Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Defunding police. Haha.

Apparently the rally in Tulsa is making the Democrats butthurt. If you have a rally here on Juneteenth apparently it means you support slavery. Also apparently the Dems that say that know Oklahomans never vote for fucking Democrats. Especially when they never visit our state or any other state in the South.
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Imagine you're in the middle of getting raped and a man comes out of the shadows. His lisp reverberates throughout the alley, "Sir I am the guidance councilor assigned to you now tell me Jamal have you ever stopped to think how she feels about getting raped? Let me tell ya a big bucksome lad like yourself could just be the thing me and my wife need..."
Jamal stops in contemplation "...ya know shit you right Mr.Burgenberg imma finish up here and see you at the office BRIGHT and EARLY!" The councilor leaves with a smug smile on his face as your screams fill the night and stop suddenly and then everything goes black.

this makes the confederate seethe.

Fuck yourself YANKEEDOODLE.
Calm down with that Rebel REEEE there, Johnny. Why should anybody interfere with the workings of Razistan? they are doing a pretty good job of burning themselves down.
Just interesting seeing N*orthoids crying about treason for decades and whining about flags and statues not being ripped down but now that there is a group that has declared their independence from the US of A everyone's suddenly General wait and see.
The left generally cannot get their shit straight because it is chaos. There desire to include everyone just cluster fucked everything.

Lumping instances like Michael Brown and Rayshard Brooks with legit cases of fuckups like Walter Scott, Philando Castille, Freddy Gray and George Floyd

Womens right to their own bathrooms vs trans.

Muslims vs gays.

Clean power vs nature cannot be changed at all hippies.

The right generally has more unity revolving around being less government interference, pro business and America first in geopolitics.
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Some leftists advocate clean power like Wind, water or thermal.

However, there are the same leftist hippies that say wind power kill birds, that diverting rivers or using hydro negatively effects wildlife and delicate ecosystems. Same with thermal energy as plants would somehow desecrate the land.
Ya know what's amazing is that no one cares about the Bill of rights or the Constitution at all. Left or right, I don't give a shit. Probably 40% of the right are constitutionalists and less than 10% on the left. That means half the country are fucking traitors.
Some leftists advocate clean power like Wind, water or thermal.

However, there are the same leftist hippies that say wind power kill birds, that diverting rivers or using hydro negatively effects wildlife and delicate ecosystems. Same with thermal energy as plants would somehow desecrate the land.

pls no more.
Your average Fox News watcher cares about the Bill of Rights but they don't do anything about it. Your average CNN watcher actively protests online or in person to destroy the Bill of Rights. No free speech unless it is what they want to hear. No freedom.

Abolish police because of muh white privilege. These people never talk about places like Oklahoma where American Indians (they like to be called that. Not Native American. They scoff at that) outnumber us in most areas. White people are the weakest link here. Various tribes are rolling in money while white people are forced to pipeline.

Northern tribes however are OFFENDED at Redskin. I notice how white some of them are and it makes me laugh. So you have different indians that are offended at different things so the least offensive thing to call them is indian which is now offensive to Democrats. Our towns sports team is the Chieftains. I guess we lucked out on it since it is pretty neutral.

Where am I going with this? This is why people vote Republican here. If we let Democrats run this place before we know it everything would be sanitized beyond recognition. The common folk see it. I talk to a lot of people here and they see a country on the verge of civil war. I don't agree with that but I understand the sentiment.

Personally I find my days go better when I just don't turn on the news or give a shit about it.
Big man Kim is gonna ride in on a white horse and anally rape disgusting South Korean libtards with guns and nukes [2020] [colorized]
All dissenters will be btfo'd with facts and logic on the way to the reeducation center.

All fem and lady bois will be locked in bordellos for the army and foreigners will be sent to the camps for labor and science (unit 731 style). Now that is what I called based and bestkoreapilled.
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Go ahead Kim. Meanwhile, we get to trash a large part of his military equipment while making him look like a bitch.

That idiot won't attack unless the S. Koreans bend over.

Can't wait for them debates!
Trump: *Insert Trolling here*

Biden: This reminds me of the time me and my friends where playing with wooden kites in the field when the great pumpkin king suddenly appeared with the stuff, you know the one and said to join him on a tragical advertisement. so the train took us all the way to the landing strip and there was a large sign that said some words, I've said it before. just then my good friend Joe said hey Dave, and I said supple napkin which was what we said in those days and I got a radish out my pocket....
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