1. Is it possible to setup mines to arm via a trigger i.e. mines that aren't armed at the missions start and then the player flips a switch, volia armed mines?
2. Does the start buried option only work for robots?
3. Is there a way to make a weapon non-lootable after the death of an NPC or do I just need to make it so the player can't get to the NPC ?
I know that NPCs can't use vehicles, so the best way to have NPC unload from one is via bink Movie, right?
2. Does the start buried option only work for robots?
3. Is there a way to make a weapon non-lootable after the death of an NPC or do I just need to make it so the player can't get to the NPC ?
I know that NPCs can't use vehicles, so the best way to have NPC unload from one is via bink Movie, right?