fallout 2

  1. Risewild

    Fallout 2 Reference Card (GOG.com Version) 2016-06-13

    This is a pdf of the second Fallout game's Reference Card. This is the GOG.com version. I don't know if any other version exists.
  2. Risewild

    Fallout 2 Soundtrack 2016-06-13

    A zip file containing the second Fallout game's soundtrack. Music files in mp3 format.
  3. Risewild

    Fallout 2 Manual 2016-06-13

    This is the pdf of the second Fallout game's manual.
  4. N

    Can't Choose Race in Fallout 2 RP

    For some reason I can't select a different race with the Restoration Project. As you can see, there are no arrows to select a different race. I've searched Google for an hour, and found nothing about this issue. I have the latest version of the RP, and I also have Sfall version 3.3 installed...
  5. R

    (Fallout 2) I havent found Vault 13 but Arroyo already destroyed?

    I was just leaving San Francisco and i got the 4th Hakunin dream (the one you get when you leave Vault 13 with G.E.C.K.). So i go to arroyo and its already destroyed. I tried reloading the save but its still there. how do i fix this? save file:http://www.megafileupload.com/fjuD/SLOT04.rar
  6. NotAcasul

    Fallout 2 ironman runs! Melee character vs the wasteland, it's gonna be rough!

    https://www.twitch.tv/irushpeople Thought this might be neat to watch.
  7. TheWastelander121

    Discussion of FanFics that are out there and Favorites

    Hello, as you might not know I've been on NMA for a short time and have already created two Fanfics and I'd like to discuss with anyone and everyone about favorite fanfictions or ones you've created yourself, I myself have created one that is a standalone Fanfic and another that'll be a series...
  8. TheWastelander121

    Discussion of FanFics that are out there and Favorites

    Hello, as you might not know I've been on NMA for a short time and have already created two Fanfics and I'd like to discuss with anyone and everyone about favorite fanfictions or ones you've created yourself, I myself have created one that is a standalone Fanfic and another that'll be a series...
  9. 3371-Alpha

    What happened to the mods for Mac download section?

    It was there a couple months back and now it's gone! Any reason you guys may have removed it?
  10. Horusxav

    Translation Packages English

    All the translated Fallout 2 text files, updated to 1.02 Installation : Copy the text folder Past in X:\...\Fallout2\data (overwrite...) Download links : Chinese TransPack 1.02d Czech TransPack 1.02d by Somnambulus English TransPack 1.02d French TransPack 1.02d Mac OSX by Annihilator...
  11. Horusxav

    Official and Unofficial 1.02 Fallout 2 patches US

    All the Fallout 2 1.02 patches Installation : Copy fallout2.exe and either the data folder or the patch000.dat Past in your Fallout 2 installation directory (X:\...\Fallout2) Download links : Chinese unofficial patch 1.02d Czech unofficial patch 1.02d by Somnambulus English UK official patch...
  12. Horusxav

    BIS Mapper Patched + ressources

    If you just need the patched Mapper without the complementary ressources : Download Installation : Copy the "BIS mapper" folder anywhere you want Open mapper2.cfg with any notepad and change all the "..." into your own path (for example : C:\games\Fallout2\) : - 49 ...
  13. Atlas

    Mods to make NV more like the classics?

    As we all know, Fallout 3 more a less did what it wanted when it came to lore, and while NV feels like what a modern day Fallout should have been, its still stuck using assets from its predecessor. As a community that thrives on the Fallout games of the past, I was wondering if any of you could...
  14. Leafs433

    Played the classic Fallout games after playing the new games.

    So my first ever fallout game was fallout 3 (I know, I know) and I enjoyed the time I had with the game and believed it to be at the time the best game I ever played...then I played fallout new vegas and that game quickly became my new favourite fallout and I still play it over and over again...
  15. ChooChoo

    Help to start playing the Original Fallout Games

    Hi there! I'm new to the No Mutants Allowed website and due to this being a place for Fallout 1,2 and Tactics (maybe idk) fans, I wondered if any of you would like to give some tips in starting to play the OG Fallout. Due to me starting with Fallout New Vegas then playing 3 and 4, I might not be...
  16. MIB88

    MIB88 Megamod Currently at version 2.46

    The MIB88 Megamod current full version is 2.45.3 with a 2.45.4 incremental patch to apply (included in the file). This latest version contains some new content, but mostly corrects errors from previous versions of this mod. See also the Megamod FAQ. The weather system has been removed as it was...
  17. killap

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project (Unofficial Expansion) - Windows installer 2.3.3

    Another RP release packed full of fixes is at hand and we even have some restored content to go with it too! With the imminent arrival of Wasteland 2, hopefully you can get at least one more Fallout 2 round in. Will there be more RP releases? Well, you can only chisel away for so long, but...
  18. Cubik2k

    New tools for Fallout 1/2

    All tools are uploaded to NMA Download. Any infomrations of updates are commited to NMA Downlad. Here are Tools I made for Fallout 1/2: F2wedit v. - The tool for edit/create items PRO files in Fallout game. Since version 1.4.x.x supports files from Fallout 1. Files "master.dat' and...