Let's be thankful!

Faceless_Stranger said:
Actually, yes, the majority of the province of Cyrodil is supposed to be tropical, almost east Asian inspired, with rice plantations being commonplace. If Beth would have kept the artistic style, it would have made for an interesting contrast: Roman rule/architecture in a Vietnamesque setting.

So then we would have latin-speaking samuraiknights living in a city with gondoresque architecture wearing corinthian helmets ... god i hate TES.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Threepwood said:
Leo Stahl

A single Speech check. You can do that in one minute before destroying Megaton.

killing the prostitute for Moriarty, Wasteland survival guide, Blood ties

You can do those anyway.

church donations

Are you kidding me...? But if you want to throw away money there's also the church in Rivet City, so again it's not a lost "quest".

ability to obtain Jericho

Not a quest.

Holy water.

Not present in vanilla FO3.

thats just what springs to mind.

Correction. That's all there is and is not exactly much.

I'm not debating, as the thread title suggests, I'm 'being thankful'
Threepwood said:
I'm not debating, as the thread title suggests, I'm 'being thankful'

I'm not debating either since this isn't the right topic for that. Just pointing out that there aren't quests blocked off if you blow up Megaton.
Faceless_Stranger said:
Actually, yes, the majority of the province of Cyrodil is supposed to be tropical, almost east Asian inspired, with rice plantations being commonplace. If Beth would have kept the artistic style, it would have made for an interesting contrast: Roman rule/architecture in a Vietnamesque setting.
For now ? Probably not anymore. Already that is even generic. But when Oblivion was released ? Hell yeah. It would have been a very fresh setting. Now that together with a interesting plott, good NPCs and a believable world. And would have seen some awesome RPG. Sadly Todd doesnt love RPGs. He likes shooters. Hence he makes shooters that look like RPGs ... generic fantasy ones to say that : /
I'm pretty much only thankful that it led to the eventual release of New Vegas, which is something that resembles the Fallout I know and love.
Ach...my main complaints with F3 was due to the fact it was Besthesda. My standards were high from my experiance with Morrowind. I knew they could do better, story/depth-wize. If it had been LucasArts or EA who made this, I'd been much more impressed. So, it's their own fault from making a previous product too good. :)

Actully, I don't think Todd is like that. He wouldn't of made Morrowind/Oblivion so open if he liked shooters. Nor would he had made Morrowind's combat rather flat if fighting was this thing. I suspect this was more a 'what would prize teenagers from CoD for five minutes' descision.

OK, what I liked...

1) It is in the sprit of F1/2, much more than Oblivion is with Morrowind/Daggerfall.

2) You can get NPC's. Less of that 'one person vs the world' which you get in so many games today.

3) The eyecandy. Hey, it tastes good. It tastes even better when the depth and plot match it, though.

4) The radio. I don't like generic background music in this type of game anyway. You don't have a band following you, do you?

5) Weapon/armour wear and tear. Although on vanilla it is rather too quick for my liking. If they were all that fragile - how did they last that long in the first place?

Oblvion does have some serious issues with stroyline. Morrowind can de disregarded somewhat - Beth themselves said that they wanted a much more eastern feel to it. Daggerfall was more TOTR-inspired, but not as cribbed as Oblivion.

Several books (in game) makes refrences to the Imperial Province being humid and with definate wet/dry seasons. The Imperial City itself is too small - locations mentioned in books (such as building commision offices) and the imperial gardens simply don't exist. In population it is roughly equal to Vivec 'the largest city in the East' (Morrowind) but in services it is very small indeed.

The landscape is too empty. I mean, random travellers going city to city, farms, logging camps etc. There are no Legion garrisons or manned fortresses - I thought there would be at least one, somewhere.

What annoyed me was that they trimmed down the weapon/armour choices. By merging the skills, they made it less interesting, because your guy/gal had less skills and stuff to choose from. It did make it easier to play, but it also removed some of the depth that I enjoyed with Morrowind/Daggerfall.

What pissed me right off, however, was the auto-levelling system in place with enemies. Previously, if you were too weak to win a combat, you could go and raise your level a couple of times, then go back with better odds. No more! Your enemy would have levelled up too, along with their kit. By level 20+, every bandit now sports glass/daedric armour. Where they get it from, I wonder as no shop ever has them for sale. That's a shame too. I like to see the real high-end stuff for sale, right from the start. Gives you something to save up for/aim for.

It was still good enough for me to play all the way to the end - all the storylines. I think I also looted around 85% of the dungeons.
There was someone else working with Todd when Morrowind was being developed...

*Hops on Wikipedia

Ken Rolston was the lead designer on Morrowind while Todd was the project lead. Rolston was an award winning designer of PnPs. He also worked on Oblivion, but Todd was exec. producer by then and was calling the shots.

I agree with you wholeheartily on the scaling and dumbing of skills. In Morrowind, Daedric was the rarest armor in existence and you coveted it and had to search hard for each piece.
Faceless_Stranger said:
There was someone else working with Todd when Morrowind was being developed...

*Hops on Wikipedia

Ken Rolston was the lead designer on Morrowind while Todd was the project lead. Rolston was an award winning designer of PnPs. He also worked on Oblivion, but Todd was exec. producer by then and was calling the shots.

That explains a lot. I enjoyed Morrowind much more than Oblivion.
my god what is it with you people subscribing to the idea that "the only thing good about Fallout III is that you can uninstall/destroy/don't have to play it" It's the way you act you'd think it was the "Wurst gaam evurrrr." Have you people even tried to compare it to other things besides your beloved first three games?
tnu said:
my god what is it with you people subscribing to the idea that "the only thing good about Fallout III is that you can uninstall/destroy/don't have to play it" It's the way you act you'd think it was the "Wurst gaam evurrrr." Have you people even tried to compare it to other things besides your beloved first three games?
I compared it once with a potato, sadly I was not satisfied with the result.
let me guess any game that isn't made by your beloved gods of the Black Isle is a horrible game by default?
tnu said:
let me guess any game that isn't made by your beloved gods of the Black Isle is a horrible game by default?
Seriously whats up with you ? There is no point in arguing with you ya know, ya dont read what others say and you ask questions wich where already a million times answered and you make ridiculous claims.
What is unusual in comparing a Fallout game... well with a Fallout game ?
I tell you what, Fallout 3 is not a bad computer game, its just a bad Fallout game.

Maybe its because I am a woman but shooting stuff is not the whole fun for me ok? The old Fallouts where not all about shooting stuff there was more, so much more than in F3.

Why do we complain ? Well this is a Fallout forum so stop that crap and stop asking people if they think you are some piece of uneducated trash or so like in the other thread. One day they might answer.
My sincerest aplogies sometiems I forget what I have and have not said I honestly appreciate that being pointed out and that is a good answer I can understand how that is beleive me (The Bela Lugosi Dracula was a good film just not a good Dracula adaptation) I can understand where your coming from but sometimes think you go to extremes.
tnu said:
My sincerest aplogies sometiems I forget what I have and have not said I honestly appreciate that being pointed out and that is a good answer I can understand how that is beleive me (The Bela Lugosi Dracula was a good film just not a good Dracula adaptation) I can understand where your coming from but sometimes think you go to extremes.
You have to understand that FO3 was supposed to be a sequel. Instead we got a game that had almost nothing to do with it's predecessors, and had one too many stupid things added simply because of the "cool factor". Just imagine a game or movie you like, now imagine them making a sequel that had nothing to do with the first one.
It's like the old and new Star Wars movies. Just a sequel instead of a prequel.
For years, the fans got nothing.
Then, the fans got an aimed shot to the groin because there was a whole new generation of fans to please out there.
Naturally, the old fans are a little bitter now.
Hassknecht said:
It's like the old and new Star Wars movies. Just a sequel instead of a prequel.
For years, the fans got nothing.
Then, the fans got an aimed shot to the groin because there was a whole new generation of fans to please out there.
Naturally, the old fans are a little bitter now.
Just can't compare a lame love story to IMPERIAL MIGHT. Amirite?
Faceless_Stranger said:
Hassknecht said:
It's like the old and new Star Wars movies. Just a sequel instead of a prequel.
For years, the fans got nothing.
Then, the fans got an aimed shot to the groin because there was a whole new generation of fans to please out there.
Naturally, the old fans are a little bitter now.
Just can't compare a lame love story to IMPERIAL MIGHT. Amirite?


Return of the Jedi was already a huge step back. EP III was kinda cool though.