Gun Control


Satire, as usually, is just an imitation of live.

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You know there is a an actual gun topic. this is the anti-gun topic for people who hate guns to call gun owners barbarians and the people who troll debate them.
To be fair Moonies are in no way an exclusively American phenomenon
Of course not.

You know there is a an actual gun topic. this is the anti-gun topic for people who hate guns to call gun owners barbarians and the people who troll debate them.
It's also not the topic for silly coments aimed at creating hostility and trolling. This topic has been going for 260 pages where as many before it have been closed for one reason or another. You can disagree with people without making hyberpolic statements and silly exagerations. I am pretty sure no one for the last, I don't know 100 pages called for gun owners to be seen as barbarians or what ever. Recognizing issues and talking about them - sometimes even very strongly - isn't the same as snarky comments which add nothing to a debate.

Or in other words, why not play nice, eh?
It's very difficult to tell sometimes if your joking or trolling. And you continue with it by calling me a moron. You and me, we have a history here. Ever heard the expression you walk on thin ice? I don't like you. So why should I take this not as an insult now rather than a "joke"? Particularly as you haven't even taken your time to actually reflect over what I said.
So anyway ...

You've probably heard the saying "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."

So it logically follows that we don't need gun control, we need mind control. :crazy: I'm just joking with this (mostly).

However, there is something more serious I have been wondering about. California has a mental health gun confiscation law, which basically means that police are supposed to confiscate the firearms of an individual that is currently in the midst of a mental health crisis (see this Google search). Many gun aficionados oppose this because it literally is "the government comin' for your guns" and the slippery slope argument. But most people would probably agree that it is dangerous for someone that is suicidal to have access to a firearm. So if you are a gun owner, where do you stand on this specific issue? If you are against it, would you ever pressure a friend that was spiraling downward to give you their guns until they recover a bit?
So anyway ...

You've probably heard the saying "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."

So it logically follows that we don't need gun control, we need mind control. :crazy: I'm just joking with this (mostly).

However, there is something more serious I have been wondering about. California has a mental health gun confiscation law, which basically means that police are supposed to confiscate the firearms of an individual that is currently in the midst of a mental health crisis (see this Google search). Many gun aficionados oppose this because it literally is "the government comin' for your guns" and the slippery slope argument. But most people would probably agree that it is dangerous for someone that is suicidal to have access to a firearm. So if you are a gun owner, where do you stand on this specific issue? If you are against it, would you ever pressure a friend that was spiraling downward to give you their guns until they recover a bit?

IMO, it's a catch 22. Best thing would be a case by case basis, done through the courts.
The sad case of Jon-Erik Hexum; unintentionally killed himself with blanks.

(I have to think that —like most people— had he been trained in firearm safety, that this would not have happened.)

On October 12, 1984, the cast and crew of Cover Up were filming the seventh episode of the series, "Golden Opportunity," on Stage 17 of the 20th Century Fox lot. One of the scenes filmed that day called for Hexum's character to load bullets into a .44 Magnum handgun, so he was provided with a functional gun and blanks. When the scene did not play as the director wanted it to in the master shot, there was a delay in filming. Hexum became restless and impatient during the delay and began playing around to lighten the mood. He had unloaded all but one (blank) round, spun it, and—simulating Russian roulette—he put the revolver to his right temple and pulled the trigger,[6] apparently unaware of the danger.
Firearms trainig? What are you? A communist!

Been saying for a long time that if people decide to get a fire arm - which is their right of course - they should get at least proper training with it.

It just feels a little unsettling the more walled off DC is getting the more they want to get rid of rifles. Take away the 100 round mags that jam anyway because I don't think civilians should own them. But taking away my rifle feels like cutting off my nuts and I won't do it. Goddamnit just limit us to 15 round mags or something. I just know these morons are going to ban all scary looking gun accessories that have black parts on them.