Questions for a Map/FOT:R?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
1. Is it possible to setup mines to arm via a trigger i.e. mines that aren't armed at the missions start and then the player flips a switch, volia armed mines?

2. Does the start buried option only work for robots?

3. Is there a way to make a weapon non-lootable after the death of an NPC or do I just need to make it so the player can't get to the NPC ?

I know that NPCs can't use vehicles, so the best way to have NPC unload from one is via bink Movie, right?
1. IIRC mines/traps need to be activated manually and can only be triggered to detonate or deactivate.

2. Only for Scurry Bots.

3. Yes make a copy of the weapon and in the entity editor, under collectable, untick the box 'Lootable'. Then give the copy to the npc instead of the normal weapon.

If you don't mind if the player can see the mines then a simple method is this. Basically set up a friendly team and player index, for the mines, then have a trigger to switch the mines to a hostile team. Of course once you do that if the mines are set to hidden they'll disappear and the player will need to remember their location unless they uncover them.

If you don't want the player knowing the location of the mines beforehand or want some randomization to their layout, a more complex method is this.
Another question is it possible to script via triggers if an actor is asleep or not based on the time of day?
There's no easy way of doing it, there's no condition that checks for day/night and no action that puts an actor to sleep. To tell day from night you can make use of the night person trait on an npc. Take a note of their perception in the entity editor after giving them the trait and have a condition player/unit has more than # stat perception. Then to make people sleep you'll need two versions of each npc, one preset to sleeping and on a deactivated player index, then have the action switch the awake version to deactivated and the sleeping version to stationary at anywhere.
Alright another round of questions.

1. Is there a way to make a functioning m16/m203 combo, i.e. rifle- fires 5.56x45mm and the m203-fires 40cal Grenades?

2. I know that the action costs for a weapon can be changed under modes, can I change or add more costs i.e. ranged auto or shotgun?

3. Can weapons have skill modifiers attached say a Browning M2 with a sling that reduces the weapon strength requirement?

4. Can I add more modes of fire i.e. full auto...etc ?

5. Do you know of a good sound/music guy that could give me a hand with the music for the mod?

6. Add a randomized inventory to a trader based off of the players rep. ? (I'm sure that this would be a complex process)
VFSniper said:
1. Is there a way to make a functioning m16/m203 combo, i.e. rifle- fires 5.56x45mm and the m203-fires 40cal Grenades?
Sort of. You can make an extra mode for the weapon (called grenade) and have it fire a single round, with appropriate spread arc, impact fx, projectile fx etc. But it can't actually use two different ammo types, you'd have to make another 5.56mm ammo entity with the 40mm grenade sprite (and explosive damage). Though the player would still be able to use this mode with normal ammo and the damage and damage radius would be the same for all modes.

VFSniper said:
2. I know that the action costs for a weapon can be changed under modes, can I change or add more costs i.e. ranged auto or shotgun?
Not that I know of.

VFSniper said:
3. Can weapons have skill modifiers attached say a Browning M2 with a sling that reduces the weapon strength requirement?
You can have two versions of the weapon with different graphics and different requirements but you can't attach items, you'd have to script it give the default weapon and sling tag names and then if the player gives both to another character they'll get the new improved weapon back.

VFSniper said:
4. Can I add more modes of fire i.e. full auto...etc ?

VFSniper said:
5. Do you know of a good sound/music guy that could give me a hand with the music for the mod?

VFSniper said:
6. Add a randomized inventory to a trader based off of the players rep. ? (I'm sure that this would be a complex process)
Not random, but you can use the same deactivate/stationary trick as with the sleepers to switch out different versions of each trader (with different inventories) depending on reputation or add/remove items to the QM list. Personally I'd either switch the quarter masters and traders around and have the QMs have a local inventory and traders use the QM list or have both use the QM list. If you are editing the cam file anyway then you can reorganise the QM list.

The QM list is set up tag name, amount, path, currently the tag name is the mission number and certain missions remove items by using negative amounts. You could add a section tagnamed 'remove', list every item (cut and paste job) with say -10000, then have some trader sections and then set up a zone around each trader/QM. A trigger would then just need to identify the player is in a trader zone with greater/lower than reputation and then add items tagged 'remove' to QM List (which would get rid of everything) b wait 1 second add items tagged 'trader01 low rep', for example. Then if the player goes to another trader same thing but with adding a different tagged selection.

If they go back to a QM it gets a little more complex, as you'll either need to track which missions are done and then add those back to the QM list using the existing tagged sections or reorganise the QM List with just a different inventory for each bunker.
You can have two versions of the weapon with different graphics and different requirements but you can't attach items, you'd have to script it give the default weapon and sling tag names and then if the player gives both to another character they'll get the new improved weapon back.

Alright so I could have a gunsmith in a town or bunker and upon the player giving two items(through barter I assume), the gunsmith would return the new weapon. But the sling and the weapon would have to be in the same map as tag names are lost upon leaving a map correct?
VFSniper said:
Alright another round of questions.

1. Is there a way to make a functioning m16/m203 combo, i.e. rifle- fires 5.56x45mm and the m203-fires 40cal Grenades?

2 ways ----
( Not real m16/m203 ~ but hard to prove it not the m16/m203 :wink: )

1. Make two m16/m203 spr files, one with big image that m16 show red color(means only the m203 works, ammo use is 40mm), the other with big image that m203 show red color(means only the m16 works, ammo use is 5.56mm),one hand is the m203 works gun,the other hand is the m16 works gun, change the shoot mode with change hands, and the small picture of them are m16 and m203. Sounds shit but practice cool....I once made one. And no body can say it not one weapon.(rifle use two hands right?)

2. make one type of ammo call "5.56/40mm"
the m16/m203 gets two shoot projectile
each of them use one bullet but show different impacts
one is explode, the other is bullets burst
different range and different Action piont cost, different sound,differnt show....
cartridge clip is one ammo only
Sounds shit either, but no one say ... it's not m16/m203
gunner of shi said:
2 ways ----
3 Including the way above. :)

gunner of shi said:
1. Make two m16/m203 spr files, one with big image that m16 show red color(means only the m203 works, ammo use is 40mm), the other with big image that m203 show red color(means only the m16 works, ammo use is 5.56mm),one hand is the m203 works gun,the other hand is the m16 works gun, change the shoot mode with change hands, and the small picture of them are m16 and m203. Sounds shit but practice cool....I once made one. And no body can say it not one weapon.(rifle use two hands right?)
Trouble is it isn't one weapon, and as I was not so politely told those aren't hand slots but equipment slots. There's no way to prevent a player ditching the m16 part and using the m203 part with other (inappropriate) weapons.

gunner of shi said:
2. make one type of ammo call "5.56/40mm"
the m16/m203 gets two shoot projectile
each of them use one bullet but show different impacts
one is explode, the other is bullets burst
different range and different Action piont cost, different sound,differnt show....
cartridge clip is one ammo only
Sounds shit either, but no one say ... it's not m16/m203
I think this was how my example file was set up on DaC. Problem with this way over seperate ammo entities (using the same ammo type) is that both modes either will do explosive damage, or normal damage depending on how you set up the ammo entity. Whether you go with joint or seperate ammo you'll have either really powerful 5.56mm rounds or pitiful 40mm grenades.

A much better idea for an attachment would be the shotgun, since the only difference between shotguns and rifles is the spread arc.
Yea~ shotguns and rifles ~may be it's the best way

OK~ back to the first shit way, the way to prevent a player ditching the m16 part and using the m203 part with other (inappropriate) weapons...... is ~ I mean design a armor can change player strength to 12......and the m16/m203 only used by strength 12 guy......and near the armor picture~ there's a m16/m203 image~ to tell the player this armor attached the m16/m203, the two parts of the gun (one is m16, the other is m203)......belong to the armor gun---m16/m203, and we can add the third part--- sniper collimator, and the fourth part ---- CPU

So, the armor with its special combination weapon m16/m203 and the 4 parts which need 12 strength to be used---- called "the future warrior system"

hahaha~~I made it here~...... do your want to test the combination system? I can send it to you~

Erm that does not prevent them from using the grenade launcher with other weapons, plus it's really easy to get a 5 strength character up to 12 with drugs and or power armour.

I can see what people would do, take the 12 strength armour and say thanks very much, ditch the m16 & m203 and save all the ammo for the regular grenade launcher and then use that with their main weapon of choice.
All right , the parts need more~~ not drug can or BOS power armor can.

max carry weight or ... whatever drug and power armor cant reach!!!

No~ they cant put them on other weapon, there must be some way to stop them~~

there must something that drug and power armor cant do

but my armor can~ :twisted:
Alright so I got a another question. I setup a new firemode "secondary" which after editing the locale/game/weapons file shows up in-game. However the game uses the "single" firesound instead of the "secondary" firesound I have added to the sounds folder, I trippled checked to make sure the name is right and that the sound file is of the right type. Is there something I'm missing, like a sound.txt that assigns sounds to the "firemodes"?
The sound is linked to the animation not the display name of the attack. You can add the sound as an alternate for that weapon but I'm not aware of a way to define which file it'll play for which mode.

There's some more on adding custom sounds here.
So if the sound is linked to the animation, couldn't I just duplicate the animation (for every sprite/position) and give it another name like "standattackriflesingle1" or would that not work ?

In other thoughts I have just released the second media update on the mod over at Moddb
The problem is then getting the engine to read the new animation. Though thinking about it the animation 'four' can be used for ranged attacks (take a look a the cyborg general's sprite), I'm just not sure if it can be used with weapons other than unarmed.

Otherwise you can take a leaf out of the cyborg's uberweapon book and don't have a firing sound but use a different impact sound for each mode. Since you can add custom impact sounds, you can edit the impact sound to include the firing sound, and just hope people don't miss to often ;) .
So what exactly would need to be done in order to create new armors on the player? I know that it would require a fair amount of work and 3d modeling/anim. Is their a tutorial for Redviewer that explains the "redviewer side" of the it?