(OOC) World Of Darkness: Hunter RP

Also I want to know what this vampire fuck looks like so make sure you post a pretty pic when he shows up MOTHMAN.

Thus far you guys can't see shit. You're in a dark room with the lights off, shooting and swinging wildly at a beast moving at superhuman speeds.

Don't worry though, once you get a good look at him, all will be revealed :cool:.

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Rolled big damage, pulled mad aggro. If I make it through this fight my dented as fuck Detective is going to be even more messed up.
This will be GM when the mission is over


If we don't get there in time.

I love the kind of crazy shit that can happen even when you don't plan for it.

EDIT: That's about it for me for tonight. We'll pick this up tomorrow, I'm exhausted. It's nearly 2AM.
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"I've been fighting these sons of bitches since you were in High School, and crawling through the jungles of Vietnam when you were nothing more than a nutstain."


George your lungs are falling out I just wanna hug. :)
George cares about his team, but like any stubborn old man he gets annoyed when people ask him about his health, and doesn't take too kindly when someone tries to make him get medical help. Ever try and force an old person to go see a doctor? :wink:
Trying to force my wife to the doctor is actually worse. She would kick George's ass in a hand to hand fight most likely.

I will wait for Rise before I make my move.
Bob took the mask.
I thought about grabbing a handful of notebooks and/or papers from the desk, but Bob isn't that smart or attentive to stuff that doesn't really stand out to him. :aiee:
I gave Mothman the OST link.

But this shit my nigga. This my nigga...this shit my nigga......
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Alright. Give me a sec here to get situated and I'll carry us to the final part of this first story arc.

I just realized the pinned threads need cleaning up badly, and a couple of 'em need to be redone entirely. Some of this shit is from 2004 and outdated as fuck, and Welsh is long gone.

It's fuckin' no wonder nobody ever comes in here.

EDIT: Alright, finally finished it up. Had to make two posts because it was so damn long.
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