Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts,

that does not means ( also ) that no one in entire world has got entire hand or legs transplant.

so unless our DNA is matching with many other people as well how the damn doctors are transplanting entire hand or legs from someone else ? who is neither our parent nor relative ?

and this contradiction has killed your bogus process of DNA. it is an bogus process.

is all (contradiction) in DNA of people in process of bogus ( neither ) ? At least none from where is the forever is not there ( or where ) ! None can process in ever last nor before is on every few ( but not ) all :D
So, after reading through whole thread one question immediately pops to mind:

Do people still rank Krishna over Fallout 3?
So should I ban him over the next multipost or is he amusing enough to keep around for a while longer? As far as I can tell he never lasted more than like 16 posts on any other forum before everything dying down, so let's see if we have a new... What was the name of that dude who really hated Fallout 2? Anyway, @perel, you should also check out the Codex. They are very civilized, educated and spiritual people over there, I think they would like to hear about your theories.
So should I ban him over the next multipost or is he amusing enough to keep around for a while longer? As far as I can tell he never lasted more than like 16 posts on any other forum before everything dying down, so let's see if we have a new... What was the name of that dude who really hated Fallout 2? Anyway, @perel, you should also check out the Codex. They are very civilized, educated and spiritual people over there, I think they would like to hear about your theories.

( rascal pig ) what is the damn proof that man to whom you call your papa is your real papa ?

what is the damn answer ? ( o most uncivilized`1 ) why are you not replying to the damn man ? who is throwing shoe filled with potty and urine on your face ( with an open challenge ) why ?

unless you are ( Broken failure ) just like an dead horse you cannot do it.
( rascal pig ) what is the damn proof that whom you call Krishna is the real Krishna ?

I want damn proof and I want it now!
( rascal pig ) what is the damn proof that man to whom you call your papa is your real papa ?

what is the damn answer ? ( o most uncivilized`1 ) why are you not replying to the damn man ? who is throwing shoe filled with potty and urine on your face ( with an open challenge ) why ?

unless you are ( Broken failure ) just like an dead horse you cannot do it.
The answers have been given to you. DNA tests are a thing, but somehow you reject DNA or something? Because transplants?
Also, what is the point of the question?
Either way, no answer from anyone will ever get a rational response from you, because you are a religious zealot that has no independent thought left in his head.
I think it would be better if he(?) just wrote in his native language. It would probably make more sense :lmao:.
I think it would be better if he(?) just wrote in his native language. It would probably make more sense :lmao:.
Dunno, I don't think he has the capability to have any coherent thoughts any more.
It happens with this type of angry zealot. Maybe something happened in their lifes that made them turn to religion, and they got so caught up in a very specific line of thought that they can't think in any other way any longer. The mind is atrophied and ossified like a limb after an injury that was not treated well. It's sad, really.
China blames air pollution:
This paper examines the effect of both cumulative and transitory exposures to air pollution for the same individuals over time on cognitive performance by matching a nationally representative longitudinal survey and air quality data in China according to the exact time and geographic locations of the cognitive tests. We find that long-term exposure to air pollution impedes cognitive performance in verbal and math tests.
( rascal pig ) what is the damn proof that whom you call Krishna is the real Krishna ?

I want damn proof and I want it now!

proof is the Practical explanation. ( dumb whore ) that is the damn proof. but you are unfit to understand it. this is why i have to explain it more clearly.

otherwise where is the damn need of explaining it more clearly ? unless you are the dumb ( whore ) i haven't got to explain it so clearly as i have done in this post.
proof is the Practical explanation. ( dumb whore ) that is the damn proof. but you are unfit to understand it. this is why i have to explain it more clearly.

otherwise where is the damn need of explaining it more clearly ? unless you are the dumb ( whore ) i haven't got to explain it so clearly as i have done in this post.

I don't think you know what "proof" means, or "explain" or "clearly"
The answers have been given to you. DNA tests are a thing, but somehow you reject DNA or something? Because transplants?
Also, what is the point of the question?
Either way, no answer from anyone will ever get a rational response from you, because you are a religious zealot that has no independent thought left in his head.

and DNA test is counteracted by entire hand or legs transplant. ( dumb pig ) so ( again ) now tell us now tell us the damn process of recognizing of our papa.

tell it ( nonsense idiot )

and if im zealot than you are piss of your 10 neighbors at once. now my being zealot still can be disproved cuz i have practical explanation behind me.

and if you will talk bluff then i have rights to piss on your nonsense bluff.

but what facts you have got `1st of all ? which i have neglected ( rascal whore ) than you can call me zealot if you have something solid.

but if you have nothing solid than i have all rights to throw shoe filled with potty and urine on your face ( with an open challenge )

Dunno, I don't think he has the capability to have any coherent thoughts any more.
It happens with this type of angry zealot. Maybe something happened in their lifes that made them turn to religion, and they got so caught up in a very specific line of thought that they can't think in any other way any longer. The mind is atrophied and ossified like a limb after an injury that was not treated well. It's sad, really.

now im still angry zealot ? ( waaha ) and im the only `1 here who has Practical explanation behind him.

but what explanation christians, muslims, and other 3500 religions along with your bogus scientists, politicians, this or that etc ( everyone ) in entire society has ?

and i have rights to piss on them if they are not sound intelligent. cuz they are falsely claiming something which they are not.

thus you are real hypocrite frauds. and if im angry on you than im what ? the damn so called angry zealot ? ( waahaa ) very nice policy **Give dog bad name and hang it** but it is already crushed down cuz i have Practical explanation behind me.

but you have nothing at all. but still you are claiming respect. but in facts you prefer only shoe filled with potty and urine. that is your real position. and if i point it out that than angry zealot ( waaha ) Broken failrue.

you are the damn hypcorite fraud. and there is only reason to deal with asses like you is arguemantum ad baculum. than you will come to your sense. ( otherwise simply words will not do in your case )

I don't think you know what "proof" means, or "explain" or "clearly"

nah nah you dont know it. ( rascal whore ) otherwise in spite of chewing so much my genitals ( by pying without invitation ) how you could not understand it ?

and its damn you who dont know how it factually works otherwise you would have disproved this counteraction of DNA test by entire hand or legs.

but ( fun is ) you are shifting burdon of proof on me. go on with that keeps you happy. there is no loss at all.

go on with your duplicity.
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Why are you so obsessed with knowing who your father is?
If DNA doesn't real, then what does it matter?
and DNA test is counteracted by entire hand or legs transplant. ( dumb pig ) so ( again ) now tell us now tell us the damn process of recognizing of our papa.

tell it ( nonsense idiot )

and if im zealot than you are piss of your 10 neighbors at once. now my being zealot still can be disproved cuz i have practical explanation behind me.

and if you will talk bluff then i have rights to piss on your nonsense bluff.

but what facts you have got `1st of all ? which i have neglected ( rascal whore ) than you can call me zealot if you have something solid.

but if you have nothing solid than i have all rights to throw shoe filled with potty and urine on your face ( with an open challenge )
How is it counteracted by hand or leg transplants? Paternity tests are done with buccal cells found inside a person's cheek, collected with a swab. And even if you do a cheek transplant you can still use genetic material from all places. That's not to say that paternity tests are infallible. There is stuff like chimerism that can lead to wrong results.
What is your practical explanation? Show it.
And stop multiposting. Use the edit button. Last warning.
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How is it counteracted by hand or leg transplants? Paternity tests are done with buccal cells found inside a person's cheek, collected with a swab. And even if you do a cheek transplant you can still use genetic material from all places. That's not to say that paternity tests are infallible. There is stuff like chimerism that can lead to wrong results.
What is your practical explanation? Show it.
And stop multiposting. Use the edit button. Last warning.

and ( idiot fool ) dont tell me that doctors are that idiots who only take care for DNA match cuz they do care for skin ( match ), skin tone ( match ) skins color, entire hand or legs size, upto its DNA ( match ), blood group ( match ), tissues ( match ) etc

so unless these all things are match with many other people ( other than our parents and relatives ) how the damn doctors are transplatning entire hand or legs from someone else who is neither our parent nor relative ?

and this contradiction has already killed your bluff.

so ( again ) tell us the damn process of recognizing of our real papa. ( do it quickly ) so that we can make progress in argument. ( otherwise like an drunk whore ) you will jump anywhere you like. so in order to keep you on track we have to know `1st of all the damn process of recognizing of our real papa. ( from you )

but you dont know it. ( that advance you are right now ) waaah what an advancement. ( waaah )
I still don't see any proof. I don't even see any signs you actually follow Krishna either. You are too insulting, rude and silly to follow a god that represents compassion, tenderness and love.

You, dear sir, act more like an asura than you act like Krishna. I would be worried that my mind is polluted by evil influences if I was you.
and ( idiot fool ) dont tell me that doctors are that idiots who only take care for DNA match cuz they do care for skin ( match ), skin tone ( match ) skins color, entire hand or legs size, upto its DNA ( match ), blood group ( match ), tissues ( match ) etc

so unless these all things are match with many other people ( other than our parents and relatives ) how the damn doctors are transplatning entire hand or legs from someone else who is neither our parent nor relative ?

and this contradiction has already killed your bluff.

so ( again ) tell us the damn process of recognizing of our real papa. ( do it quickly ) so that we can make progress in argument. ( otherwise like an drunk whore ) you will jump anywhere you like. so in order to keep you on track we have to know `1st of all the damn process of recognizing of our real papa. ( from you )

but you dont know it. ( that advance you are right now ) waaah what an advancement. ( waaah )
Parental tests can account for a lot of things, yeah.
Transplants have little to do with that, though, the suitability of a transplant is mostly on blood group and a few other factors. And even then it's never perfect, there is always an immune response and rejection of the transplanted tissue, which is why transplantees have to take immune suppressants for the rest of their lives. Specifically because the DNA doesn't match, and the body doesn't particularly like it.
What is your practical explanation?