Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

The infamy of this forum to outside sites like Reddit and has turned this forum immortal. There's always gonna be an idiot coming here to try to change the minds of the people here that dislike the Bethesda Fallouts.

It's just a vicious cycle of walls of texts and a lot of rage.
I will say it's hilarious to hear the few Bugthesda boys who were disappointed with 76 complain about it "not being Fallout." They're totally right, and now they know how we feel about 3 and 4.
i'm harmond or "vurt" which i usually use. i love modding and i've worked as a freelance 3D/texture artist on a few indie games such as kenshi and some smaller ones which you will never have heard of. mainly i do mods though, no stress, no one but myself to decide about stuff.. my other big interest is modular synths, but we don't talk about that, it's too weird.

mainly i got on here to learn a bit of FO2 modding which of course in an old favorite of mine + i've never really modded any 2D game, so it's something new and interesting to tackle. and yes this account is super old, never really began using it until now.

I'm.... honestly, I go by different caricatures, but right now I guess I'm *orumu*. I'm not one of those who had nostalgic value (i.e. grew up with) playing Fallout 1 and 2 or Fallout 3. I practically have no history with the series and initially approached it from a mindset that said "I think this looks cool" on a saturday afternoon and then went down a rabbit hole as I continued and eventually got familiar with at least the main series of games.....

Oh yeah, and I suppose I like modding games. Love modding games, especially those that offer a decently sized degree of freedom already.

I’m a shitty greeter. @SquidVan should probably fire me but I know he won’t.


.....Honestly, I've been here for longer, but that's only because I've been lurking around the times I was playing Fallout 1 and 2. I just made this account for the hell of it long after the fact. Get to know the fine folks around here, maybe.
I still hold the lurker turned member trophy (10+ years).

I don't doubt it. This place has been here longer than a lot of active members have been alive.
There are tons of "long time lurker, first time poster" posts in this very thread. They promptly get shitted on by you devils (haha) and we never see them post again.
I don't doubt it. This place has been here longer than a lot of active members have been alive.
There are tons of "long time lurker, first time poster" posts in this very thread. They promptly get shitted on by you devils (haha) and we never see them post again.

I don't doubt that there are, I just doubt Morgan.
I don't doubt it. This place has been here longer than a lot of active members have been alive.
There are tons of "long time lurker, first time poster" posts in this very thread. They promptly get shitted on by you devils (haha) and we never see them post again.