reappear until I restart the game. Characteristic is independent of saved gamestate.
You can still hit 'P' to access PipBoy though, correct?

The main thing you'll be missing out on is the Screen Refresh tool. You can still run it, though -- just run fo1_screen_refresh.exe before you run the main FalloutW.exe
Hey, the mod's been downloaded 250 times! :clap:

Keep the feedback coming folks, positive or negative. I'm still working on getting it to work with Windows 7 so hopefully i'll have a new version out in the next month or so -- I don't have as much free time as I did previously, but i'm definitely still working on this :)
I'm experiencing a glitch at Military Base. The Forcefield generators keep coming back online... Particularly after loading.

I've had to restart the entire military base several times, but essentially, as soon as I get in an elevator or save-load, the forcefields turn back on.
Kelldroth said:
I'm experiencing a glitch at Military Base. The Forcefield generators keep coming back online... Particularly after loading.

I've had to restart the entire military base several times, but essentially, as soon as I get in an elevator or save-load, the forcefields turn back on.
I should be able to get that fixed this weekend. In the meantime I don't think you should have to be starting over and over... you can use either Repair or Science on them, and/or use explosives on them -- finally you can manipulate the fields from a couple PCs and if you link the Radio to the PC on level 1 you can do so remotely.
Took me 4 hours to figure out how to link the radio, but that toggle worked!

Goddamn the designers made figuring out how to do that non-intuitive..

Now that I've done that, the glitch doesn't matter in the least.