Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

Hello, anyone got a link to the most current translation and mod? i cannot acces the site and that mod isn´t avaible anywhere
A collection of hints, tips and walkthroughs that were translated from Russian found on the internet. Hopefully these will help.

Also, for those who are getting the memory access error when starting the game, do the following:

Create a new folder called "Olympus 2207"
Copy the original Fallout 2.exe into the folder
Install Olympus 2207 in this folder


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I remember from the way back machine, that there used to be a detailed English language walkthrough of this mod. It detailed how to solve every quest in the game (going into specifics like what Science skill level was needed, etc.), I think it was on the interplay.com website (which no longer exists) along with the download of this mod. Does this walkthrough still exist? Does anyone know where to download it?
Does anyone have a listing of weapons for this mod? I am playing a small guns specialist, which weapons would work best with this choice? Where is the "cut off" in this mod between small guns, and big guns?
Olympus has a few annoying design choices, among them is that the vendor inventory is scaled to your level.

You won't see the big guns until you're powerful enough to get inside the tower.

Until you reach that point I'd stick to whatever you can get your hands on.
Once your level is high enough that pre-war ammo starts spawning in shops, switch to it right away (you go from 0,75x damage modifier to 1,25x).
Yeah, taking out the Queen "Deathclaw" at the bottom of the Livos vault isn't easy with just a "Glocker" pistol and primitive custom ammo. Thank God for Shaggy and multiple re-loads.

I know its a good mod with a decent story, but certain areas have "buggy" dialog paths that can close off other quests (Rainbow Raiders quests) Many solutions wont be apparent without a walkthrough. (Who'd think you are SUPPOSED to double-cross a certain NPC)
it shows that fallout could be vivid and modern. feels like another game from black isle studios, this time from 2000. though others are probably right, i just seen the first few minutes of it. (i don't have luck to mods lately due to some glitches)