Questions for a Map/FOT:R?

Thanks, requiem I should have checked the npc's a little closer after I moved them, I'm surprised I didn't catch it sooner :shock: . Not to ask a dumb question but what do you mean by re-link the txt files?
Alright that is what I thought you meant thanks. Also I starting to play with sound/music for the mod. I'm wondering if anyone knows where the default sound text files that control what plays in the Core Default missions? I've looked for them in a few different places with no luck.
Once the sound file has been imported into a map it's not needed anymore so they weren't included. If you want to change the sound for a map you'll just have to make a new one and import it. If you want to look at one to see how to set things up there's an example in the core/editor folder. Or take a look at other mods, I think Awaken included their sound.txt files.
As long as we're asking questions, Req, I have a question for your wisdom... As my mod grows closer to completetion, I'm starting to wonder about 'packaging' details. for instance; do you have to have the same directory structure for tiles to work, also what happens if someone tries to load a map but doesn't have the tiles (ie. your tilepak)?
@VF most likely yes.

@xkcon the custom tiles need to be released keeping the same directory structure as you built the map with. Otherwise the game won't be able to find them. Same with any component of the mod. If the game can't find the tiles the map will load but with blank areas and will most likely crash when an actor comes in contact with where the tiles should be. You can just include the custom tiles you've used in the mod download (keeping the directory structure).
I need a way to make a mine completely invisible not just hidden but invisible to the point where a player can't see it. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do that?
Either set the difficulty of the mine really really high, then the player shouldn't ever be able to detect it. Or don't use a mine and instead have a zone and a deathtrap. Or even just a zone of death, depending on what fits your scenario.
Thanks , I was hoping that it was something that easy. I need to use a mine I think though, I'm using the mine as a workaround to break the door when I shoot an oil drum i.e. oil drum explodes and the mine explodes thus breaking the door. I just don't want the player to see the mine.
Have you tried removing the 'mine' sprite with the entity editor? I know that this works in different situations such as floating speech and invisible actor entities, but i don't know if the mine will still trigger, because actor entities with no entity sprite cannot perform combat, but mines are a whole different class of entities...

This gets me thinking again about a whole range of possibilities that an invisible actor entity (with combat capabilities) would give us. If I wasn't so intimidated by those sprite editors, I'd try and make it myself, but those editors scare me, heh.
Requiem's method worked perfectly and I setup the mine type as trigger so that the player can't detonate it or see it now.

I have another question though, I'm putting the finishing touches on the mission 1 map and I'm experiencing what I'd call light bleed-through in the underground parts of the map. Does anyone have a decent work-around or fix for this?
Once you've placed a light entity edit it in the level editor, down the bottom are two fields, high bound and low bound. You can define the upper and lower reaches of the light radius there, IIRC set the low bound to 0.1.

There was a tutorial about lights at JJ's.
Thanks, requiem I thought I read about that somewhere, I'll definitely read that tutorial.

Another question though I read in a post somewhere on here or maybe it was over at DAC about disposable rocket launchers such as the m72 law or the AT4. Has anyone has success in creating one of these weapons?
It was probably both, I've posted about a disposable rocket launcher here and at DaC before. You can make a law or at4 that doesn't take ammo and is destroyed on use and uses the rocket launcher firing animation, but it can't use a projectile animation otherwise it doesn't do any damage. Critical hits like broken limbs and knockdown effects but no hitpoint reduction.

It works but I didn't find it satisfying. I think it's hard coded that a projectile that's destroyed on use must use the throwing animation to work properly? Alternatively you could get to use ammo but not normal rockets, only the player would have to load each law before firing. Perhaps if someone could edit the sprites and copy the rocket firing animations to match up with the unused attack animations (for humans) 'Three' an 'Four' then the projectile animation might work with them like the roach spit? But then again probably not since the roach spit isn't destroyed on use.

It's a pity because Xbow made a lovely M72 LAW sprite.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
It was probably both, I've posted about a disposable rocket launcher here and at DaC before. You can make a law or at4 that doesn't take ammo and is destroyed on use and uses the rocket launcher firing animation, but it can't use a projectile animation otherwise it doesn't do any damage. Critical hits like broken limbs and knockdown effects but no hitpoint reduction.

It works but I didn't find it satisfying. I think it's hard coded that a projectile that's destroyed on use must use the throwing animation to work properly? Alternatively you could get to use ammo but not normal rockets, only the player would have to load each law before firing. Perhaps if someone could edit the sprites and copy the rocket firing animations to match up with the unused attack animations (for humans) 'Three' an 'Four' then the projectile animation might work with them like the roach spit? But then again probably not since the roach spit isn't destroyed on use. It's a pity because Xbow made a lovely M72 LAW sprite.

That's true, the weapon that doesn't use any ammo does damages after projectile hits the target only if its "Animation Name" is set to "Throw". It isn't a problem, you can create new "Item type" (I mean weapon type) and add new attack sequences to sprites for this new weapon and its new attack mode which you should name "StandAttack[Item Type]Throw". For example, if you set "Item type" to MyRPG the attack sequence must be named "StandAttackMyRPGThrow". You should also add following sequences:
- StandMyRPG
- StandBreatheMyRPG
- StandWalkMyRPG
If the weapon is a rocket launcher you should also add:
- StandAttackMyRPGThrowOverlay
Because the weapon doesn't use any ammo the "Type of Ammo" parameter must be set to "None" otherwise you won't see special death sequence. The easiest way to create new weapon of this type is editing of one of existing grenade entities, first in MF entity editor and finally in BoSEE editor. After using BoSEE don't edit the entity in MF editor.

Here you can download example map.

On this thread you can read about adding new weapon types, sounds and attack modes.

I forgot to add sounds. Now they are present.
I think requiem_for_a_starfury has given the truth and jarekfall has put the ideal method to add the modes.

But will every Charactor can have this mode?
there are many charactors in the BOS, change the spr will be a hard work. May be you think "human using only" should be fine, but that's seems not reasonable in the game.

Easy to get this, create a special scope which been describe as "one important part of AT4", in the inventory, it shows as a scope, but in the hand, it change the image----- a full view of targeting in the scope , with red or blue color......ya, blue color is better...... indeed, it is not a scope item, it's a rocket launcher with scope image, then change one type ammo's element and image into rocket element and AT4 image(the ammo you dislike, for ex. the fucking acid...), so only At4 can use this, only the scope can use this AT4,ha

It's reasonable, easy and show cool!
when you fire your AT4, first put on the your hand, just imagine it's on your AT4 or your eye, then fire your AT4(haha, it is only a kind of ammo), for its ammo element, you can see your AT4 is fewer and fewer in the inventory. If your like, you can put the AT4 in the other hand, use the scope to targeting and shoot. Every guy can use it, even mutant...

The easiest the best, with best idea, for the best army products.
Do you need the special scope SPR? Call me, order now! for best price!
gunner of shi said:
then change one type ammo's element and image into rocket element and AT4 image(the ammo you dislike, for ex. the fucking acid...), so only At4 can use this, only the scope can use this AT4,
No need to replace any ammo, with BoSEE you can add custom ammo types. There was a tutorial on JJ's pages.

gunner of shi said:
If your like, you can put the AT4 in the other hand, use the scope to targeting and shoot. Every guy can use it, even mutant...
If you put the ammo in the other equipment slot then you can't load the weapon. :wink:

As I said one way of doing it would be to make a custom ammo for the law or at4, but I was thinking you'd have the weapon look like the weapon and maybe make the ammo an instruction manual.

I was going to have something similar for molotovs, each molotov used one round of ammunition, the ammo was a match.
Thanks for all the input, at this point I opted to just use the m72 LAW as the default reloadable single shot rocket launcher. I also added both an RPG and a M202 multiple shot rocket launcher. I might attempt to add the law as disposable launcher later.

Also I have some more questions:

1. Is it possible to use color pictures for the character portraits i.e. get rid of the green filter? I know that the green filter applied to the image by the game...but as much time as I'm going to have spent on creating new portraits I'd like them to be in color if possible.

2. Is there a switch that has a tribal (non-tech) feel to it?

3. Can I use BOSEE to change the sounds of a power generator from the default one to something else? Would the sound file go in Sounds/Game directory? Also on a side note has anyone noticed that the Reactor.wav sound for the robot power generator wasn't included in the game files?

4. Is there a way to setup sleep enemies so that they don't respond to gun fire or the death of another enemy?