New Vegas vs. FO3 humor

Brother None said:
As described above, Fallout: New Vegas hinges on "hey remember this!" injokes and the kind of silly humor that made Fallout 2 big, including pop culture refs. It's usually well-written and pretty funny though.

The type of humor from Fallout 1, the dark sense of humor, seems completely gone from the franchise, though like Fallout 3, New Vegas has some moments (Vault 11, or the Kings).

You know what I always found funny. beeing send on a mission people knew you would not return simply cause your anoying "youre sending him to what ?" ~ been some while I played that part.
I think the greatest reference to the originals comes in the style of a companion. When that companion uttered one of it's "floating dialogues" so to speak, I nearly shed a tear.

I'm talking about Cass...when she says "Sure could use a drink"[/spoiler:948d4c22a4]
Just had a really funny one:

I'm at the REPCONN HQ top floor, a bot flies up to me. Dialogue:

"Third floor is for executives only. Identify yourself."
"[SUCCEEDED] Hello sir, please enjoy your stay."
Ausdoerrt said:
Just had a really funny one:

I'm at the REPCONN HQ top floor, a bot flies up to me. Dialogue:

"Third floor is for executives only. Identify yourself."
"[SUCCEEDED] Hello sir, please enjoy your stay."

Okay. You see, right there: That's Win.
Yes, having INT<4, the dialogue will be actually funny, in F3 I only tried it once and it wasn't too funny, except for the Deputy Weld reference.
Tabitha wasn't exactly that funny, but I loved her/his(?) voice. Kinda' reminds me of the Joker from the TBAS.
Ausdoerrt said:
Just had a really funny one:

I'm at the REPCONN HQ top floor, a bot flies up to me. Dialogue:

"Third floor is for executives only. Identify yourself."
"[SUCCEEDED] Hello sir, please enjoy your stay."

You also get that if you have Luck 7. Only less shouty.
Funny things in FNV:

-Primm Slim. Hilarious.

-Hearing the story from Nash in Primm about the sheriff and his wife being butchered, then walking into the sheriff's house.

-Biston Steve Hotel - some dude dead in a bathtub with lots of Med-X and Psycho.

-WW, especially the reference in Nipton. Dark humor + pop culture reference in one.

-Booby traps in paranoid guy's house in Nipton, especially the platform that unleashes the bark scorpions from their cage.

-Nipton Mayor's arrogant diary notes. Outside of Gene Simmons, I've never seen anyone so in love with themselves. Like Gene Simmons, this guy was a douche bag and he deserved what he got. Funny because although people of the real Western world look down upon extremists, in this situation you can easily feel sympathetic to the Legion's cause and even agree with their views on and methods used to achieve the catharsis of the Wasteland.

-No-bark's house. Try walking into it before you actually meet him for the first time. You see him in a totally different light.

-Chris H from REPCONN. Not in your face dark humor, but it is clear that he was so socially ostracized that he convinced himself it was because he was a Ghoul and not because he's awkward. The logic is so infantile and hilarious. He also reminded me of William Murderface from Metalocalypse.

Trithne said:
Ausdoerrt said:
Just had a really funny one:

I'm at the REPCONN HQ top floor, a bot flies up to me. Dialogue:

"Third floor is for executives only. Identify yourself."
"[SUCCEEDED] Hello sir, please enjoy your stay."

You also get that if you have Luck 7. Only less shouty.
If you succeed that check with high Luck, you are doing so because you know what you have gotten yourself into and are trying to find an out. That's not funny, but it is slick.

If you succeed with low Intelligence, it's because you are retarded and yelled out the first thing that came to mind, which just happened to be the password. That's hilarious.
I fell off my chair when I found the brewery/still with Strategic Nuclear Moose beer. An obvious reference to one of worlds strongest beers, the Tactical Nuclear Penguin, made by the Scottish brewery Brewdog.
KillerBee256 said:
I took the Guitar Man as more of an generic western trope, thought it could apply as a shot at fallout 3.

He's supposed to be the son of the Mysterious Stranger.
Wow, none of you have mentioned MY personal favorite piece of humor.

"Should I tell him?" - one of the entries into some of the computers at the HeliosOne power plant. Made me smile pretty big.
Wild Wasteland perk was responsible for one more funny thing I've experienced.
After releasing sexbot (yeah, I did that quest), which was quite funny itself despite being silly and vulgar, the big crowd of angry old ladies with rolling pins attacked me. Well, that was funny.

Also, things here and there made me chuckle. Companions, especially Veronica and Cass had some nice lines, which combined with good voice acting were really funny.

P.S. oh, yeah, nearly forgot: try tuning to NCR emergency radio when you arrive to the battle for the dam. At the beginning it gives you some good laugh.

Also, found it quite funny to hear that "standard" radio/tv advertisment voice shouting for Silver Rush at Freeside.