Roleplay Hello thread

Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
I was checking desert conflict this morning. Maybe we could start up something like that, or maybe I can come up with some futuristic sci-fi stuff I have been working on.

How do you fancy having your character crash-landing in some far away frozen colony in the middle of nowhere with all the colonists missing and unspeakable things moving in the dark?

I'm up for it; I recall horror game's like welsh's Cthulhu stuff with some nostalgia. Give me a good intro for the setting, and I already have a character, heh. I made him for a sci-fi Cthulhu game that never took off. Then again, I am game for a remake of Desert Conflict if others would be willing to play too.
Hello everyone, that is if anyone still checks around here. Anyway, I'm a big fan of rp boards and I've recently gotten into fallout thanks to fallout 3. Not too sure what the consensus on that game is around here, but I don't want to start a debate if things are negative. I enjoy the game and I will be playing the original 2 games eventually as well.

My preferred style of RP is very similar to another user around here that goes by Targ, where the players involved are more like writers of a grand and constantly moving novel. I feel like that breeds more creativity and when done right, a camaraderie between the players due to being so in tune to each others character and mannerisms forms. I had this experience in another rp a long time ago and I've been looking for one just like it ever since, every other rp I've tried getting into however being far too slow and restrictive for me.

I'll be reading the stories available on the board right now and I'll write down my characters that I have planned in the proper threads. If there is anyone who is around that may want to start up a new game, or can direct me to where there are some good Fallout based rps going on, I'd be very appreciative.
Welcome, Okami Kugatsu!

This board is usually quiet these days, not much going on.

You can check out "Silence at RS #0423", not directly Fallout related but it's free form, no numbers, and the players create the story. Never took off because of lack of players.
Thanks for the recommendation, glad to hear from someone in this part of the forum, though I think I might be up for something a bit more fallout related.

I'll be up for creating a new thread if none of the other rps are active/closed.
Howdy, names john, been a long time lurker, just decided about twenty minuets ago te make an account on this here site, just te tell you all I am in fact not a mutant, and anyone who tells you other wise is most likely a communist sympathizer, and should be reported to the nearest local official. I hope that I am able to join in the fun of rping, as I am currently a member of six PbP games three rp forums, five tabletop gaming groups, and am working on a short story. I have played a vast array of characters ranging from deranged billionaires, and rulers of nations to beggars, and sickly workers down on there luck.
Welcome, John B.

Right now there isn't much going on in this board as far as roleplay is concerned. You can check out "Silence at RS #0423", it is not a Fallout related game, and is waiting for players to start, but it is probably the only current game with a game master still active.

You may also want to check this: thread to introduce yourself to the forum.
Thank you kind sir I am guessing that I am in a different time zone than most of you fine folks seein' as how none of y'all tend to be round when I am.
Hi, I'm Rave, been rping for a long time, so I have a pretty good idea of the ropes. I've just put up my character Yasmin. I've had her for longer than I've been rping, so I know her inside and out. I have another one that's based on me which I might put up. Anyway, Fallout 3 was my favourite game, so now New Vegas is kinda like crack to me. I'm painfully addicted and am craving a FNV rp. I've looked through the forum and can't see any that really fit, so if you want to rp with me, please don't hesitate to message me and let me know. Once we've figured out the base for our story, I'll start a thread :) I'm so happy to have finally found a Fallout website with a healthy population of role players. DeviantArt doesn't have shit.
Welcome, RavenJeanGraves. This forum has seen better days as far as activity goes, but we have some new players lately wanting to start new games.

I think a FNV based game would be a popular idea, especially since it retakes the story where F1 and F2 left, something that us old timers really missed in F3 (I even disagree with calling that game a sequel for that matter).

If you want to start a new game feel free to do so, as always fallout related games will attract more players. I would even be willing to play myself, but not to moderate/manage, since I don't have that much time these days.

Welcome and good luck!
Alright, thank you Lt. Col. Gonzalez for the welcome :D I'll set about starting up a new thread and hopefully an interesting plot. It would be a pleasure to have you join. Hopefully there'll be others who share your interest in a FNV set rp. Though with any luck the rpers here shouldn't need much moderating/managing? I guess we'll see.

Look forward to hopefully seeing you in the Mojave wastes.
Welcome back, Stompie! I'm back too, but I never really left. I've been checking the board almost every day anyway, but haven't posted in several months. I haven't been following the New Vegas RPG, as I don't have time to keep up with it and I don't want to expose myself to spoilers. I haven't played New Vegas yet; I'm still slogging through Fallout 3 on and off.

Systematic Annihilation is still here, if you want to rejoin it. I'll start posting there too when I have time, hopefully this weekend. I've been pretty busy with Zombie Apocalypse on Play@Yog-Sothoth all this time, and it's well into Chapter 6 now. The three characters I made based on your concepts are still alive and kicking. Two of them are under player control, but Declan McLeod is currently available. Players can also make one or two characters of their own now. It's still actually the first day, though it is nighttime (or about to be) in all sections of the game.

I've also been running a Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu game there since August called The Terror Out of Time. It's going great, and we've recently finished Episode 3 and started Episode 4. That will most likely be the final episode in this adventure, though there will be further adventures. The next one, the science-fiction themed The Ninth Planet, will probably begin in the summer.
I poke my head in at yog-sothoth every once and again, I noticed that some of my pitches got used, which is awesome. I do believe Systematic is locked and whatnot.
It got locked because the last post was 7 months old. Gravedigging problems, read the updated rules.

Unlocked now if you want to start posting again.
Hmm. Looks like it's been a while since any new blood came to RP here. This concerns me slightly but not enough to halt my arrival.

So yes, I'm here and I'm looking to roleplay. I'll have a character soon, and rules need to be poured over, but once that's done I hope to become an active member. Since I'm currently not in a semester at my college, now seemed to be the right time.
Welcome. We had quite a few new faces here in this little part of the forum lately.

I'm the moderator of the roleplaying board. Not currently playing any games but hope to go back to it soon.

Make sure to check the RP forum rules.
Hey, everyone. The name's Scythe. I'm a veteran role player. I ran a RPG clan for about 7 years called Team Biohazard set in the Resident Evil universe. That was about 4 years ago and I have not really done anything since then. Been looking for a new game for a while and since Fallout is my favorite franchise, I thought this would be the perfect place to see if I've still got what it takes.