(OOC) World Of Darkness: Hunter RP

We have come a long way already.

Call of Cthulhu, Gammaworld, Deadlands, TMNT, the skies the limit. Next time we could all be faggy vampires that like to kidnap young boys and do gay stuff but it's ok because A GIRL WROTE IT.

Reference to when I stopped reading the Vampire Chronicles. Sorry I guess I'm excited because there is something fun to do here again now.


Yup, like I said, shit like Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey (which, one of them was "influenced" by the other) completely killed public perception of this.

With that said, depending on how well this goes I've got some good ideas for future RPs we can do. Shadowrun, Warhammer 40K: Only War... fuck, the sky is the limit. As long as it's not Fallout or something boring.
Yup, like I said, shit like Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey (which, one of them was "influenced" by the other) completely killed public perception of this.

With that said, depending on how well this goes I've got some good ideas for future RPs we can do. Shadowrun, Warhammer 40K: Only War... fuck, the sky is the limit. As long as it's not Fallout or something boring.

Shadowrun is a must man. Fallout is honestly off limits only other PA stuff. THIS GROUP ONLY RUNS HARDCORE SHIT LIKE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES IN GAMMAWORLD.


Look @Risewild are you down for this as well? I am!
Hmmm... I suspect a Shadowrun RP somewhere in North America taking place happening in the near future when this campaigns over...

That looks like Shadowrun to me. Oh GAWD that setting is so amazing. So much to do.
Reposting so everyone can see it because I idiotically started an off-topic convo here and I ended up pushing it down where it's less likely to be seen because I'm a moron:

Here's the vampire's stats:

Vampire Health: 200 HP
Defense: 13
Armor Class: 0
Weapons: Claws (1D20), Teeth (1D30)
Powers: All Vampires will Always have their Usual Powers, Plus A few Unique Ones. This One Has Flesh Sculpting

Here's how combat is going to work when it happens:
Everybody will get one turn (including the Vampire and George), and the turns will be cycled.

When fighting, you'll need to make two rolls.

The first is an accuracy roll, resulting in whether your hit landed or not. You'll roll a normal D20 not based off any stats, and so long as the resulting number is equal to or higher than the enemy's defense value, it lands. For ranged, the accuracy roll will determine whether your shot is accurate. For melee, your accuracy roll will determine whether the enemy was able to block it or not, or dodge out of the way.

The second roll will be damage. Again, this won't necessarily be based off stats, just a normal D20 roll.

AUTOMATIC FIREARMS: For Automatic firearms, you can fire three shots in one turn, however if you choose to do so, the first shot will drop 2 in accuracy. Each consecutive shot will drop by 2 accuracy, and 3 damage.

SPECIAL EVENTS: If you roll high enough on your damage rolls, I'll call out a special event, like bleeding inflicted, stunning the enemy, et cetera.

ARMOR CLASS: He's not wearing any armor, however IF HE WAS, it would lower the damage done. Like let's say he had an armor class of 2, that would mean you'd have to subtract 2 from your damage roll. So if you made a damage roll of 10 against an enemy with an armor class of 2, your actual damage would be 8.


Hopefully that's fairly simple. If not I can simplify it further. OR if you want, we can change it to base it off of stats.
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I see you guys had a fun time while I was asleep :clap:.

This is what I meant when I said I have inconvenient time-zone problems :lmao:.
No worries I often wake up at noon and go to bed at 6 in the morning so nothing really matters just keep on playing we love you.
I see you guys had a fun time while I was asleep :clap:.

This is what I meant when I said I have inconvenient time-zone problems :lmao:.

No worries, I made sure we wouldn't leave ya behind. You're a vital part of the team.

No worries I often wake up at noon and go to bed at 6 in the morning so nothing really matters just keep on playing we love you.

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Sounds good. Yeah best to wait for Melvin and Bob before we save the world.
Ok 2 questions about combat. How do Aimed/Called shots work? is it just a straight penalty on the roll? also how do multi-actions work? is that also just a penalty based on the more actions you do?
Yeah (curious myself) since I can't see him yet I am just tossing the holy water to kinda leave room for the next guys to bust a shot off in his face. I guess we could just start firing through the door as soon as you guys are on your turns. Risewild also has high str so at the very least we can start swinging wildly when zombies bust out of the doors.
For firearms, you can choose to fire multiple shots. Instead of firing one shot, you can choose to fire a burst of three. However what happens, is that you take an accuracy penalty for the first shot, and a acc/dmg penalty for every consecutive shot that is fired, a penalty of 2 for accuracy, and 3 for damage.


Let's say a guy has a Defense value of 10.
You choose to fire three shots. You roll a D20, and the first roll is for accuracy. In order to land the shot, your roll needs to be 10 or higher. You roll a 12, so the first shot lands. For the second shot fired, your accuracy drops 10, meaning it still hits. For the third shot fired however it drops down further to 8, meaning the third shot doesn't hit.

Then you'd do your damage roll (a D20 roll) to determine how much damage. You know that you scored two shots. So let's say you roll a 15 for damage. The first shot would score 15 damage, however the damage penalty for the consecutive shot.

(Also keep in mind that your marksman trait adds +2 to damage with firearms, for all shots).

Does that make sense?

The benefit of doing a single shot however, is that if you roll high, let's say a 16 or higher, I'll call out special damage states, like "bleeding" or stunned where they take damage or lose defense value for a certain amount of terms. So I guess you can consider single shots to be "called shots", and three shots to be just firing wildly.

If you decide to do something unique that isn't just "I shoot/stab him", such as TR mentioned with holy water, I'll end up asking you to do a special D20 roll against one of your stats, separate from the combat system.

We can always change shit around if we need too.

EDIT: How about this. If you choose not to take the three shots (and this will apply for melee users too), you can choose to make your called/single shot. This means that you roll for accuracy, and then if you hit roll for damage. The ON TOP of damage dealt, I'll ask you to make a specialized roll (perception for firearms, strength for melee), and if you succeed, you can either:

> Inflict a specialized damage state like stunned or bleeding
> Choose to inflict the extra points past 5 of your strength or perception skill as damage.
Perfect, we got Alphons character to snap out of it and is free of the fear state he was in.

We'll pick this back up here in a few when Risewild joins us, and start the combat.


Well since Alphons is currently dead this is our RP session for this 24 hour cycle. Also I want to know what this vampire fuck looks like so make sure you post a pretty pic when he shows up MOTHMAN. I CAN'T @ YOU EASY BECAUSE YOUR NAME IS TOO UNIQUE.

I think he looks like this:

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