The Outer Worlds information overload

Wow :D You probably should have stated a much lower age, considering your romance-in-games comment. If that really is your age, you just flew yourself right into a box way worse than "millenial" :V
The reason what I care about romance is not because I like it, in fact I loathe it, but that's an indication that there's some effort put into "role-playing" in a "role-playing" game. And nothing can be worse than being a clueless Millienial.
People who unironically use "millienial" as an insult are so laughable and pathetic.
I felt creative...
While this game is Cain and Boyarsky's vision, they didn't make it, as Boyarsky has indicated in an interview. The game, including the writing, is pretty much at the hands of millenials. We'll see how that'll turn out.
While this game is Cain and Boyarsky's vision, they didn't make it, as Boyarsky has indicated in an interview. The game, including the writing, is pretty much at the hands of millenials. We'll see how that'll turn out.
Todd doesn't make games either. ;-)
Leonard and Tim still got paid and they are the poster heads of it. Like Todd is the poster head of most Bethesda games since Morrowind (while not making any). :boy:
They weren't popular ON CONSOLE. That was the whole point of what I said before. PC games and console games were different animals, and consoles were more accessible to a broad audience than PCs.

Now that cross-platform is pretty common, this is no longer the case. The design ethos that drives console titles and AAA PC titles is the same. This is how PC games have become 'mainstream'.
Doom was popular on the SNES and it was even ported to several other home consoles.

The only reason the design was different between PC and consoles at that time is because PC was way more powerful than home consoles. You could do stuff that the home consoles couldn't do. This changed in the 2000s because home consoles started to get much more powerful and it has reached a point that home consoles are similar to high end PCs. What you can do in PC you can now easily do on home consoles.

This had nothing to do with mainstream and it was just an hardware limitation gap.
I thought this thread is supposed to be about Obsidian's new game, not about millennial.
Mainstream literally means popularity.
Doom was popular on the SNES
home consoles are similar to high end PCs. What you can do in PC you can now easily do on home consoles.

I thought this thread is supposed to be about Obsidian's new game, not about millennial.
Are you offended? Another millenial perhaps?

I have no problem with the millenials as long as they don't flaunt their ignorance as if it's something to be proud of.
IIRC you've claimed the opposite in some other thread, but yes, you are right, he doesn't. His bug ridden games are pretty much the handiwork of millienials.
No, I claimed he is the Game's Director.
Directors do not make games, they allow or disallow what goes in the game and they make sure the people working on making the game are doing it on time.

Basically, Todd approves what the game is supposed to be and makes sure people make it like that and on time. He doesn't make games or work in any part of actually making them.
there's some effort put into "role-playing" in a "role-playing" game
So far, every so-called mainstream game that implements romance into their games and promotes the presence of romance in said games tend to put minimal effort in implementing the romances.

Most of the time they are gimmicks aimed at pandering (especially the ones that claim that you can romance anyone of any gender for 'inclusiveness').

I'd rather they focus on other aspects that half-ass a romance just for a marketing gimmick.

EDIT: Re-phrased it. I don't think every RPG does it but there are games that promote romance as a selling point only to then half-ass it in the final product.
Is "millenial" the new "liberal" or what? What the hell is this sperging here? How do people get to the alleged age of 48 with that level of absolute idiocy without getting the additional chromosomes smacked out of them?
Lets get back on topic and ignore the arbitrary naming of generations, eh?
I'd rather they focus on other aspects that half-ass a romance just for a marketing gimmick.
Do you think romance in say, DA:O was half-assed? What other aspects you'd rather have in terms of role-playing?

Is "millenial" the new "liberal" or what? What the hell is this sperging here? How do people get to the alleged age of 48 with that level of absolute idiocy without getting the additional chromosomes smacked out of them?
Lets get back on topic and ignore the arbitrary naming of generations, eh?
Another offended millenial, I see. Not surprising.
Do you think romance in say, DA:O was half-assed? What other aspects you'd rather have in terms of role-playing?
Out of the 4, I'd say the ones with significant bearing on the plot would be Morrigan and Alistair. Zev's isn't too interesting but the rest are fine for what they are.

DA:O's romance isn't a bad one though to be honest, the games using romance as a gimmick I was referring to are games like Fallout 4, Mass Effect Andromeda, Inquisition etc. Most games these days tend to create token romances that are pointless at best and insulting at their worst (I'd say Ride to Hell but that game doesn't have romances, just cutways to clothed intercourse).

As for role-playing aspects, actual choice and consequence where what I choose to do has actual impact rather than be an informed impact (unless said informed impact is part of an epilogue explaining the consequence of my actions). Resolution of situations using my characters own set of skills with consequences for said characters' limits and flaws. Plus being able to define my character through actions and dialogue.

LOLO, this topis has gone to:

:jiggy: VS :jiggy:
Shame there probably won't be news of the Outer Worlds in the near future to get the topic back on track.
What a civil discussion this is. I especially like how everyone posts carefully thought-out points and refrains from the use of ad hominem attacks.

I did not see anyone talking about it, but I thought Auntie Cleo's is a reference to Moncorp


I wonder who will be the "main villain" of the game. I have the impression that these corporations respond to something greater.