Degenerate who belongs on a cross
What, in your opinion, were some of the bigger mistakes made by Bethesda in Fallout 4? Please be specific. Also don't be lazy; vague and generic insults are not very helpful.
Agreed. It certainly didn't help that Bethesda had thrown skills away, which limited skill checks and therefore player choice in the quests. Out of curiosity, which of the few side quests did you think were actually interesting?Making so many radiant quests and too few actual side quests, and of the side quests we got only a few were interesting and we got shit like Cabot and The kid in the fridge.
You aren't wrong, but...The Plot, the Dialogue wheel and the options they give you. They took the "RP" out of the "G" and the "G" is all that's left and competent "shooty shooty bang bang."
Also don't be lazy; vague and generic insults are not very helpful.
Sorry I just read the title of forum, I'll try not jumping the gun next time.You aren't wrong, but...
This might be the most concise and accurate description of why Fallout 4 was bad that I've ever read.The Perk system. It's no longer an RPG just a Farcry clone with gates tht have the name of the old stats.
The writing was terrible.
While gunplay was improved, Melee and Unarmed got much much worse, specially compared to New Vegas. Even with the right perks Melee Combat never improves.
Voiced protagonist.
Dialogue Cross, can't even be called a Wheel.
New Art direction was a very mixed bag, some envirorments looked better but a lot of grit was lost, also several creatures now look terrible and combined with poor textures things like the Feral Ghouls and the Deathclaws now look like amorphous sacks of potatoes.
Music choice fo the radios was again terrible and the Radio Station host made Threedog seem charismatic in comparisson.
New Mutants, again a new faction of dumb orcs that exist there just to be dumb orcs.
Settlement building, just everything about it. It doesn't even work properly so it objectively was bad addition. And it also caused 90% of Quest givers to be nameless NPCs with randomly generated fetch and kill quests. Also resulted in the world of the game feeling desolate and boring.
AI is still terribad.
Random Raider with Fatmans, specially when they try to shoot them through walls because of poor ai and it results in random deaths.
The whole Legendary Creature system.
The whole legendary Weapon/equipment system.
The Weapon mods for Melee and Unarmed were very lacking.
The weapon selection was very lacking as a result of the Modding system.
All Armor looks ugly as shit.
Weapon and armor condition being gone.
Armor condition only being present in what is supposed to be a wearable tank.
Not being able to use Unarmed weapons while in Power Armor, The Powerfist was supposed to be Used with Power Armors.
The power fist looks like shit, no idea why they redesigned it to be some piece of crap.
Weapon aesthetics were subpar, specially on energy weapons.
The Grenade Throw and the Power bash being mapped to the same action even on PC.
The Pip boy games.
T-60 Power armor being pre war and "Better than t-51 ORIGINAL ARMOR DON'T STEAL".
Level scaled enemies.
The way Synths were used in the story.
The story was shit.
The factions were retarded, except for the BOS.
Pick locks until you can pick the lock to her pants.
Companions sucked.
Dogmeat was too forced on you.
Essential NPCs everywhere.
No multiple endings.
Dialogue wheel is terrible. No more and no less than 4 options.