Quakecon 2015: Fallout 4 details

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I sure like the idea of Deathclaws being mis-understood black people.

Way to go Bethesda.
I wonder how easy FO4 will be. Skyrim is pretty easy. Even on Legendary. Still, there are some certain areas which are hard.

RPGs by their nature tend not to be difficult. A significant portion of the challenge in these sorts of games is simply "understanding the mechanical systems of the game" so once you figure out how things work, and take the natural step towards using that for your advantage, the game is essentially "solved."
I wonder how easy FO4 will be. Skyrim is pretty easy. Even on Legendary. Still, there are some certain areas which are hard.

RPGs by their nature tend not to be difficult. A significant portion of the challenge in these sorts of games is simply "understanding the mechanical systems of the game" so once you figure out how things work, and take the natural step towards using that for your advantage, the game is essentially "solved."

I disagree. Plenty of RPG's are and can be difficult. Consolization (not a word) of cRPG's has diluted the genre to where it has gained mass appeal to dudebros, furries, and transexual space robots. These aren't the RPG's that PC gamers want. Not the ones that favored games similar to Fallout, Arcanum, Planescape; you get the point, right?

RPG's can only be saved by Kickstarter, but even then what happened to Wasteland 2? Only now with the newest update will it be fixed. I guess Fallout had similar problems, but I feel like bitching. Diviity: Original Sin was a step forward for the genre but the writing sucked. Wasteland 2 was passable at best.

It gets to the point where you feel like a jaded bastard (like myself) because all of the RPG's released don't interest me.


Edit: I take that back. Wasteland 2 was good, but fails to live up to massive hype. I'll see what the update does to change my mind.
So instead of Dragonborn we have the Vault Dweller Power Armored Demigod. It looks to be true.

I think, now that I have seen it - don't ask me how I survived it, but I did - that Fallout 4 is made for the kind of people which actually enjoy Terminator:Genitals, or what ever the new one is called.
So instead of Dragonborn we have the Vault Dweller Power Armored Demigod. It looks to be true.

I think, now that I have seen it - don't ask me how I survived it, but I did - that Fallout 4 is made for the kind of people which actually enjoy Terminator:Genitals, or what ever the new one is called.

I haven't watched it yet, but I wonder if it is better than Salvation and if it gets a bad rap partly because of that, other than, ya know, destroying the franchise completely in the process.
[I disagree. Plenty of RPG's are and can be difficult.

I'm not sure I agree. I mean, I've been playing cRPGs since like 1988 and I fell in with the genre because they were easier than other games since you can treat them as puzzles that you can solve. I mean, Donkey Kong needs reflexes that I don't have, whereas Bard's Tale (1985) just requires graph paper and your brain.

Like the reason Nethack exists is that Rogue is too easy once you have it figured out. That doesn't mean that new games aren't easier than old games in a lot of ways, but it doesn't mean the old ones were precisely hard. I legitimately have more trouble with stuff like the Witcher 2 (because again, it requires twitch reflexes) than stuff like Wizardry 4 or Betrayal at Krondor.
[I disagree. Plenty of RPG's are and can be difficult.

I'm not sure I agree. I mean, I've been playing cRPGs since like 1988 and I fell in with the genre because they were easier than other games since you can treat them as puzzles that you can solve. I mean, Donkey Kong needs reflexes that I don't have, whereas Bard's Tale (1985) just requires graph paper and your brain.

Like the reason Nethack exists is that Rogue is too easy once you have it figured out. That doesn't mean that new games aren't easier than old games in a lot of ways, but it doesn't mean the old ones were precisely hard. I legitimately have more trouble with stuff like the Witcher 2 (because again, it requires twitch reflexes) than stuff like Wizardry 4 or Betrayal at Krondor.

I missed out on those early 80's games for the most part, but there is something challenging about the old cRPG games derived from Wizardry and Ultima. Making your own maps was a large part of it. It is definitely more difficult without all the handholding modern RPG's offer. Sure, if you know the map some of those games might be easier. Might and Magic 3 was my first exposure to that type of game.

I always considered Fallout a challenging game when I was younger. Even certain jRPG's can be difficult. Final Fantasy Tactics featured permadeth which I always liked. Games like Darker Dungeons can kick your ass for sure. Dark Souls can be considered an action RPG boasting one of the hardest difficulties around. Even games like that can be simple for those familiar with the game though.

Twitch based combat can be done right while still focusing on stats so it isn't totally "gamey". Roguelikes are probably the genre I am mostly thinking of when saying RPG's can be difficult. No game is above player skill levels though, so even the hardest game can be simple for a talented player.
So instead of Dragonborn we have the Vault Dweller Power Armored Demigod. It looks to be true.

The BOS will reveal that he is actually the STEEL BORN (gedit? because of the dead baby) and he has a natural gift for wearig Power Armor, because the Vault he was in experimented with him with another strain of FEV that makes him also able to absorb the Radiation out of legendary creatures and gain their powers.
Transsexual space robots.


Fallout 4 is an open-world Bioshock with Perks.

What's funny, is this douchenozzle that used our Kotaku article to get youtube views, is basically afraid of all the things that we wanted in a new Fallout.

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I have my own theory why Bethesda decided to add in Super Mutants and also Enclave and BoS to F3. Because otherweise you would have a very very hard time to actually reckognize Fallout 3 actually as a Fallout game and not Oblivion with gunz. The fear from Bethesda, someone could get the idea that it's not a true Sequel! - And they also never got tired of reminding people that this is what they wanted to do. But hey, don't worry it got Supermutants and Enclave and even BoS and a wasteland surounding it and a hell lot of violence! With nukes! Lots of nukes! So it's a Fallout game! That is exactly what those might think that never really played the previous games.

Theory time! or you could call it head cannon time, whichever is fine. In my desperate attempt to at least make some sense of F3 I theorize that the vault 87 experiment was to create a new race of people to survive the inhospitable wastes, but ultimately failed. Then some Mute ant from the Masters army found the vault and continued the masters plan. The End

What's funny, is this douchenozzle that used our Kotaku article to get youtube views, is basically afraid of all the things that we wanted in a new Fallout.

Woah really? When did he steal the article?
As soon as the Kotaku article was released profiling NMA, he released this video.


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The american government asked for put some magic of another FEV into a vault for study it later. End of story. I don't see what's the problem with it.

Why would the American government put their most guarded secret research into the hands of a private company?
More, why would they transport this top secret substance through the whole length of the US just to study it in another location, a location that they don't even have ANY jurisdiction over? The Mariposa base was a heavily guarded secret facility with a whole detachment of soldiers to keep it safe. In the meantime Vault 87 was guarded by... no one. And additionally it was owned by a private company. And would be operated by civilians. And the results of the research would come up AFTER the government went to hell in a nuclear war. Don't forget, that the main enclave base was in the Oil Rig, so, again, the whole continent away from DC.
It. Doesn't. Make. Sense. It's just rubbish excuse to have dumb orcs, just face the facts.

Well, actually Beth changed that. In FO3 is shown that vaults were closed weeks/months before the Judgement Day which...actually makes sense IMO. BUT! On the other hand now Vaults included military experiments and all the experiments still started immediately after the Vaults closed, so...what would have happened if the atomic holocaust never happened?

In this context Vault 87 is the most idiotic. For the other experiments to work the Enclave/gray government needed a closed environment and/or unaware test subjects. For FEV researches all they needed was PEOPLE, and with ways to replenish their "stockpile". This was handled logically in FO1 where the reasearch was held in a secret facility and the test subjects were unaccountable prisoners of wars. In FO3 instead it was held in a publicly known installation with a finite number of potential test subjects and with the government warning people when a vault couldn't accept new people. What would have happened if they ended using too many vault dwellers? Killed the remaining to not leave witnesses and reopened the vault hoping that no relatives asked what happened to the old ones?

TL;DR Yeah, the explanation for the East Coast Super Mutants totally makes sense.
So they're saying one of the companions you can't have a relationship with is Cogsworth. Why not? It's not like there haven't been sex robots in Fallout before.

Like Fisto in New Vegas. Would be awesome to have someone like that as a companion. :p

According to Beth, New Vegas doesn't exist.
I wonder how easy FO4 will be. Skyrim is pretty easy. Even on Legendary. Still, there are some certain areas which are hard.

RPGs by their nature tend not to be difficult. A significant portion of the challenge in these sorts of games is simply "understanding the mechanical systems of the game" so once you figure out how things work, and take the natural step towards using that for your advantage, the game is essentially "solved."

Even the mechanical systems of Skyrim are easy.

And don't even let me mention puzzles. Ancient Nords must've been dumb or had memory issues. I mean, who would put the answer of a puzzle over the puzzle itself?! There are exceptions, of course. That puzzle in the Dragon priest's area, the one about animals, and a few others.
I just can't wait to read the 3-5 page long books. I will be so immersed you might have to throw me a floatie so I don't drown in it.

Yeah, they're such fucking assholes for having books that can actually be opened and read, adding more options for modders as well, instead of just having useless books with nothing but a one-line description.

Crni Vuk said:
I wonder if Romance will be like in Skyrim

*cuts some wood for a random woman*

"Hey, marry me!"

"Since you cut some wood for me, I accept! You're the best husband ever!!" (or wife)

Yeah, because romance in Fallout 2 was so much deeper and more complex. I mean it blew my mind how complex and deep romance there was - not only did I have to click on Miria to open a conversation, but I had to actually say a few lines to her as well! Then we got married in a cutscene! WOAH!
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Readable books are actually a good idea. I loved reading books in Morrowind and Skyrim. provided they are actually interesting. But it adds opportunity for modders to fill a void.