(OOC) World Of Darkness: Hunter RP

Alright. Give me a sec here to get situated and I'll carry us to the final part of this first story arc.

I just realized the pinned threads need cleaning up badly, and a couple of 'em need to be redone entirely. Some of this shit is from 2004 and outdated as fuck, and Welsh is long gone.

It's fuckin' no wonder nobody ever comes in here.

EDIT: Alright, finally finished it up. Had to make two posts because it was so damn long.

Wait did you just VOLUNTEER?


Would you kindly give Mothman Mod permissions for this sub forum?
Fuck, I don't even know where the begin.

I suppose a few of the more useless threads should be unpinned at the least, and the other ones should be remade entirely. Especially considering we don't open a new goddamn thread every time someone wants to take a new story arc anymore.
When one of the Admins comes and puts their mushroom stamp on your forehead you can do whatever you like. From your previous incarnation you have seen the way things should operate. I trust Mothman to stay close to the light.
All I'd want to do really for now is unpin the majority of the Welsh threads and then rewrite them so that they're up to date. Not delete necessarily - they're still apart of NMA history - just unpin, and repost.
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Quick update: I've decided that for combat it might be a good idea if I made tactical maps using a grid of some sort.

Nothing fancy, just made like my normal maps, but just to give us an idea of where everyone's at, if they're hiding behind cover, et cetera.

I'll update the tactical map every combat turn.
We've had several setbacks, but one of our members here is ill and we need to make sure they focus on their health and tend to themselves.

So, for that reason, we're going to put the RP off for just a little bit longer until Alphons get can back on his feet, I don't want to leave anyone behind.
I had so much fun doing this and then it turned to shit for various reasons. NMA has bad RP luck.
The fact it got off the ground when so many have failed in and of itself was a victory. I also had fun too so yeah.