Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

Unclogging the toilet in subway
One of containers in Tin Industries (you can get the location from Cilen in NWO)
Canteen at Jackals Base (place cheese you can get at mall in Pearson next to rat hole, walk away a bit, kill the rat)
One of quests in Livos (can't remember which)
Many thanks.
The Livos one comes from the Schwein's missing physics book, I guess.

Side note: I just tried using the finger with the ring on it. All I've got is poison and no ring. Did I just eat the whole thing?
Some more stuff:

1. The 8 ant bellies delivery quest in Rainbow was never marked as complete. I might have kind of messed it up by killing the other two main npcs in the arena and then finishing it after the conglaturatory speech from the bartender.

2. The notifications about the new diary entries have become meaningless by now. Completed map, arriving at the Renaissance, getting in, none of these give me anything new. Can't scroll the pages either, all I have is the list of who to talk to in NWO, empty space (missing something?), two Douglas notes, Zochkis' panel password and the bestiary entries.
How do I get a keycard for Olympus elevators?
I have both Herald's robe and Seeker's armour (along with Doug's badge and his list).

I convinced Greg that I'm a new Herald and he told me to ask Doug, but I have no option (I stole his list, but no keycard).

I also convinced front door guard that I'm Doug and I need to rest inside. I checked everyone's inventory, but no keycards either.
Elevator keycard is seposedly somwhere in an underground compound @
sunset jackals
there are two different undergroud compounds in that location (but both on different maps) the
ultra repair kit is either a quest reward item or in one of those undergroud compounds, can't say for sure
Elevator keycard is seposedly somwhere in an underground compound @
sunset jackals
there are two different undergroud compounds in that location (but both on different maps) the
ultra repair kit is either a quest reward item or in one of those undergroud compounds, can't say for sure

There's one under Loudmouth's room- with repair kit and last part of Jackal's revolver and one under barracks bathroom- with Perception Vader Potato and S-strain virus (no idea what it does)
Oh man. I see you are doing fine, guys.

How do I get a keycard for Olympus elevators?
I have both Herald's robe and Seeker's armour (along with Doug's badge and his list).

I convinced Greg that I'm a new Herald and he told me to ask Doug, but I have no option (I stole his list, but no keycard).

I also convinced front door guard that I'm Doug and I need to rest inside. I checked everyone's inventory, but no keycards either.

I'm not really sure about keycard,

maybe the place you need is called army headquarters, Douglas can tell you about it.
either that or Jackals.

Some more stuff:

1. The 8 ant bellies delivery quest in Rainbow was never marked as complete. I might have kind of messed it up by killing the other two main npcs in the arena and then finishing it after the conglaturatory speech from the bartender.

2. The notifications about the new diary entries have become meaningless by now. Completed map, arriving at the Renaissance, getting in, none of these give me anything new. Can't scroll the pages either, all I have is the list of who to talk to in NWO, empty space (missing something?), two Douglas notes, Zochkis' panel password and the bestiary entries.
Whar do you mean " two Douglas notes"?

To other things - noted, fixing.
To other things:

In no particular order:

1. Small error in Gray's dialogue. When he tells the player to go meet dr. Moraescou, he says to take the ladder instead of stairs (given that there are no ladders in the tower).
-ohkay, fixing.

3. Killing the Jackal warehouse vendor guy effectively removed any possibility of trading in that spot. I chose Carl as a replacement, the neurotic guy agreed, quest has concluded, but Carl is still where he was, without even as much as a dialogue change.
-there are merchants at the front door too. But I don't know if it's a bug or not.

4. Every time I get Douglas to repeat who he really is I get the notification of a new entry in my personal diary, even though nothing new was (re)added.
-that's a bug alright

5. How do I find the Lumeniers' hq? Unless it's the Renessance, then back to point 2. Can't even find the area on the map they're supposedly patrolling, the guy that gives me that info didn't have anything else to add.
-nope. Lumeniers are there to tease you. No base, no backstory except the bits you get. Devs promise they will have a major role in the sequel. The patrols and the occasional outpost can be found between the oasis and tower.

6. Little lame that no one reacts to power armor, neither the regular folk nor the Olympus personnel (given that I'm clearly a guardian now, not a mere seeker. I guess F2 really spoiled me here, I liked when npcs so clearly reacted to that.
-the personnel are used to it, I suppose)

7. Dialogue about dealing with Emily in Livos is repeatable. I even got the positive karma and the title after finishing the quest without choosing to lead the vault, then choosing it afterwards.
-bug, noted

8. What are the Graves for? One of them has some small indentations in it for something but I didn't figure out what. The graves themselves have seemingly inconsenquential junk in them.
-you should really watch firefly. Seriously, strongly recommend.

9. After translating the book's title, the lone wanderer disappears but his location stays. Is there supposed to be a follow up to this?
-it is a callback to the "book of ely".

10. Killing Loudmouth and Billy changes nothing. Loudmouth's death is barely noticed, while no one cares about Billy. Other two big wigs have no change in dialogue whatsoever.

There's a ladder in Loudmouth's room, which I didn't notice either. That aside, I share the phone verification sentiment.

EDIT: I completely forgot to thank you, Keyboard Gecko, for the job well done. I was gazing wistfully at this mod every now and then for years. After I finally forgot about it, the news reached me last week, about the translation being already complete no less. Already finished the main quest today, the whole thing was really enjoyable.

-you're welcome! Credits go to @Rainman and @Ursa for all the work.
1. What do I do with the finger I got from the Jackals' eatery? Loudmouth apparently collects these, but he has no dialogue for it. Is it Hog's finger? I'd ask him but he's dead.

2. Does the Mental Block (or whatever it's called) perk do anything in this game? I think the only time it ever did something was to spare me from the dance of illusions in the Master's very own Special Flesh Corridor (TM).

3. Anything on that "every (potentially talkable?) random encounter is hostile by a default" thing? Did anyone else run into this issue? Any ideas as to what might be causing it? Missing dialogue doesn't sit well with me, but I don't feel like restarting the whole game just for that.

4. Does the C4 (or whatever that explosive was) do anything? Everyone and their mother are carrying it, but I've yet to find any use for it. Save edited detonator and canceller in (only after randomly stumbling upon them in the save editor, I didn't find them in game) and they do nothing. Dynamite works fine though.

How do I get a keycard for Olympus elevators?
I have both Herald's robe and Seeker's armour (along with Doug's badge and his list).

I convinced Greg that I'm a new Herald and he told me to ask Doug, but I have no option (I stole his list, but no keycard).

I also convinced front door guard that I'm Doug and I need to rest inside. I checked everyone's inventory, but no keycards either.
Keycard is in a safe in Army Headquarters, you can get its location by either grilling Douglas about cool stuff he's seen (the answer here is the one where he talks about a military bunker he found under some random house) or by getting the quest to fetch Baraka from some guy on the turret testing floor in Olympus. Also check if you can't take the Herald's.
Wait, was Seeker's armor some special item? I just used regular scout armor picked up from Jackals' front vendor.

There's one under Loudmouth's room- with repair kit and last part of Jackal's revolver and one under barracks bathroom- with Perception Vader Potato and S-strain virus (no idea what it does)
How did you find the one under the barracks bathroom? I must've spent about a solid half an hour meticulously moving the cursor around and found nothing. I guess I failed some perception check (both in game and irl)?

Whar do you mean " two Douglas notes"?
I think one was that I can sneak into Olympus pretending to be him, the other was the list of things he needed to gather (which I forgot about because I was checking that on the list (the item) that I "borrowed" after giving him back his badge. As a side note - the list being enlarged to be readable by the simple virtue of picking it up in the menu is something I don't remember seeing anywhere (though it may just be a problem with my memory). Nothing else in the entire game does that either, I think.

5. How do I find the Lumeniers' hq? Unless it's the Renessance, then back to point 2. Can't even find the area on the map they're supposedly patrolling, the guy that gives me that info didn't have anything else to add.
-nope. Lumeniers are there to tease you. No base, no backstory except the bits you get. Devs promise they will have a major role in the sequel. The patrols and the occasional outpost can be found between the oasis and tower.
I've finished the game, uncovered and traversed pretty much all of what's available to move through (the mountains on the world map have some weird collision that seems to not quite line up with what's visible on screen. Some of it's quite clever, like that little indentation that has Oasis hidden in it) unless there's some way to get to the other side of the river to the west, spent most of it set to hard in both combat and game difficulty (I just noticed it gives me more enemies per random encounter) and I've yet to run into a single one (1) Lumenier patrol. I've quite literally combed the whole map looking for them just to save edit the damn actuator in. I didn't even use the armor I've got for that, even though it looked really cool. The power armors in this game look really nice, actually.

6. Little lame that no one reacts to power armor, neither the regular folk nor the Olympus personnel (given that I'm clearly a guardian now, not a mere seeker. I guess F2 really spoiled me here, I liked when npcs so clearly reacted to that.
-the personnel are used to it, I suppose)
Yeah, but what about the whole rest of the Radius that doesn't use power armor and might not have seen one in their entire life?
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How did you find the one under the barracks bathroom? I must've spent about a solid half an hour meticulously moving the cursor around and found nothing. I guess I failed some perception check (both in game and irl)?

7 PER if that's any help, clicked the tiles near the trash pile with investigate (binoculars).
One of the tiles dissapeared and I could climb down the ladder.

Wait, was Seeker's armor some special item? I just used regular

If you complete Jackals mechanic's quest
he gives you a recipe to make fake Seeker's armour from a leather jacket and paint. It has lower stats than baseball gear.
Another question to Gecko, this time about chimeras.
According to a certain document found in a certain location, there were difficulties in producing female chimeras. Yet all of the ones you run into are identified as "she". The only other type is a "Queen". Aren't the regular ones supposed to be drones for the queen or something, and thus male or completely asexual (and so a mistranslation)? Or is it a part of the subplot, the males becoming so rare as in next to nonexistent?

7 PER if that's any help, clicked the tiles near the trash pile with investigate (binoculars).
One of the tiles dissapeared and I could climb down the ladder.
Thanks, found it. It even showed me a hand icon instead of the eye. Is time of the day (or maybe brightness) a factor? Last time I tried at night, now I waited for the morning.
Another question to Gecko, this time about chimeras.
According to a certain document found in a certain location, there were difficulties in producing female chimeras. Yet all of the ones you run into are identified as "she". The only other type is a "Queen". Aren't the regular ones supposed to be drones for the queen or something, and thus male or completely asexual (and so a mistranslation)? Or is it a part of the subplot, the males becoming so rare as in next to nonexistent?

That is super awesome question, I asked Rainman, he said that
they should all be males, except for the Queens, who are obviously bigger.
Will be fixed I suppose.
Yes. You don't think so much hassle is for an empty location, do you? :)
There's a secret door in front of you.
Thanks! I managed to find the entrance.

Does the game have an ending? There seems to be no main quest. Even Nevada had a main quest with a final objective.
How do you finish the Skeet quest in NWO? I've killed the chimera stealing the cans, but I can't find anybody who can clear Skeet. Thanks
How do you finish the Skeet quest in NWO? I've killed the chimera stealing the cans, but I can't find anybody who can clear Skeet. Thanks

Just talk to Matt about him.

Any way to progress
past floor 96 without slaughtering the tribals?

Edit: Just ran away.

Edit 2: Finished, I think I got the good ending.

@Keyboard Gecko any estimate on how many different endings are there? Thanks!
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I think you mean Mark. I guessed as much as he's the current mayor, but where is he? I can find Daniel, Dan, Arsene, Sam, Juan and a lot of characters in the yard, but no Mark the mayor.
Matt (and his brother Seth) don't have any dialog option regarding Skeet
I think you mean Mark. I guessed as much as he's the current mayor, but where is he? I can find Daniel, Dan, Arsene, Sam, Juan and a lot of characters in the yard, but no Mark the mayor.
Matt (and his brother Seth) don't have any dialog option regarding Skeet

Oh yeah, he's upstairs in the factory (stairs are on the corridor next to Sam's room).
Hello yall, long time FO player just signed up to post this. First of all, great work on the translation and thanks!

I've run into problems specifically with Rainbow Raiders.
1. Can't complete Ant Belly quest, as stated before in this thread by another fellow, I have no dialogue option to complete it when I collected all the bellies.
2. Can't complete the quest with the pimp and the guy who stands in the doorway outside. I have the dialogue option to grab him etc. but I cannot complete at the pimp. Or do I need to deal with this guy in another way? I thought I completed on a older save but then had to reload.

So it seems my Rainbow Raiders is somehow bugged. Save Editor also gives a "sfallgv.sav was loaded with errors. Position 384/396" Warning.

I do not expect to remedy this somehow, but would be glad to. Just wanted to ask whether one can complete the game without progressing though the two Quest Givers in the Rainbow Raiders Bar. I have older saves but they seem bugged this way too, and I don't want to restart just because of Rainbow.

Also: I am still too weak to kill all of the Army Base to retrieve the elevator card, is there another way to retrieve it?
