would you survive the wasteland?

Sorry if I'm bumping I'm not sure the time limit or if anyone actually cares anymore.

Anyway, none of us would survive. If the bombs were to fall tomorrow or even at the end of the year we would all be screwed from radiation and fallout. No safe havens or vaults would exist.
Hell, I'm out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and my state probably wouldn't even get nuked and I would probably die quickly. Even the few weeks after the bombs fell and before the radiation reaches us there would be 100s of rednecks pumping a 12 gauge round into anything that moves. I've been boxing and wrestling for 2 years and hunting since I was little. I would probably die from some 13 year old kid taking a pot shot with his Dad's rifle and splitting my head open.
Radiation and fallout aren't that bad of problem, actually.
In case of a nuclear war, most nukes will be triggered about 300m above the ground to achieve maximum damage by blast and heat. The initial gamma blast will irradiate everything in a few mile radius (if it's a big bomb), but the initial radiation will drop down pretty soon.
Since the explosions are up in the air, there won't be all that much fallout.
The radiation in the falllout will be mostly alpha- and beta-radiation (helium-nuclei and fast electrons), which can be filtered pretty easily.
As long as you don't get radioctive dust in your lungs or stomach, you're gold.
If you know what you're doing, surviving the radiation isn't that hard.
Survivng the wasteland and other people, that's a different thing.
BiGoDeViN said:
Anyway, none of us would survive. If the bombs were to fall tomorrow or even at the end of the year we would all be screwed from radiation and fallout.

Bear Grylls would survive. :D
alec said:
BiGoDeViN said:
Anyway, none of us would survive. If the bombs were to fall tomorrow or even at the end of the year we would all be screwed from radiation and fallout.

Bear Grylls would survive. :D

Not even Bear Grylls would manage to eat 200 year old magically preserved food :D
He'll have to stick to good old fashioned killing animals
I've thought about this post when watching some of the zombie-revival shows out there. So, to add a twist to this topic, how would you go about surviving a zombie outbreak?

I'd drive to a medieval museum and get me some plate armour. And hope I don't encounter a shambling zombie with enough left over intellect to wield a can opener.
In the event of a nuclear war, I'd be fucked. Detroit is only a few minutes away, and I can already guess where all the fallout will go when the U.P gets blown to oblivion. Damn them and their nuclear silo's.......

If Detroit got hit with nuclear weapons below the 10 megaton range, I might last the initial panic to bunk down at my school's old shelter, or scavenge what my panicked neighbors left at the nearby liquor store. I've got a hunting rifle, barely enough ammo to use it, and an assortment of knives, crossbows, and bows to supplement a decent group of homicidal archers.

My main concern would be bartering off some of the more useless and mundane shit we have, while preserving as much technical knowledge as possible. Knowing how to repair someone's toaster might mean the difference between life and my rectum getting punctured by angry survivalists.