Señor Wally
Mildly Dipped

This right here is a pretty fair assessment. It doesn't matter what big budget RPG Obsidian makes next. They likely won't recapture NV and I think people need to accept that. 90% of the time I've seen or watched TOW described as a disappointment, it is then followed up with "meanwhile in New Vegas, this is how they did it right". While Isometric RPGs are out there trying to get into brave new territories, 3D AAA RPGs are at this crossroads of "Do we make this an action sandbox with light RPG elements and maximum mainstream appeal, or should we go the less financially secure, niche route and open ourselves up to being directly and viciously compared to a 2010 classic?"I think I'm done with the whole video essay thing to be honest. It's overdone and it's barely done well.
I think Outer Worlds is fine. I remember competing it and thinking it'll have a better sequel.
The story is just fine, it feels like a retread of New Vegas in a way, except there is a clear good and bad side to go with. For the most part, it feels like an earlier draft.
The writing ranges from being fine to actually great. There's some funny lines and some good political satire.
I think most People just want another New Vegas and honestly, that's never gonna happen.
New Vegas is something that should never have been made in the first place, we just got lucky it did. Any attempt at trying to redo it will just be met with disappointment that it wasn't as good as New Vegas.
And I mean it when I say NV is the best RPG out there, but we're never going to get it again.
On its own merits, Outer Worlds functions well as an RPG. If anything, it's the benchmark of how I'll rate all RPGs in future as everything about it is competent enough.
Obsidian shot themselves in the foot with it trying to redo NV, but we move on from that, they'll just make something else, People will say it's not as good as NV, rinse and repeat.
I think it's why I've become more relaxed on Fallout 4 in recent years, we already got the game we wanted and we know it was never going to be as good as that.
Bethesda could have made the best game they've ever developed but it'll never be as good as NV.
Likewise Obsidian could make the next best role playing experience, a game to rival Witcher 3, but it still wouldn't be as good as NV.
So there's no point in even trying anymore.
So of course Outer Worlds isn't as good as I think.
Also who cares what I think? If I think it's the best game in the World doesn't it really matter?
I saw a recommendation of a video calling Batman Forever a masterpiece. The fucking discourse on Video essays is getting out of hand. They should just turn off the internet.
I don't even know where I'm going with this rant. Oh yeah, New Vegas is the best RPG of all time, but it's time to just let it die and Outer Worlds is just fine.
It's a lose lose. On its own merits, TOW is incredibly good when compared to RPGs coming out THESE days. I'm gonna say it: Between Cyberpunk 2077 and The Outer Worlds, I'm going to pick The Outer Worlds as the tighter game. It's also a decent foundation for a far superior sequel if they manage it.
It's more of a Fallout 1 than Fallout NV, but I like Fallout 1.