Fallout: New Vegas opening narration


Vault Consort
Staff member
MTV Multiplayer took the opportunity at the latest hands-on demonstration to record Ron Perlman's opening narration for New Vegas. The sound quality is not the best, but here's their transcript:<blockquote>War. War never changes. When atomic fire consumed the earth, those who survived did so in great, underground vaults. When they opened, their inhabitants set out across ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish new villages, form new tribes. As decades passed, what had been the American southwest united beneath the flag of the New California Republic, dedicated to old world values, democracy and the rule of law.

As the Republic grew, so did its needs. Scouts spread east, seeking territory and wealth, in the dry and merciless expanse of the Mojave Desert. They returned with tales of a city untouched by the warheads that had scorched the rest of the world and a great wall spanning the Colorado River. The NCR mobilized its army and set it east to occupy the Hoover Dam and restore it to working condition. But across the Colorado, another society had arisen under a different flag. A vast army of slaves, forged in the conquest of 86 tribes: Caesar's Legion.

Four years have passed since the Republic held the Dam, just barely, against the Legion's onslaught. The Legion did not retreat. Across the River, they gathered strength. Campfires burned, training drums beat.

Through it all, the New Vegas Strip has stayed open for business under the control of its mysterious overseer, Mr. House and his army of rehabilitated Tribals and police robots.

You are a courier, hired by the Mojave Express, to deliver a package to the New Vegas Strip. What seemed like a simple delivery job has taken a turn…for the worst.</blockquote>It seems a little more plot-specific than previous titles perhaps.
I like how it mainly focuses on the story. Perlman shouldn't have to explain the apocalypse in depth every single time.
It certainly is an interesting take, flowing more into this specific game's narrative rather than retelling the apocalypse every time. I guess it makes sense, can't keep Perlman just narrating the same events.

Also, we got shit for a detailed preview but MTV taping and publishing audio is cool? Riiight.
It doesn't seem the same without the cheesy reverence but how many times can you return to the well of Ripping Off The Road Warrior Intro?
Brother None said:
It certainly is an interesting take, flowing more into this specific game's narrative rather than retelling the apocalypse every time. I guess it makes sense, can't keep Perlman just narrating the same events.

Also, we got shit for a detailed preview but MTV taping and publishing audio is cool? Riiight.

That's the way things work these days. No matter how egregious, the snakes get to do whatever they please and the little humies get stomped into a mudhole at the slightest provocation.
I like it pretty well and I like the plot it points to except for my fear that it will end up being Good NCR vs Evil Ceaser's Legion. Then again, I haven't really been keeping up with New Vegas like I did Fallout 3.

Brother None said:
Also, we got shit for a detailed preview but MTV taping and publishing audio is cool? Riiight.
Posting links to NMA was banned for awhile for that, right? Yeah, it's a load of crap and they pretty much don't give a damn because they know that MTV is going to give it a 9 or 10. That said, given how paranoid they've been about PR materials getting released early in the past, I'd have thought they'd be on this like a fly on shit.
It may be herecy but i could do without the "war. war never changes" line for once. It's been repeated so many times in Fallout 3 i think i need a break from it.

Still, a great improvement over FO3's intro script.
I didn't mind it. People aren't the most civilized or refined of creatures in the first place, so it's one possible road for humanity to go down.
I'd even go as far as to say it's the most likely road for humanity to go down. You can discuss this to death, but when someone would want me to sketch a post-apoc world, it would be primitive and empty rather than teeming with life and activity. It would contain small shanty towns and settlements of scavengers and farmers rather than modern cities with clean streets, well-maintained gardens and flashy billboards. To me personally those last things completely negate the idea of a post-apoc world.

Just thought I'd share that.
When I think of tribes I immediately picture that stupidly cheesy tribal bullshit in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (rather than the way Fallout 2 handled tribals). That was honestly the worst thing that they could have put in that movie, it was so stupid.
Reconite said:
When I think of tribes I immediately picture that stupidly cheesy tribal bullshit in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (rather than the way Fallout 2 handled tribals). That was honestly the worst thing that they could have put in that movie, it was so stupid.

The entire second part of that movie was stupid.
I don't really like the tribals in Fallout either. But yeah, I can see that people would band together in fairly primitive circumstances, living in small "towns" if it can be called that.
But I really thought the whole spiritual side of it felt very out of place in F2, we have Chosen Ones, mysterious artifacts, crazy elders.

So yeah, people who live in primitive ways, sure. But please skip the whole "crazy medicine men and holy prophecies" schtick.
Starwars said:
I don't really like the tribals in Fallout either. But yeah, I can see that people would band together in fairly primitive circumstances, living in small "towns" if it can be called that.
But I really thought the whole spiritual side of it felt very out of place in F2, we have Chosen Ones, mysterious artifacts, crazy elders.

So yeah, people who live in primitive ways, sure. But please skip the whole "crazy medicine men and holy prophecies" schtick.
It's only natural for generations raised outside of the science dogma we live in today to develop their own explanations for the mysteries surrounding them. And primitive humans have always started with pseudo religious answers.

I like tribals, to me, they feel in place in the Fallout world.
Well I didn't like the intro tbh, it is way below Fallout's 2 (especially the tone of Ron's voice, now he sounds a bit bored).

Still, I'd need to listen to itin a good quality to make a final judgement.