
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
Not surprised about the delay. Seeing how Cyberpunk was received with its myriad issues and Bethesda's QA being notoriously poor (pre-Microsoft), they'd want to polish up everything so that they can show that they've 'changed for the better' after being bought by Microsoft.

I don't have any positive opinions about Starfiled but I don't mind being proven wrong. That said, seeing as Bethesda's still using their broken-ass engine and Emil is the lead designer, I'm not holding my breath.

That's MM/DD/YY format. I bet he's from USA.
That kinda reminds me of the mini-tangent TB had about the American date format which I am inclined to agree with:

Shouldn't it be smallest to biggest value? Doesn't roll off the tongue as well but at least, the order of the numbers are maintained :lol:
Well, if you haven't noticed all Iain Banks Culture books are optimistic. So much so that the series basically spawned another writing term; Grim Bright. The only thing that the setting desperately needed is heroism, like fighting for the purpose of existence and giving life a true meaning. It's like the whole point of majority of the books.

It was a kind of reactionary works, afterall Banks said that he wanted to wrote something that feels fresh compared to heavy dose of cyberpunk stuff in 80s.

Even 40K has it's own unique hope spot in the form of lore and any stuff from Dark Age of Technology. One could argue that if Spirit of Eternity wanted, she can fix the entire galaxy by opening her immense database of STC and working together with that Man of Stone from The Journal of Keeper Cripias rulebook story. Although this might only apply as fanfic, the framework is in there.

Right now 8th edition already added Roboute Guilliman resurrection and thus we basically get the only person alive from 30K era. Things already got....slightly better.

I see the pattern of either heroism at very rough journey or having nanny bots fixing your predicament, for sci fi trend right now. At least the higher tiered ones.

Culture uses kontrapunkt between of AI-driven crazy-level-utopia of Culture (Federation from Star Trek looks like stone-age cave dwellers in comparison) and the rest of the brutal universe (i.e. digital hell to torture "sinners" uploaded consciousness for eternity, and all possible cul-de-sacs of war oriented civilizations) to paint somewhat optimistic picture.
Culture wins all conflicts with baddies and proves their ways wrong, so it never gave me grim feeling like some Alastair Reynolds books.
Despite its antiheroes, it is hopeful.

Xeelee Sequence is (astro)physics tour de force, concepts there are mindblowing - no other writer went that far into theoretical physics like Baxter.
But Banks is much better writer than Baxter (best twist endings I have seen in SF, not to mention writing style), and it is shame we will never see another Culture novel.

40k has its own cynical antihero Ciaphas Cain - his unintentional heroism in spite of his selfish motives is quite humoristic.
If they release a game working on day 1, their ans will go riot.

Yes, having NPCs walk over tables and smash into everything on their path is immersive.


I am suddenly reminded of something funny that happened when I played the original Deus Ex.
During the silo/nuclear armed missile level I spooked a hostile so much that he ran right through the door that led into the missile bunker.
Normally you would either have to use a lot of lockpicking tools or a missile to get past this door. But I guess when someone is scared enough he has the strength to go through metal doors.

Hmm, and if I recall correctly this NPC smashed through a fence first in order to get to the bunker door.
Just saw the presentation. 1000 planets… I wonder if ALL quests and locations will be bland procedurally generated bug fests.

Combat looks like shit too so thats cool.
The animated dialogues / cut scense deffinetely seem improved / less rigid. I'm moreso interested in this game to see how it may influence future Fallout / ES releases.
It's going to suck.

Let's be real, ship customization will be as crap as in notFallout 4 was power armour.

100 planets full of nothing but boring, infinite quests. Storyline that is cheap emotions. Essential npcs, etc.

A new thread needs to be made with a poll. I can't edit this one to do that without admin permissions.