Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

I guess it's the difference between drama and melodrama. First is good, second is bad.


This is Bethesda's cardinal sin when it comes to writing.

Nothing is ever actually dramatic, they want you to think that it is, but it's always soooo contrived or convoluted that it isn't.

Everything is a matter of life or death, of empires crumbling or eternal demons or whatever.


I didn't care about Jimmy Jesus Neeson, I didn't care about Son of Picard and I sure didn't give two wet farts about Alduin.

Paarthunax was okay, but it still veered too closely to the "One good thing out of a race of bad things" trope that Beth seems to love.
I bet there will be a Star Wars reference in there like "SHAUN, I am your father!"
or some other facepalm worthy shit.

What was that one slug like monster with the floppy dolphin fin arms? The one attacking the standing in the default character pose like nothing was happening Piper? Looked like a monster from that Pixar movie Monsters Inc.
I guess it's the difference between drama and melodrama. First is good, second is bad.


This is Bethesda's cardinal sin when it comes to writing.

Nothing is ever actually dramatic, they want you to think that it is, but it's always soooo contrived or convoluted that it isn't.

Everything is a matter of life or death, of empires crumbling or eternal demons or whatever.


I didn't care about Jimmy Jesus Neeson, I didn't care about Son of Picard and I sure didn't give two wet farts about Alduin.

Paarthunax was okay, but it still veered too closely to the "One good thing out of a race of bad things" trope that Beth seems to love.

They had some great writing in FO3 side quests and random encounters and such. That radio call of the father and his sick son was heartbreaking, then you find the skeletons.
The voice acting in the vault-tek guy at the door is over-pronounced and cartoony, and reminds too much about the voice acting in FO3, which was as if right out of a Looney Tunes cartoon. Every actor making some voice, instead of talking normally like normal people.

But "normal" is boring, and doesn't sell, realism be damned. Obviously, who cares about realism in a game with super-mutants and ghouls and green glowing pools of radiation?

Realism is the balance. To combine the unbelievable with the recognizeable and realistic will enhance the unbelievable, but it tends to be dismissed as boring.

Small, sleepy towns, like Goodsprings: Boring.
Normal non-cartoony non-nasal voice-acting: Boring, and so on.

In order to be accepted as a raider, you gotta learn how to growl very nasally - or forget about being accepted.
Motor-Runner obviously did not know this - and ergo he was booo-oooo-ring
You don't see the issue with the bad lip synching and the Flat "Go Away" that is supposed to sound threatening? Or how about the Wife spazzing out because you are on the way and running into the wall?
They had some great writing in FO3 side quests and random encounters and such. That radio call of the father and his sick son was heartbreaking, then you find the skeletons.

That's the problem with relegating good writing to side quests and letting the main quest be all "Steel be with you".

It's misplaced priorities.

It's like how people kept telling me that I should get Oblivion because of the Dark Brotherhood questline.

Why should I buy a game for the one good storyline when the rest are mediocre or bad?
You don't see the issue with the bad lip synching and the Flat "Go Away" that is supposed to sound threatening? Or how about the Wife spazzing out because you are on the way and running into the wall?

Yeah that Go Away is weird, but you're talking voice acting and not the PC intentionally walking into the wife to get her pathing confused.

Leaving the Vault.

Not sure what I expected, but typical Bethesda, it looks like you don't get to set your perks before you leave and they stick numerous radroaches in your way that you pretty much are forced to kill thus preventing anyone from doing a no-kill run. Of course, that doesn't fit their theme of killing stuff to 50's music. Though you don't get access to radio stations until after you kill the radroaches so that doesn't fit in their theme either. Good job, Bethesda.
THat whole sequence is just hilariously incompetent, the voice acting is just the highlight. The guy they got for the male character is pretty terrible. I may just play as a female Survivor unless the Actress for her is even worse...

Edit: So the Vaut doors open like the ones in the first 2 games again just inside out....
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Leaving the Vault.

Not sure what I expected, but typical Bethesda, it looks like you don't get to set your perks before you leave and they stick numerous radroaches in your way that you pretty much are forced to kill thus preventing anyone from doing a no-kill run. Of course, that doesn't fit their theme of killing stuff to 50's music. Though you don't get access to radio stations until after you kill the radroaches so that doesn't fit in their theme either. Good job, Bethesda.

You could easily bypass those radroaches.
Exiting the vault:

<iframe src="https://vid.me/e/IxiF?stats=1&amp;tools=1" width="568" height="320" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen scrolling="no"></iframe>
There is cooking in this game, but seeing how there are no primal needs on it and no perk has mentioned boosting the properties of food other than "not getting rads" it will be just as useless as it was in Skyrim. Until modders fix that in like, a Year maybe?
Fighting raiders and meeting Preston:

<iframe src="https://vid.me/e/C1JI?stats=1&tools=1" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="320" width="568"></iframe>
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