Gun Control

Rip political thread :drunk:
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That depends.
One of my family members is a doctor of medicine, who has sworn the Hippocratic oath forbidding him to cause any harm to fellow humans. He works with a couple of colleagues as a member of medical staff in summer camps every single year though, being responsible for bunch of young folks. Since those camps are situated in our mountains rife with various wildlife as bears or lynxes, he carries a gun in order to protect folks he's responsible for.

@vitekc45c that's pretty inane dude. Still trying hard as on, eh? W/e kiddo.
Sure, that's why I had mentioned lynxes. They're much faster than bears and harder to hit with spray; yet very careful, so one shot in the air is all you need to drive it away.
Any loud noise will drive off a lynx, no? I don't think they're aggressive towards humans unless you actively engage them. They just want to escape.
Yes, such attacks on humans are extremely rare, unless you endanger or harm their puppies. As a reasonable, alone, grown up individual you're relatively safe and you can protect yourself by other means. You never can know what any of those 30-40 kids you're responsible for might do though.

Plus, there are diseases such as rabies, when you cannot predict the behavior of infected animal.
So my two cents on Gun Control.
I'm largely in favour of it.
HOWEVER, I do see that there is an issue mostly with Gun Culture.
Americans (not all, but a fair number) have this weird love of guns, they build groups around them, they hold meetings with guns, having a powerful arsenal makes it seem like you have a bigger dick than God.

Not only that, but there is a very intense atmosphere surrounding America, it's like if you can't make it big, you're nothing.
The psychological issues that ensure there just makes more attacks viable.
The only way America can truly change and deal with the issue is if they stop the love culture surrounding them.
Not only that, but protection against your fellow man isn't a valid enough reason.

For sports, hunting and protection when in dangerous Wild lands I can totally get behind, you want to cook your own food, that's fine, or you need protection against the Wild, I have zero issues with.

But yeah, you don't need like semi automatics and it shouldn't be easier to get a gun than a car or something.
@vitekc45c that's pretty inane dude. Still trying hard as on, eh? W/e kiddo.
I wouldnt call lurking and ocasional shitpost a "trying hard".

Edit: Anyway, to make tnis post less useles:
In my opinion gun licence should be threated similarly to driving licence. You should get some basic training on how to safely use, maintain and store a firearm and then pass a test. And ofcourse the basics like keeping it in locked save so its not easy to steal.
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I like guns, I'm fascinated by the mechanics. See no point in owning one, though. Yeah, if we'd all run around armed to the teeth we could probably stop the odd crime. But by proliferating guns we'd also severely increase other gun-related incidents. Guns in the hands of responsible, trained citizens are good. But look at how ridiculously stupid the average person is, and then think about how there's a whole lot of people even stupider than that. I'd rather not have Johnny Mallninja with his 5.11 Tactical pants stuffed with guns and delusions of grandeur to show his "battle-honed reflexes" when he unloads a clip into a "perp" that he thought looked cooky.
Look, I don't want gun control. But people are idiots, and while I'd cheer for every moron removing himself from the gene pool, guns have the nasty designed purpose of removing others from the gene pool. In an ideal world we wouldn't need gun control, but society so far has not convinced me that enough people would be properly responsible with guns when they're allowed to carry them.

But as I said, I like guns. I'd get a Colt M1911 as I just love the mechanics and overall construction as well as the general style of it. But I'm too lazy to join a shooting club just for the sake of making a bit of noise once a month or so... And I certainly don't need it for protection.
Yeah they are cool things, I have loads of books about guns and a plinker (Beretta 92FS air pistol, if anyone's interested) that I use in the garage.
But the air pistol is just for shooting targets, I dont think I could kill a pigeon with it.

I also did some research on the Switzerland argument used by pro gun people:
All the guns are owned by the government and can be pulled at any time. And crime rates have nothing to do with guns at all. Crime is low in Switzerland because of the low unemployment rate, comprehensive welfare state, low gap between rich and poor (people at supermarkets get about $42,000 per month) and the efficiency of the Swiss police.

When will the Americans understand that with a prosperous, fair and equal society crime rates will be low, and you don't need to sell guns like ice creams for that to happen.
Allowing any psychopath to own a gun is dangerous, as we have seen over the last few days.
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Supposed Gun Culture is literally Gun Spite that Coastal Clowns and foreigners think is legit.
Out 321 million people in USA over 200 million own a legal weapon and there are 88 percent firearms per 100 people in America.


Nah, no gun culture there.
Its time to accept that we are not in the wild west or the revolutionary war anymore, and people just dont need guns.
There is that word again.

also comparing a country to another when it has 5 times the populations. good job.
also comparing a country to another when it has 5 times the populations. good job.
Not an argument.

So 270 million people own a gun, thats 3 quarters of the population, or maybe (I'm guessing) around 65-70% of the population. About 4 million people own guns in the UK, about 3-4% of the population, I'd say. Thats nothing to do with population, it just shows that too many people own guns in the USA.
Anyway, nobody can buy guns in the UK so nobody gets shot. Some pretty simple stuff.
People get shot in The UK. Mostly get stabbed. Some get beheaded. others blown up.

Sill getting a kick out of people pretending it's Mad Max outside because gun ownership is a thing. It's like they forgot the 70's ended December 31, 1979.

it just shows that too many people own guns in the USA.
That's like your opinion, man.