Lonesome Road speculation


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Minor OWB spoilers below:

[spoiler:325116eba2]So I just found Ulysses holotapes and it looks like he's neither loyal to the Legion nor the NCR. According to him the Divide is a resting place for the Old World just like the Sierra Madre and the Big Empty. He seems to be interested in somehow reviving the Old World, although I don't know how the Courier fits into this. I think that Ulysses struggle with the Courier might parallel God's struggle with Dog. He seems to criticize Elijah's and Christine's obsessions and never realizing that he's obsessed too, only obsessed with control like God and trying to act as the conscience.[/spoiler:325116eba2]

What are your thoughts?

Edit: Map of the Divide found in OWB,


Edit: I have another theory for what the Divide might be like. Fallout: New Vegas has kind of four different genres/feels to it and those are that of a Western movie/a Vegas gangster flick/a sci-fi film and pulp magazine/ and a tribal feel. Now out of the three DLC we've had so far Dead Money fit the feel of the Vegas-y casino heist gangster flick, Honest Hearts took care of the whole tribal war aspect, Old World Blues was the silly 50's B-movie Sci-Fi DLC, so could Lonesome Road be our Western-Cowboy style DLC? I'm now imagining that it's going to feel something like the first half of the main game before you get to New Vegas.
I think you're correct, seeing as everything has been building up to a climactic confrontation it would seem obvious that a "western type duel" or clash would be the type of DLC.
So my personal guess was right, I'll guess. The "columns" on the twitter avatar from MCA must be broken down high-streets.

Looking at the map, LR doesn't seem to have big walkspaces. It's more a corridor map (who would have thought that about a DLC that is called "Lonesome Road" huh?).

I'd say bottom right is the start point (the thin line) and the big circle at the top left is the end. There is a big crater-y thingy as well, which most likely is The Divide.
Personally I would really like to see something from a disaster movie, a hellish inhospitable landscape full of dangers.

Like Hassknecht said in a discussion; like the map view of the Glow from Fallout 1.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Personally I would really like to see something from a disaster movie, a hellish inhospitable landscape full of dangers.

Like Hassknecht said in a discussion; like the map view of the Glow from Fallout 1.

Or the road. Which is likely what this DLC is gonna be a send-up of (what with the dad and kid and all)
did yo uget that map with the Geck or is it found in Old World Blues normaly?
I really like that idea of makign it more western like, feels appropate for a story of revenge.
I only find it a bit confusing why there is a LR map in the OWB files if it is only available through the GECK.. Maybe it ended up there per accident?
If it is only available via GECK, it has a very high chance to be in there by accident. There was a Zion snow globe in Dead Money, most likely by accident as well.
I don't think it's an accident, that map is somewhere in Big MT I've seen it... if that is what people were discussing. I'll have another check around.

EDIT: Check the Meteorlogical Lab for it.
Im not quite sure if its gonna be a western dual type thing because

[spoiler:9de7b772c9] Ulyess' said it was going to be meeting he might not have intended to battle with our courier[/spoiler:9de7b772c9]

It might not be a literal battle of guns and sutff could be something else entirely, mmmm?
Walpknut said:
did yo uget that map with the Geck or is it found in Old World Blues normaly?

It's found in the game normally, at the meteorological research station somewhere in the North end of the map.

Edit: It's definitely not an accident, it's a map of the storm filled Divide in a weather research station. Ulysses' mark is also outside the building meaning he traveled there.

Edit: Maybe that's why he went to the Big Empty in the first place, to learn about the Divide? He did say he had questions about the history of something.

Edit: There's a *lot* of hints about Lonesome Road scattered throughout OWB.
I'm not sure whether or not it says it but it's pretty clear that that's what this is, seeing as you find it in a meteorological research station and the Divide is famous for its storms.

Edit: And since there appears to be a large fissure or "Divide" in the middle of the map.
Alright here's a theory I posted in another thread: Ulysses was originally a Legion Frumentarii disguised as an NCR soldier, until the company he was infiltrating reached a place known as the Divide and (I'll quote the wiki here)

Some terrible events happened there in the past, splitting the earth, destroying entire NCR companies and cutting off supply lines along California State Route 127, and State Route 88, which allowed Caesar's Legion more time to recover after their loss at the First Battle of Hoover Dam.

It was here that he found some memory of the Old World hidden in the ruins and storms of the supposedly empty Divide. It was believed that all the NCR soldiers died at the Divide and survivors were only a legend (just like the Sierra Madre and the Big Empty and the survival of Joshua Graham were legends). Now here's what I think, Ulysses somehow survived what happened at the Divide and he learned some secret about the Old World (He did say he wanted to "Show the Courier what had happened there") and began to see the flaws in the Legion and became loyal to the Old World after he found a possible way to restore it.

He went searching for answers about something at the Big Empty eventually in his new quest to(House's securitron army possibly?).

Ulysses being an ex-frumentarii would explain why Graham thought he would come to assassinate him (Graham had lost contact with the Legion after the first battle of Hoover Dam, the same time the NCR company Ulysses was infiltrating had gone missing, thus explaining why he didn't know of Ulysses' new loyalties). Somehow the Courier is going to play into this and apparently has delivered a message to Ulysses before, either directly or indirectly, and Ulysses wants to show the Courier the glory of the Old World and how it can be restored. The Platinum Chip will play into this somehow (maybe Ulysses *wanted* Benny to get his hands on it? Possibly he somehow knew the Courier would survive? Maybe *he* was the one who placed Victor there in the first place long before House came along somehow knowing House would later use him to save your life?)
Perhaps the hexagonal structure is a connection to whatever old world...something... that is buried here? wonder what it is. (hope it isn't another doomsday machine)