It Wandered In From the Wastes

When I saw his name it reminded me of Louis C.K. and his show Louie so I kinda subconsciously started messing it upNot to nitpick, but he's big Louie, as Louie Armstrong

On to more reports:
Minor ones.

Don't know if this next one is done on purpose or not.

There is bit of conflict when you ask Patrick (missionary guy in Vault suit) if you can help his mission in some way.

This last one is not bug or typo but a tiny bit of game mechanic oversight.
There is a homeless boy when you enter New Reno that can give you tips for 5$ and you can ask for secret.
He will tell you secret for free, if you threaten to break his fingers, without karma loss. Think you should loose bit of karma from it. You can threaten him again (even break his fingers) during some other quest and loose karma, so I think it's an oversight that you don't loose karma for this one time. You can even threaten some other kids too and loose karma.
