Questions for a Map/FOT:R?

VFSniper said:
So what exactly would need to be done in order to create new armors on the player? I know that it would require a fair amount of work and 3d modeling/anim. Is their a tutorial for Redviewer that explains the "redviewer side" of the it?

First~ what kind of new armor you want to create, power armor or ... ?

Second~ you want to use Redviewer to create it ? Make sure you using the right tool.

It is indeed a fair amount of work ... if you begin with huge plan, use wrong tool, low technology.

Unlucky~ only me got the ... you so called "tutorial" 8-)
First~ what kind of new armor you want to create, power armor or ... ?
At this point it is irreverent, I'm solely interested in the process of how to-do it on the "Redviewer" side.
After I create the base structure player in 3d I could change the armor at will, therefore any armor I modeled would be creatable quickly. Expect for those that required a different base model.
Second~ you want to use Redviewer to create it ? Make sure you using the right tool.
Not sure what you mean?
I would create the actual base models/armor/ and animations with 3dsmax. Redviewer would be the program to use to take those images in 3dsmax and create the sprites that the game could use.
I though Redviewer was better at handling the animations, than Sprite Editor?

you begin with huge plan, use wrong tool, low technology
Unlucky~ only me got the ... you so called "tutorial"
Again what?
Irreverent? I just want to know what armor kinds you want to create ? If you want to ... may be no need for 3D max~ we got many material images in hand and may them useful for you. OK~ sorry,I dont know you want to compliment and tutorial with the only tool you got more than useful suggestion to reach your aim. If I didnt say my best way to solve your mod problem
That~that is real Irreverent to you, I dont want that kind of hypocritical to you~ for I respect you~Sorry, I misunderstand you mean Redviewer in 3D not Red!view

You want to suggestion, so you should tell me your plan, without telling me, how can I according your current situation to give your best tutorial? Irreverent? You make my heart cold~

What? what? OK~ I want to see your work be finished in a few days not few years, that is~I dont want my bad English to block our communication or make some misunderstanding~

May be we can discuss something with e-mail later, for not show my poor English here~haha :wink:

Trust me~ If I dont want to share my knowledge to make armor, I wouldn't be here

当老外,真辛苦 :P
Alright, I'm didn't mean to come across as a jackass.
Basically I want to add the following: Combat Armor, Power Armor, Leather Jacket, M.I. Armor, and a few others. In addition I would like to see new critters in-game. If I have properly understood the posts that I've read all I need (additionally) to get these items properly functional is to add new animations built in 3d and then imported via Redviewer or SpriteEditor into readable sprites.

However, I except and understand that this will be a long, frustrating and drawn-out process.
Tutorial 1.02

BOS armor action sprs belong to the character file, and if you put a new one you must replace a former one. Check the FT, the armor kind only few types, cant add more types.

When you ready to make a same armor that in the F2 or F1, you can just export the F2 or F1 frm images by using this tool---- frm2bmp.
Though the exported bmp images is not suit BOS spr importing( some guys mentioned that before), we can reconstruct them by PS(photoshop) into the right bmp type(see the readme of Jackfall's SC)...after importing these bmp to the spr, a new problem occur~
the frm of f2 or f1 has no Crouch and Prone, you can build new image by your 3D max or design the Crouch or Prone frame to some actions else~like flying in the sky.

Ye~ some guy believe the character spr must be at least 8 directions, now I tell you they are wrong, you can make only 6 or even less directions. For images from F2 or F1 frm only 6 directions,
our armor made in 6 directions well~no difference.

Use SC to import images please, the new version of SC gets many useful options.

(Any thing to ask? If no let's go on)
Alright that is a step in the right direction.

I've got a few new questions though, I need a way to explain to the player what weapon parts can go with what weapons to create the upgraded weapons? Holo-disks maybe?

2. Can I create new classification for the weapons in the inventory i.e. Sniper Rifles...etc?
Like the armor at least I don't know how to create new type weapon, but you can create some new weapon on the base of old weapon type.

explain to the player what weapon parts can go with what weapons to create the upgraded weapons----- it is my own idea of doing this:

Create a hole-disk but not put the explain word in it only, you can set a trigger, when player get this disc, then a movie begins to show how to create a upgrade weapon, and the movie looks like in the 1960. Then the pip-boy can store this movie for the whole game use, you can also indicate the disk produced by BOS or The Unite State Former.

Have you ever played the Doom3? Yes~the weapon introducing disk is something great.
I really like that idea, the only problem that I could see would be that i would need make a disc/movie for every weapon that could be upgraded (ugh).

Then the pip-boy can store this movie for the whole game use

Can the pipboy acutally do this?
Yes~the pipboy can store the movies.

I see, easy way to introduce how to upgrade:

1. Draw picture of each upgrade plan with your pencil(half picture half introduction), shoot them by your electronic camera, transport pictures to your PC. Use Photoshop process, to make the picture looks like 100 years ago.

2. Use Movie maker to change each work plan picture into movie file, and bink them in the game.

3. Movie just show picture with music for 30 sec, music can be BOS HQ music in F1.

4. Then player can see the movies(work plan with music) and the movies can be store in the pipboy for later review.
More questions,

1. Can an npc be set to appear only on a revisit to a mission area, how do I set this up?

2. I begining to work on the triggers for upgrading the weapons, does anyone know of an example of a group of trigger that deal with the inventory checks?
VFSniper said:
So what exactly would need to be done in order to create new armors on the player? I know that it would require a fair amount of work and 3d modeling/anim. Is their a tutorial for Redviewer that explains the "redviewer side" of the it?

There's a sneaky way to get one more armor, but it has a major drawback. If you use a hex editor on the .exe there is an ANSI string for the brahmin sprite. If you change this, to say the large raider animation, then "Brahmin" type armors will now be (what I consider anyway) a passable combat armor.

The problem is female characters will experience a teeny issue with this...

It's been mentioned elsewhere (possibly in this thread for all I can tell), but if a race type is set to "tribal" then both raider and reaver armors can be worn.

There's also the armor type "None" which I think anyone can wear. You might use this for a hide armor - which makes sense that anyone could wear. You can strap pieces of animal hide to a dog or robot if you really wanted to.

Just a couple ideas.
VFSniper said:
1. Can an npc be set to appear only on a revisit to a mission area, how do I set this up?
Use campaign variables, take a look at the bunkers, there are npcs in each bunker that are set to appear after completing various missions take a look at those triggers. Though you might need to make a second campaign variable in another map. For instance in the target map condition main dude alive at anywhere, action set campaign variable visited mapx to true.

In other maps then condition if campaign variable visited mapx is true, action set campaign variable spawn npc is true, then back in the target map, condition if campaign variable spawn npc is true, action set npc # to stationary at anywhere.

VFSniper said:
2. I begining to work on the triggers for upgrading the weapons, does anyone know of an example of a group of trigger that deal with the inventory checks?
Mission 5 preoria, the triggers to check if the player has the powercells, or mission 4 macomb the trigger to check if the librarian has his glasses.

Nimrod said:
There's a sneaky way to get one more armor, but it has a major drawback. If you use a hex editor on the .exe there is an ANSI string for the brahmin sprite. If you change this, to say the large raider animation, then "Brahmin" type armors will now be (what I consider anyway) a passable combat armor.
No need to hex anything just rename sprites to replace the brahmin. There are 4 other brahmin sprites that you can change the brahmin entities to use instead.

Nimrod said:
There's also the armor type "None" which I think anyone can wear. You might use this for a hide armor - which makes sense that anyone could wear. You can strap pieces of animal hide to a dog or robot if you really wanted to.
Yeah none will create an armour that doesn't change appearance and IIRC actually changes the stats of those races that can't normally wear armour (even if you force it on them in the entity editor.)
Next round of questions,

I have the upgrade process working I just need some help with a few things.

1. I don't want the player to see the upgraded weapon in the NPCs inventory but when the player gives the weapon + component to the npc via the barter menu you can see the upgraded weapons because there in his inventory?

2. After giving the components to the NPC and receiving the upgraded weapon, the original weapon plus the upgrade components are in the npcs inventory is there a way to hide them ( similar to the question above)?

I also want the player to be able to give the upgraded weapon + a "return" item to the NPC and receive the original weapon + the components used to upgrade. Which is while I'm more interested in hiding parts in "2" rather than removing them.
Use clones like with the sleepers or traders I mentioned above. Have several copies of the weaponsmith. One has an empty inventory who'll accept the components, then switch them to the deactivated player index and set the clone with the upgraded item to stationary at anywhere. To make the fade out less noticable you can set the first to follow a waypoint to a workbench once they have the components, then deactivate them and activate the second version and after a few seconds the clone with the upgrades can follow a different set of waypoints back to the player.

Alternately you can have a hidden npc off screen use the give item from npc to human trigger to transfer the upgraded items to the player once the first npc has the components, or a combination of both. A second unreachable npc with the upgrades and the clones of the first npc who'll accept the components, and then switch around so the components can't be stolen back.
Next round of question ...... from me

What are the 'things' in lord requiem_for_a_starfury's
image? looks like personal flying jet bag?

Well, it is still a mod question~hehe

Can it work in the BOS mod? I mean, the flying jet bag?

and how......
I think that they are fighters from Babylon 5 could be wrong though.

Another question, does anyone know how the music plays in the game i.e. what track plays when? Does anyone have any ideas about how to determine which one plays at when?
@ gunner google image search starfury, the original pic should be the first hit.

@ VF, ambient or battle? ambient music is set up in the sound file and imported into the map. There's an example in core\editor\ambientExample.txt right at the bottom. There's also a tutorial at JJ's on setting up sound files IIRC.
Alright so I have implemented the upgrade side of the weapon process, now I have a question or two.

I want to set up a system so that a player can return his upgraded weapon to the gunsmith, and receive the original weapon + the parts used for the upgrade that way the player can change his weaponry to face a current situation. Now the process works expect for two things;

1. The "old upgraded weapon" is not removed from the player's inventory

2. The "un-upgraded weapon" after being returned to the player is no longer upgradable.

I think the tag-names must be stripped from the items upon the use of the "give item to NPC" and give item to player from NPC" triggers.

Any idea about a workaround perhaps?
Nah the give item triggers don't strip the tagnames, they are a bit buggy give item to npc will not work with multiple items that have the same tagname, it'll transfer one item not all of them (give item from npc to player will work with multiples though) and give item to npc doesn't transfer any item that's equipped, the item has to be in the inventory not the equipment/armour slots.

Are you using any variables and did you preserve the triggers or are you using a second set?