fallout 2

  1. TheKingofVault14

    Was Fallout 2 Leaked By Some Scummy Journalists?

    Awhile back I found the Development Logs for Fallout 2, and I saw an interesting update made by Feargus Urquhart on October 30th, 1998 which is this: As you can see, when the game went gold. Black Isle handed out copys of the game to various people of The Press, and somebody thought it was a...
  2. TheKingofVault14

    Are The Source Codes For Fallout 1 and 2 Lost?

    I keep seeing this "fact" be brought up whenever a discussion about the possibility of remastering these two games, and then in response to that is the source code for both games were apparently lost by Interplay at some point. Which is WHY both FO1 and 2 need to be fully remade from the ground...
  3. The_Den_Resident

    How to recruit Skynet

    I'm on the level 3 floor, I've told Skynet I am "a friend" and Skynet told me to proceed to the mainframe room for an analysis. The problem is I can't get there because of the yellow forcefields. Do I have to turn off the power to do so? I currently have 5 companions following me, is it because...
  4. The_Den_Resident

    The New Reno Bishop slaughter (except for the two girls? ;b)

    If I were to kill Mr.Bishop and his goons through pray and spray will Angela and Lesie Bishop become hostile and or mad at me to where I cannot interact with them anymore? Is an overdosing Mr.Bishop on heart pills, drugs and other substances cause the same result? Which ones or both allow me...
  5. H

    Planning a Jet F2 run as an econ challenge (Ecco + FO2tweaks)

    Greetings fellow gamers. I have yet to attempt a Jet run in Fallout 2, and would like to discuss my ideas. In addition to the advantages conferred by Jet, I'm hoping to use it to create an econ challenge. Basically, jet addiction is an effective way to ensure that healing costs you money (I...
  6. TheAnimeHunter

    Would Fallout games/media set in alternate endings work?

    Let me make what I think is the most interesting possible example of this. In Fallout 1, if Rhombus is dead, the Brotherhood of Steel becomes the Steel Plague, an overzealous techno-religious dictatorship that would destroy the New California Republic and go on to create a dark age that would...
  7. xxdemonxspawnnxx

    Is Jet pre-war?

    I don't want to talk about retcons, but is it stated anywhere in FO2 that Myron is lying/ he copied a formula for jet?
  8. afornwald

    Fallout 1/2 on Android

    !Mutants Run your Fallout 1/2 on Android with app called 'fo2.exe' (Play Market) features: - automated ui (scroll & press) - free, no ads, no premium content - high performance sys. req: - armv8 - 256Mb+ - android 6.0+ Post your bugs & suggestions.
  9. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 2 Reference Edition - Reverse engineering Fallout 2 by Alexander Batalov

    A few days ago Alexander Batalov revealed his project of reverse engineering Fallout 2. There's a longer and interesting article introducing the project to be found on medium.com. There's also this forum thread on NMA and a GitHub page for the project. Read up on it and tell us what you think!
  10. NovaRain

    Dims Mapper

    An alternative map editor to the official BIS Mapper for Fallout 1/2. Made by Dims, updated by Fakels (aka Mr.Stalin) with usability improvements and fixes, and further updated by Radegast for properly loading epax.map/easter.map from F2RP. This version is compiled from the source based on...
  11. warpl

    Whats the in game tile size?

    Hi, I was just wondering what the size of one in game tile is in real life units. Or what scale are we talking about in these games?
  12. S

    Crazy Mod Idea: Which guns you would bring from later games into the OGs?

    (I hope this is the right forum section, as its not actually a mod, just shooting some shit idea-wise) You know, which guns from the later games (FOT/FO3/FNV/FO4/FO76) would you bring to FO1 and FO2 (maybe FOT too). Especially in a way that fits these games. And where it would be? Which game...
  13. max demaio

    Fallout 2 mod looking for someone to share modding scripting for a newbie

    Still love play fallout 2 in 2022? yeah me too. I just recently jump into modding world but is really hard for me to get all that coding, i need someone to share me a script for a permanent companion for the rest of the game. I did a special location for store our stuff, with underground levels...
  14. I

    Fallout 2 mod Working on enhancement of Fallout 2 pics

    I'm making a mod to add items to the game so I decided to improve the items already present. I took the opportunity to use some automation methods that I'm studying to speed up the work, what do you guys think? The images are not completely ready, but they are already converted to the game...
  15. I

    Fallout 2 mod Items from other fallout games on fallout 2.

    I was thinking, why don't people create more content from other fallout games to fallout 2? I think there are many classic items that would look great in it. Like, for example, the AER laser rifle, the M199, the nuke launcher, and even consumable items like sugar bombs, gumdrops, etc. Does this...
  16. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    Welcome to Fallout 22! It's an event that will run during all of 2022 (and forever after) and where we play the Fallout games together in chronological order. Fallout: Nevada - Year 2120 Fallout - Year 2161 Fallout: Sonora - Year [It's a secret] Fallout: Resurrection - Year 2170 Fallout...
  17. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 "Trapping Theory" (How to trap with success) By Aaron Wieland

    Modern Trapping Theory. Fallout 2 Combat Tactics By Aaron Wieland What is "Trapping Theory", why do we need it, what does it change, and how does it work? Trapping Theory fixes nearly every problem associated with the Traps skill, and...
  18. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 Heavy Handed. Why Heavy Handed is great + How/Why it works

    QUOTING THE MANUAL on Heavy Handed: "...you ALWAYS do more melee damage". ALWAYS. But there is so much more to it than just that. With Heavy Handed your melee damage ALWAYS increases for your critical hits, and the critical chance remains the same, but the CRITICAL EFFECT is reduced. So...
  19. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Walkthrough

    Hey guys, do you know what happened to the Restoration Project Walkthrough website? It won't load and refers somewhere else.
  20. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility [Question] Is possible to disable cutscenes?

    Hello people from NMA! Sorry for asking but i'd like something, do you think that's possible disable (specific) cutscenes from Fallout 2? I'm asking because I want to try Fo:et tu, I already finished Fo:1 and want to trying doing 100% with reduced time, the problem is the cutscenes showing the...