TKsMantis got banned from Fallout 4 New Vegas because of his opinions on fallout the frontier

Ban Reason (from TKsMantis tweet and video):
Weaponization of a community for the sake of self aggrandizing is despicable. We have zero interest having even informal ties with somebody engaging in act of this kind, and refuse to enable such blatant parasitism.

More Info:
I don't know nor care if he's fairly treated but Mantis is part of the pile of shitty Fallout YouTubers.

Oxhorn is an absolute cancer but this Mantis guy whilst generally having good takes on Fallout sounds like a stuttering nervous retard. How on earth he's made a YT channel out of his absolutely abysmal presentation is testament to how little produced content there is for old school Fallout fans that they're willing to saddle up with a lame pony like this.
I feel more on Mantis side in this case, I don't watch him nearly enough to know if he's a nice guy or not. However he was right about Frontier. And while he seemed to be acting like a prick in the Discord (calling people child), the reasoning for banning him from F4NV seemed a little absurd, after all the devs on F4NV want to be in bed with the Frontier but not with Mantis, yet clearly in that case of drama the Frontier devs were the aggressor group.
How many times do I have to hear this faggot air his dirty laundry out and whine like a bitch? Frontier being shit was pretty obvious months before launch, and projects like F4NV are stupid even if they released a stable product.
I don't know who any of these people are, but I have a question of how you get banned from a game? Like he can't dl this mod somehow or can't work on it?
Oh boy, this. I have many suspicions for this. Mantis was one of the first people to publicly raise awareness about what was going on lore wise with The Frontier. He was the one who brought up the fetish snake people to the masses attention. I believe that he told the Frontier team that this isn't lore friendly and that in order to lessen blowback they need to tell people that their mod isn't lore friendly. The Frontier team proceed to get angry with Mantis telling him that he had no idea what he was talking about and many of the Frontier Discord users raiding Mantis's server after his video were he brought up the fetish snake people. In the long run Mantis was proven right. Which begs the question, what is going on behind the scenes of Fallout 4: New Vegas? Now I have two theories.
1. The F4: New Vegas team is good friends with Frontier lead Tgspy and/or Xilandro who both have a massive chip on their shoulders for Mantis. Like any friend they are looking to avenge their friends wounded pride and punish Mantis from participating in a fan remake of his favorite game.
2. Much like the Frontier devs, the F4: New Vegas team maybe taking some "creative liberties" in regards to the Fallout lore. I.e, changing the game in order to suit their personal tastes and/or political ideology. Since Mantis was the first one who raised the red flag about the Frontier the F4:New Vegas team learned from their mistakes and banned him in order to not get blowback from fans who may get royally pissed off that they are changing the lore of New Vegas.

Those are my two theories. Feel free to post your own. The only sure thing I can say is that anybody that is chummy with the Frontier team should be avoid like the plague. The Frontier team is one of the most toxic communities on the Nexus. Keylancer, the creator of the Westside Overhaul Mod, has told me personally that they have harassed and run a number of Fallout New Vegas and 4 modders off the Nexus for daring to criticize their work of fart and offer them tips on how to improve. This is a toxic community and I get the feeling that the F4: New Vegas community is the same.
they banned him from voice acting team

According to the mod team he was never part of the voice cast. He submitted his lines like other VAs, but wasn't picked.

What happened recently is a different story. One of the mods banned him from Discord for being part of Frontier drama.

I've also got to mention Mantis' hipocrisy, as he banned Schizo Elijah and Clanky4 from his own Discord for making memes about the entire situation.

Anyone who asked what happened to them was also banned.
I'm seeing more of this autistic drama pop up on fucking /v/ and it won't stop. This TKMantis guy is 100% a grifter.

Why are Fallout YouTubers so universally fucking terrible, jesus. Noah-Caldwelll-Gervais and RetconRaider are the only good ones.
I have no interest in Fallout 4 New Vegas, but i will laugh my ass off if they try to make the Legion into saturday morning cartoon villains just because they don't like the Legion's methods.
I have no interest in Fallout 4 New Vegas, but i will laugh my ass off if they try to make the Legion into saturday morning cartoon villains just because they don't like the Legion's methods.
Since the F4: New Vegas team is chummy with the Frontier team and have some Frontier members on their team and also, judging from their Discord, is filled to the brim with far Left progressive internet activists I can see them doing to the Legion what the Frontier team did to them. I think with big Fallout mods I”ll stick to the ones made by Europeans, Russians and the Old World Blues mod for Hearts of Iron.
I have no interest in Fallout 4 New Vegas, but i will laugh my ass off if they try to make the Legion into saturday morning cartoon villains just because they don't like the Legion's methods.
On this episode of New Vegas: Vulpes stole my favorite cloak, so I farted in his furfag coyote headdress and now he's got pink eye. Caesar was sperging about Hegel again, so I went for a walk along the river near the fort and came across people being attacked by Lakelurks. After valiantly killing four of them with a few spears and my mighty thews. I noticed they were two cute girls, so I enslaved them and they will be my servants. Note to self: keep new slavegirl servants away from Lanius. He tries to carve out their eyes when they look vaguely in his direction because he is a eunuch.
On this episode of New Vegas: Vulpes stole my favorite cloak, so I farted in his furfag coyote headdress and now he's got pink eye. Caesar was sperging about Hegel again, so I went for a walk along the river near the fort and came across people being attacked by Lakelurks. After valiantly killing four of them with a few spears and my mighty thews. I noticed they were two cute girls, so I enslaved them and they will be my servants. Note to self: keep new slavegirl servants away from Lanius. He tries to carve out their eyes when they look vaguely in his direction because he is a eunuch.
Don't forget to put in some Rick and Morty memes in here. HAHAHA! Ooo! And be sure to add in some foot fetish lines too! I want to know if Cass has stinky feet! And if anybody has a problem with it we will drive them off the Nexus for daring to criticize us!
The irony is that the Fallout 3 mod will probably turn out better than the New Vegas one since the F4CW team has cut ties with F4NV over the latter's constant issues bleeding over to the former's dev team. F4CW doesn't want to deal with that shit.
literally none of these mods will ever come out. How many of them are there for TES?

Black Mesa is the only one and that was a fluke of the universe.
Since the F4: New Vegas team is chummy with the Frontier team and have some Frontier members on their team and also, judging from their Discord, is filled to the brim with far Left progressive internet activists I can see them doing to the Legion what the Frontier team did to them. I think with big Fallout mods I”ll stick to the ones made by Europeans, Russians and the Old World Blues mod for Hearts of Iron.

So it is more than likely that F4NV will not be such much as an "update" or "remaster" of FNV, but rather a re-imaging of FNV, but with the developers own political interests inserted.

The franchise is already hurting so much with the bad official games, and now the fan mods are also going to have stuff in them that should not be in a Fallout game, or at least not in this way.

Don't forget to put in some Rick and Morty memes in here. HAHAHA! Ooo! And be sure to add in some foot fetish lines too! I want to know if Cass has stinky feet! And if anybody has a problem with it we will drive them off the Nexus for daring to criticize us!

Definitely Rick and Morty, to show how intelligent and original they are, and not part of the dumb masses.

I have my particular interests and I would not want to see them in any Fallout game. There are enough places for me to go to for that.

literally none of these mods will ever come out. How many of them are there for TES?

Black Mesa is the only one and that was a fluke of the universe.

Such a fucking disappointment, as fan mods are probably one of the few possible enjoyable gaming experiences left since a lot of commercial game development went the route of stupid activism.
How many of them are there for TES?

Morroblivion- Morrowind in Oblivion
Skywind- Morrowind in Skyrim
Skyblivion- Oblivion in Skyrim
Skyrim- Skyrim in Skyrim
Fallout 3- Fallout in Oblivion
Morrorim- Skyrim in Morrowind
Oblivrim- Skyrim in Oblivion
Morrowind- Morrowind in Morrowind
Oblivion- Oblivion in Oblivion
And then they were saying years ago that we on NMA just wanted Fallout 1 and 2 just done over and over again.

Hell, at this point just make a FOBOS in Fallout 3. Intelligence wise it is pretty much on the same level any way.
Morroblivion- Morrowind in Oblivion
Skywind- Morrowind in Skyrim
Skyblivion- Oblivion in Skyrim
Skyrim- Skyrim in Skyrim
Fallout 3- Fallout in Oblivion
Morrorim- Skyrim in Morrowind
Oblivrim- Skyrim in Oblivion
Morrowind- Morrowind in Morrowind
Oblivion- Oblivion in Oblivion

as the kids say, lol
Oblivrim- Skyrim in Oblivion
I bet there's some people out there that unironically want this, because i have seen some demented defense for Oblivion's graphics.

These conversion mods in general are worthless. Oh, i get to play a game that i have already played countless times, just with "prettier" graphics this time? What a waste of time. While graphics matter, more specifically a good aethestic, that's such a shallow reason to do these conversion mods.