Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Edit: I tried keeping "Fallout 2/Megamod/patch000.dat" instead of deleting it and now I can save the game. I had deleted "Fallout 2/patch000.dat" before installing Megamod, then it reappeared in the Megamod folder after installing the mod. I don't know what to think anymore, as the official guide says to delete that file.

Probably leaves it there as a backup in case you want/need to revert to base game/pre-MM
FYI - When I used this installer, the default language was not English in the character creation page (I mean when naming your character). If you press "scroll lock" then it seems to switch to English.

I also just realized that I get an error message any time I try to save the game. The game doesn't crash, it's just an error: "Error saving game. Unable to save game". I never had this issue with Megamod previously.

Edit: I tried keeping "Fallout 2/Megamod/patch000.dat" instead of deleting it and now I can save the game. I had deleted "Fallout 2/patch000.dat" before installing Megamod, then it reappeared in the Megamod folder after installing the mod. I don't know what to think anymore, as the official guide says to delete that file.

Thank you so much though for the upload anyhow. Perhaps I can figure out what is going on.
1. Not english lang - i will fixed this (Can't reproduce this problem)
2. default - install mod in subfolder, no other action is required. (Savegame - work is fine).
3. in the coming days, will check this.
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1. not english lang - i will fixed this
2. default - install mod in subfolder, no other action is required.
3. in the coming days, will check your problem. Fix
Also your ddraw doesnt allow for highlighting items or containers, shift key doesnt nothing and the word highlight isnt even found anywhere within the ini.
Also your ddraw doesnt allow for highlighting items or containers, shift key doesnt nothing and the word highlight isnt even found anywhere within the ini.
In new versions of sfall-you can change the modes. Default: Objects are highlighted in the line of sight (sfall-mods.ini). Highlight items on the entire map, is equivalent to a cheat.

!!! the installer is temporarily unavailable, please wait
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In new versions of sfall-you can change the modes. Default: Objects are highlighted in the line of sight (sfall-mods.ini). Highlight items on the entire map, is equivalent to a cheat.

!!! the installer is temporarily unavailable, please wait
Thank you.
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Thanks, @_Pyran_ .

And, just to comment on things from an earlier page:

- Dobbs: When I recruit him, during the first conversation, some error text shows up, but the it goes forward nonetheless and I recruited him fine. Later on (after I visited the BoS Research facility), I told him to wait, then when I wanted to re-recruit him, I got memory reference message. This happened almost all the time I tried, there was only one exception. Then I removed my armor, and I could have him re-join me, although there was no conversation about it, the windows just went down and up as if I asked him.

Fixed this game-crashing bug. (Strange that I also found it in another script and no one found it or else it just didn't have the same effect.)

Also, whenever I arrived into a map, the comments from Skynet appeared as well, even though he wasn't in my party. Skynet's infinite companion compatibility also broke, and only could get him to join after I dismissed most of my party. After that I left him behind again and the comments from him disappeared.

I am still looking into this issue regarding the comments even when Skynet is not in your party. However, I have to point out that infinite companion compatibility (i.e., the Cult of Personality perk) does NOT affect Skynet. It didn't make sense to me that a robot would be affected by a PC's personality. If I remember correctly, it also does not affect Robodog or K-9.

- I used the Ranger map but the Safehouse locations haven't showed up at all. (I read somewhere that this is already implemented.)

Tested this and it works fine on my end. All three safe houses appear on the worldmap and I can enter those locations.
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I am still looking into this issue regarding the comments even when Skynet is not in your party. However, I have to point out that infinite companion compatibility (i.e., the Cult of Personality perk) does NOT affect Skynet. It didn't make sense to me that a robot would be affected by a PC's personality. If I remember correctly, it also does not affect Robodog or K-9.
One remark. I think that is going to affect if the brain is alive (the dog's brain, the monkey brain, the human brain). But this point is not critical.
Sorry, I was “a bit” afk. Sometimes internet/posting is too much for me.
I'll correct the translation - please wait.
G key - it worked (for me).
Foxx fix for Env.Armor - present.
HR_mainmenu.frm - works.
HRP - works fine , default - enable.
If possible, I will make an update.
My mistake (facepalm while holding a sandwich). I eventually did find “alternative_sfall/SFALL-E_4.1.7/data/scripts” and figured out the G key is enabled by gl_sfall-mods.int.
Perhaps that could be mentioned in the installation readme/instructions: (“To enable features copy int files from “alternative_sfall/SFALL-E_4.1.7/data/scripts” to “data/scripts”. Configurations can be made in ddraw.ini and sfall-mods.ini”).
The scripts are:
gl_ammomod.int (?)
gl_highlighting.int (highlight items (default is within LoS), settings in sfall-mods.ini)
gl_partycontrol.int (control party members (default is off), settings in sfall-mods.ini)
gl_sfall-mods.int (to pick up items (default key is G), settings in sfall-mods.ini)

- While using the g hotkey, I had error messages (probably missing text?). Not sure what is missing, but whenever I pick up an item I get an “error” message in the text window.
It's probably one the following in gl_sfall-mods.int
display_msg(message_str_game(3, 8000));
display_msg(sprintf(message_str_game(3, 8002), obj_name(pickupItem)));
Whatever that refers too seems to be missing (btw, I'm still using MM_2.47.4.1_full, so I may be outdated).

- And the highlight LoS function has a peculiar issue. It can't detect the “Lavender Dream” when it's in the north corner of the “hole”: http://www.filedropper.com/losfail (one is showing the book, the other that the corner is blocked). In this position the LoS function can't highlight the book (i.e. LoS blocked). This is probably a map error, though @MIB88 (i.e. the book is lying in a corner the player can't enter, i.e. prevented by “blockers”. Can be picked up, though.).
If you want to reproduce (the book spawns when entering the map the first time, and then its a random spawn place. Not sure if manipulation is possible (I tried it about 10 times during the day, then I switched to midnight and had it on the first try (probably luck, though).)
P.S. These are the locations in Jorner's guide:
  • In the graveyard, just east of the church.
  • In the outhouse north of the Hole.
  • Behind a wall just southwest of the car behind Metzger's.
  • Beside a barrel south of the graveyard.
And it does not list the position: “In the north corner of the Hole building”. Has this location been added by MM? Also I did not trigger “Behind a wall just southwest of the car behind Metzger's.” (chance?) but I did get “Underneath Vic's window” repeatedly.
Perhaps this is a MM adjustment of the spawn?

- I meant this Hr_mainmenu (http://www.filedropper.com/hrmainmenu: I took this from a previous MM version, it's Necropolis from Fo1). Not a big deal, but I liked that MM had its own unique mainmenu. Made it a bit more distinct.

Disclaimer: I'm still using the old installer: MM_2.47.4.1_full. (I don't want to go through a new install/set up atm. Anyway, some of the things I mentioned may already be fixed/not an issue anymore.)
I also just realized that I get an error message any time I try to save the game. The game doesn't crash, it's just an error: "Error saving game. Unable to save game". I never had this issue with Megamod previously.

Edit: I tried keeping "Fallout 2/Megamod/patch000.dat" instead of deleting it and now I can save the game. I had deleted "Fallout 2/patch000.dat" before installing Megamod, then it reappeared in the Megamod folder after installing the mod. I don't know what to think anymore, as the official guide says to delete that file.

Thank you so much though for the upload anyhow. Perhaps I can figure out what is going on.
This is probably an issue caused by installing Fallout too often. I had the same issue when I tried to install the new MM over my old version. All my “old savegames” worked, but "new games" didn't (same error message). I messed around a little (fresh install etc.). And it wouldn't change. What solved it eventually was “rebooting after deinstalling”, “registry cleaner” and “installing in a different install path” (as suggested in the readme of MM). Not sure what the issue exactly is, but one or all three of the above should fix it. I'm currently using “MM_2.47.4.1_full” under a new install path and it works fine. I have not tested if save-games carry over.
  • Original MM by MIB, modifies master.dat (packing files).
  • Version 2.47.4.x - does not spoil the master.dat, not packs anything, all changes are presented in patch000.dat (No need to remove).
  • 2.47.4.x - Only a clean installation, is permitted transfer\backup saves.

  • >>> gl_ammomod.int - the ability to switch circuit damage (glovz, yamm, crafty), without using modified proto files (But this is not necessary).
  • >>> G key text error - fixed, line translated .
  • >>> HR_Mainmenu - Image "Necropolis" returned :)
MM link updated.
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And the fixes continue. For anyone keeping track...

And I don't know if it is relevant,but everytext in kills are broken except coach or fruit fly.

I cannot replicate this.

Some encounter between Modoc and Vault City will cause crush.

Yes, I have also found this bug. Still trying to figure out what is happening here.

2.No reward from the quest "Liberate some of Salvatore's guns."

You are rewarded by getting to keep what you looted and by continuing to be able to become one of the Cold Hearts. :P

3.Everyone in Raiders have two set of armor.


4.All locks in SAD have no effect,and using repair to disable robots are not effect too,feature?

Are these elements from the RP?

6.Nessa (Ghost in Primitive Tribe) will pick up a knife.

I will take a look at this.
Thanks, @Muttie .

I could either disable the loot bodies script on that map, or I could just remove the knife from the corpse and set it to the side. I mean, it would make sense either way as to the location of the knife. She could have stabbed herself and left it in until she died (and therefore it is in her inventory). Or, she could have stabbed herself and pulled it out (leaving it to the side).

I'll disable barter, though.

Edit: The body has a rock and healing powder in the inventory. No knife. The knife is already off to the side. My guess is that maybe she is picking up the knife when the player goes to kill the rats.

Edit 2: The story so far... for anyone who is interested...

Changes/Fixes made since version 2.47.4:
-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Minor corrections to various maps (especially with regards to walking through objects)
-Added SCAR (Skilldex Color Asthetic Redux) mod from @Kamos5
-Removed some more instances where killed enemies had two sets of armor (including the Bridgekeeper, who will not produce a regular robe when killed)
-Added a number of fixes/cleaned up code from the RP
-Corrected a number of scripts which had incorrect/missing variables regarding Sexpert, Gigolo and Virgin (Thanks to @Muttie )
-Fixed Modoc farm trapdoor in event explosives are used
-Unwashed villagers no longer generate armor when killed
-added more character enhancements from @Endocore
-added moving turrets to Vault City
-Myron has the proper talking head when wearing advanced power armors
-Human Lenny should no longer be referred to as a ghoul when entering Vault City
-Made a number of corrections to dialog for Private Dobbs
-Fixed bug causing crash when asking Private Dobbs to rejoin your party
-Removed potential bug regarding waiting for Cassidy, Sulik, and Klint
-Removed potential bug regarding an unimplemented perk and related items
-Unused items should no longer be spawned by geckos killed in random encounters
-Marcus no longer becomes unresponsive after speaking with him about mutant sterility
-Meris can once again be gained for your party
-Corrected party member backgrounds for some locations
-No longer possible to barter with the ghost at the Umbra Tribe
-Toned down (just a little) the enemies of Vault 14's leaders
-Skynet's floats will no longer appear when it is not with your party
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Are these elements from the RP?

From The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide:
Or you could just pick the door to the elevator on the left, which will take you to all four levels of the depot.
These doors not locked.
But "disabled" bots will not attack is RP's elements,sorry.

I don't know if I misremember,but no drops when super mutants was killed by eletrical weapons with crit attack(In highest violence,by the way,in my config,weapon drops mod not open).
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I could either disable the loot bodies script on that map, or I could just remove the knife from the corpse and set it to the side. I mean, it would make sense either way as to the location of the knife. She could have stabbed herself and left it in until she died (and therefore it is in her inventory). Or, she could have stabbed herself and pulled it out (leaving it to the side).

I'll disable barter, though.

Edit: The body has a rock and healing powder in the inventory. No knife. The knife is already off to the side. My guess is that maybe she is picking up the knife when the player goes to kill the rats.
I did a quick-test: I see her ghost picking up stuff when I spawn it (i.e. waiting until midnight next to the body). I can't loot the body myself, no hand-icon (although the ghost seems to be able to). Anyway, she ends up with a Knife (unless I pick it up first), 2 Healing Powder (can be seen via barter and one may be from the body unless she starts with two) and a Rock (can only be seen when stealing from her). So it seems her ghost loots the body possibly, but definitely picks up the knife when spawned in. Perhaps it's best if the ghost has no items (to cancel stealing), disable loot bodies script, and allow the player-dude to loot the body (or remove the items from the body otherwise, i.e. if I can't loot the body it doesn't need to have any items on it).
The ghost has no inventory on her. The rock and the two healing powders were from the dead body.
So, I changed a few things:
I modified the script for NPCs looting bodies to not occur on that map.
I modified the dead critter on the ground, so she could be looted by the player character.
I modified the ghost critter so it could not be bartered with.

Something is weird, though. The script of the ghost already has a section that is supposed to prevent stealing (i.e., pickup_p_proc). What is there should prevent the stealing window from opening up. I wonder why it isn't working? Or, have I misunderstood what this code is for or doing?
pickup_p_proc runs when the player is caught stealing from the critter (steal check failed). It does not prevent the player from using the skill.
If you want to prevent the player from using Steal on the ghost, you can set the "no steal" critter flag for it (if the ghost uses its own unique proto) or call "script_overrides" in use_skill_on_p_proc of its script (prevent using any skill, since it's a ghost) or via USESKILL hook from sfall.