Van Buren tech demo

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
You didn't think we were done, did you?

No Mutants Allowed is proud to present Black Isle Studio's Van Buren tech demo (Van Buren is BIS' cancelled Fallout 3 project), you can download it via our fileserver.

A few very basic notes:
1. Installation is basically unpacking the RAR file and clicking .exe. There is some waiting time the first time you load it.
2. Don't forget that this is a pre-alpha tech demo from 2003: the combat is pretty much unimplemented (sucky realtime only), the graphics are really basic. Also, most people will want to change the resolution, which can be done after the first time you run it. See instructions here
3. The file is a whopping 241 MB, but don't be disappointed that it doesn't offer a full night's worth of gameplay (though in true Fallout style, it offers a lot of different paths to victory).
4. Also in true Fallout style, the demo is very, very buggy. Expect frequent crashes.

Since this is probably the last time we will be posting on Van Buren, let me take this opportunity to send out a thank-you to the Van Buren staff and everyone who ever worked for Black Isle Studios. Gentlemen (and ladies); it was an honour and a privilege to watch you work and a pleasure to play your games. We salute you.

Link: Van Buren tech demo
Link: Van Buren tech demo guide
Link: Van Buren tech demo guide in Russian

Awesome stuff. A big thank you to the Van Buren staff and the rest of Black Isle, indeed!
was kinda expecting this sooner or later.

i guess we shouldn't be asking where you got this from?
SuAside said:
i guess we shouldn't be asking where you got this from?

Oddly enough, one day after putting a tooth I lost during a biking accident under my pillow, I woke up and found a CD under my pillow. Putting it in my computer, I found out it contained something called "demo.rar". Unzipping it, guess what I found. So thank you, tooth fairy :ok:
Oh man, why did I forget my usb-memory back home, now I have to wait till tomorrow...

But thank you for putting this online, Time get back to crying...

...And after that go back to hoping the bethesda fallout will be good.

Thats fast!!

Thanks again NMA and ofcourse a big thank you for the original VB team.
zOMG! WTF! You guys think this would have been a better game than Bethesda would make!? It's not even done yet, like wtf. Clearly Black Isle is teh suckee at making games if THIS was all they could muster.

Back on topic, downloading it now. Thanks for the stuff guys, I'll post more on my lovey of this when I actually start to play. From what I've seen of everything so far though, I've got to give my props to the team and to J.E. for really making something special. I only wish Black Isle could have been owned by another company, so that this gem could have seen completion.

Thanks to all of Van Buren.
This is BIG. Can't wait to get home and play around with this piece of heavenly sweetness!

ALSO: Huge thanks to those who have/will put their blood, sweat and tears into all that is Fallout. I would personally hug you if I had the caps.

Thank you NMA and i would also like to Salute the boys over at Obisidian or even Beth (if they allowed this to happen) for allowing this thing online ... i salute the old Black Isle - too bad it wasnt meant to be guys :(

This is pretty damn awesome, downloading it right now.

Thanks a lot to NMA and the Van Buren people. You guys RAWWWK!
Thanks to NMA for demo and thanks to all people who worked in Black Isle, your work will be never forgotten.
So fate has made it that this will be the only bit of Van Buren we get to play...R.I.P. Black Isle Studios.

Also Downloading.
What a nice present for today. Thanks for this to NMA, thanks for the staff involved in the process of making the Fallout 1 and 2 games(whoever is tying to get in their shoes will have some very big shoes to fill).
RIP, Black Isle. There will be some people who will always remember you.
Farewell, Van Buren project! At least you showed promise...
joystiq posted about the tech demo. It looks like someone on that site closely follows Fallout and is an avid visitor of NMA :).