Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts,

reason is i have this Practical explanation behind me. and what do muslims have ? christians and other 3500 religious nonsense have ?

for here is no holy books quotes, faith or belief, and personal experience.

and if you will simply **impose** ( or shift burdon of proof ) there authority on us without explaining anything at all. than you will end up as cheated. that is all. :) not my problem.
and ( rascal fraud ) `1st of all define the damn way of recognizing of our real papa and than jump on Krishna. let us make progress side by side. than it will be very easy ( hypocrite fraud ) otherwise you can conclude that there was no papa before my birth.

and you may be dropped from the sky into the womb of your mum. ( rascal fraud ) but neither i nor others are that innocent that i will take your nonsense instead of facts of mum.
so anyways let us go on side by side. so `1st of all tell the damn process ( O broken failure ) and finish the damn business.
So what's your practical explanation? I have yet to see it.
I don't get it, if he's not a bot, did he pick a forum at complete random? Or is he - while not being a bot - posting this stuff in every single forum he can come across - as if he were a bot?
I don't get it, if he's not a bot, did he pick a forum at complete random? Or is he - while not being a bot - posting this stuff in every single forum he can come across - as if he were a bot?
It posted the OP at least at three different forums, so I guess... Yes?
Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )
Bot just wants to know what the inside of a vagina is like. We've all been there, it on the other hand never has.
Based on it's reaction, either it's a spambot created by some shitty non-English speaking programmer(like most of us already guessed), or it's just a tard who use some very low quality translator because he is incapable of English, although i doubt he is capable of any kind of human-like conversation.

*Give dog bad name and hang it* ( very lovely policy ) but rascal whore if im really spambot than dont chew my genitals by pying without invitation. :)

do that also ( rascal whore )

So what's your practical explanation? I have yet to see it.

nah nah `1st of all ( O broken failure ) tell us the damn process of recognining of our real papa. ( and whatever i wanted to explain i have explained everything )

but you are not intelligent nor you are first class saint. and you are simply to be rejected. that is all. :)

Bot just wants to know what the inside of a vagina is like. We've all been there, it on the other hand never has.

so now you are so impotent that you are interest in studying my big big and tight tight genitals ? ( Rascal gay whore ) by pying without invitation ?

than go on. but dont ( out of foolishlness ) think that i will give any piss ( o attention seeking whore )

and ( for your very kind info ) you are all unwanted ( spoiled frauds ) there is no need of you in this world. for your only business is to create troubles. :) in the creation of God ( or say Krishna )

I don't get it, if he's not a bot, did he pick a forum at complete random? Or is he - while not being a bot - posting this stuff in every single forum he can come across - as if he were a bot?

and i may stay whatever. ( rascal sult ) mind your business. for you dont have to give me your sister, duaghter or any of your family women to me in marriage. so that you are so much taking care of.

and alright im bot ( for now ) but what your these all members has done here in spite of being human ? you ( broken failures ) so spoiled could not point out any real issue. and simply are engaged in making conspiracies.

and if you act in this way than things will be much more harder for you. ;) for than you will enjoy in my heaven for very long time ( to full fill my hearts contain ) and niether higher authorities nor Krishna ( himself ) will be able to check it on that time.
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nah nah `1st of all ( O broken failure ) tell us the damn process of recognining of our real papa. ( and whatever i wanted to explain i have explained everything )

but you are not intelligent nor you are first class saint. and you are simply to be rejected. that is all. :)
No, VERY first of all I told you not to multipost. Last (informal) warning.
Alright, process of recognizing our real papa? Literally or figuratively? I mean, I know where you are going with it, classic "God of the Gaps" theory. But how do you get a "practical explanation" for the existence of Krishna from this?
So far you have yet to explain anything, and shifting the burden of proof to others doesn't work.
policy is lovely *Give dog bad name and hang it* very nice policy. but it is broken like you.
but ( you all are so spoiled ) that you have no shame. so unless your mum has same things. how can you posses such things ? ( that is the proof that you are piss of your 10 neigbours ) my dear ( spoiled girl )
and if im now spambot than you are issue of that fun of your 10 neigbours at once with your mum. ( :) you are issue of that nasty fun of your mum )
( O dull brain ) that is already answered. but because you are so dull so i have to explain again.
but you are not intelligent nor you are first class saint. and you are simply to be rejected. that is all. :)
so now you are so impotent that you are interest in studying my big big and tight tight genitals ? ( Rascal gay whore ) by pying without invitation ?

than go on. but dont ( out of foolishlness ) think that i will give any piss ( o attention seeking whore )

and ( for your very kind info ) you are all unwanted ( spoiled frauds ) there is no need of you in this world. for your only business is to create troubles. :) in the creation of God ( or say Krishna )
And so on...

Krishna would be disappointed in you. Isn't Krishna the god of love and compassion? You don't seem to show much of either.
I'm inclined to assume this person actually was born in the U.S. and went through it's education system. Likely a recent high school graduate. Wasn't able to effectively communicate using our outdated emojis, so this is what it looks like.
I'm inclined to assume this person actually was born in the U.S. and went through it's education system. Likely a recent high school graduate. Wasn't able to effectively communicate using our outdated emojis, so this is what it looks like.
Sounds reasonable. His IPs point toward India, though, along with his shitty English, weirdass faith and spread fecal matter.
No, VERY first of all I told you not to multipost. Last (informal) warning.
Alright, process of recognizing our real papa? Literally or figuratively? I mean, I know where you are going with it, classic "God of the Gaps" theory. But how do you get a "practical explanation" for the existence of Krishna from this?
So far you have yet to explain anything, and shifting the burden of proof to others doesn't work.

policy is lovely *Give dog bad name and hang it* i know you are in power and you can do it. ( piss of your 10 neigbours )
and what do you know ? ( i know ) what do you know `1st of all ? ( rascal idiot ) and what knowledge you have ? and if there is anyone ( from both of us ) than gaps are from your side. ( rascal fool )

for you dont know names of your fathers, fathers, fathers, fathers, father, so if there is any gap than its from your side. ( rascal fool ) but still ( fun is ) you know everything. ( waaha ) you know more than mum. ( waahaa )

and i now have to listen the damn ( spoiled rascal child ) like you ? ( waaaha ) and you cannot even approach the damn ( Originary father ) without help of mum. but ( fun is ) you want to jump on Krishna ? directly without approaching his authority ( aka mum )

than i tell you. ( rascal idiot ) that its an gross mistake.

and it is an fact that you are shifting burdon of proof on me. cuz the damn ( all ) gaps are from your side. but you are so big first class siant that you will never admit it. ( O broken failure )

And so on...

Krishna would be disappointed in you. Isn't Krishna the god of love and compassion? You don't seem to show much of either.

so child is not interested for education. But it is the duty of the father to make him educated, sometimes father punish him. So a child may be foolish, but how the parents can be foolish?”

what is your answer ??
( if you are son of 1 man than surely reply to this question ) but as we already knows it that no one is son of 1 person in western countries ( and now it is coming to all over world ) by your grace. so anyways now you run away ( bogus bluff )

I'm inclined to assume this person actually was born in the U.S. and went through it's education system. Likely a recent high school graduate. Wasn't able to effectively communicate using our outdated emojis, so this is what it looks like.

and i dont depend on your assuming, maybe, guess work, by chance etc. but i factually knows it that you are one is the damn ( rascal whore ) who is taking my big big and tight tight genitals ( by pying without invitation )

and man is great by deeds not by birth. ( so stop claiming that anyone who is farting ) that is my fart not his.

and are you even civilized ? you people are factually not even civilized. ( it is an big fact ) but it is covered right now. and i will sooner remove the covering. ( take it as for granted )

Sounds reasonable. His IPs point toward India, though, along with his shitty English, weirdass faith and spread fecal matter.

aw all saint like whores are here. ( poor me ) ;)
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Aight. Two warning points for you. Behave or you're out. A feeling I'm sure you know from a lot of other forums where you present your, uh, thesis.
Anyway, no, I'm not shifting any burden of proof. You make an extraordinary claim and provide no evidence whatsoever. It is on you.
Aight. Two warning points for you. Behave or you're out. A feeling I'm sure you know from a lot of other forums where you present your, uh, thesis.
Anyway, no, I'm not shifting any burden of proof. You make an extraordinary claim and provide no evidence whatsoever. It is on you.

thanks for shifting burdon of proof on me. but you have now computer, google, wikipidea.

and claim is coming from your side that you have all knowledge. than tell us name of your 10th grandfathers, 10th gradnfatehrs, grandfather.

and if you cannot do it than all gaps are from your side. so you can freely deny that there is papa before your birth.

but i have solid proof before my extraordinary claim that there is mum who has seen our papa before our birth.

and she knows it that who has tilled her.

so mum ( aka recognized authorities ) are our proof.

so now all the damn gaps are from your side. but you are free to shift burdon of proof on me. ( and there is no loss at all ) dull brain.
Man, the level of some kind of personality disorder is magnificent in this one
I've never seen anything quite like it

Have you ever gone to therapy, perel?
I'm sure you'd be hugely entertaining to the therapist
thanks for shifting burdon of proof on me. but you have now computer, google, wikipidea.

and claim is coming from your side that you have all knowledge. than tell us name of your 10th grandfathers, 10th gradnfatehrs, grandfather.

and if you cannot do it than all gaps are from your side. so you can freely deny that there is papa before your birth.

but i have solid proof before my extraordinary claim that there is mum who has seen our papa before our birth.

and she knows it that who has tilled her.

so mum ( aka recognized authorities ) are our proof.

so now all the damn gaps are from your side. but you are free to shift burdon of proof on me. ( and there is no loss at all ) dull brain.
What. Is. Your. Proof. Of. Krishna.
Don't just claim it. Give it.
I don't know my entire genealogy. It exists, though, on account of me being here.
What. Is. Your. Proof. Of. Krishna.
Don't just claim it. Give it.
I don't know my entire genealogy. It exists, though, on account of me being here.

and what is the proof of the man to whom you call papa. is your real papa ? what is the damn proof ?

( rascal idiot ) tell us the damn process of recognizing of our real papa. otherwise you will freely mingle ( or say jump on anyone as you like )

do it ( if you are son of 1 man ) tell us the damn process of recognizing of our real papa.

Man, the level of some kind of personality disorder is magnificent in this one
I've never seen anything quite like it

Have you ever gone to therapy, perel?
I'm sure you'd be hugely entertaining to the therapist

and how did you knew it ? unless you have taken my genitals into your deep throat how did you knew it ?

and rascal whore i dont give any piss for you. so you can get lost now. and i will go on with my real business.

and alright im mad. but than you are also rascal whore. that is it. and take it as for granted that you will ( now ) keep my genitals as long as i live. into your deepest part of your throat ( by pying without invitation )

so there is no loss at all.
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Both my dad and grandad have a mole on their necks and I have one in the exact same spot that looks just like theirs.
Now present proof of Krishna please.
and what is the proof of the man to whom you call papa. is your real papa ? what is the damn proof ?
You know... In this time and age, there is a little thing called paternal DNA test.

Also stop calling people whore. That is a really offensive insult, I am a high class escort! :freak:
Both my dad and grandad have a mole on their necks and I have one in the exact same spot that looks just like theirs.
Now present proof of Krishna please.

and there are many more mans among your neigbours who also has ( mole on their necks ) is that means they are also your papa ? ( waaha )

nice explanation. never heard before ( idiot child ) amazing western sorry - sorry very very advance and modern process of most advance people. ( waaha )

You know... In this time and age, there is a little thing called paternal DNA test.

Also stop calling people whore. That is a really offensive insult, I am a high class escort! :freak:

and your DNA test is already countereacted by entire hand or legs transplant. for if our DNA is only matching with mum and dads ?

than how doctors are transplanting entire hand or legs from someone else who is neither our parent nor our relatives ? how ?

do you want to ( indirectly ) say that doctors are idiots ? ( waaha )
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and your DNA test is already countereacted by entire hand or legs transplant. for if our DNA is only matching with mum and dads ?

than how doctors are transplanting entire hand or legs from someone else who is neither our parent nor our relatives ? how ?

do you want to ( indirectly ) say that doctors are idiots ? ( waaha )
I never got a transplant in my entire life, neither did anyone in my close family (parents and grandparents), so what you're saying makes no sense in my case.

So yes, I do know my dad is my dad and I have proof. Where is your proof?
I never got a transplant in my entire life, neither did anyone in my close family (parents and grandparents), so what you're saying makes no sense in my case.

So yes, I do know my dad is my dad and I have proof. Where is your proof?

that does not means ( also ) that no one in entire world has got entire hand or legs transplant.

so unless our DNA is matching with many other people as well how the damn doctors are transplanting entire hand or legs from someone else ? who is neither our parent nor relative ?

and this contradiction has killed your bogus process of DNA. it is an bogus process.