Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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zenitfan4life said:
My character loses the bonus move (the yellow ones) if I re-load before I used them. Also, even if I use them, save the game, and then load it, the yellow bonus move dots still appears on the screen, although I've already used them. This is really annoying especially if you're playing HtH or melee character.
Hmm, bonus move perk should have been fixed by sfall. If you go to ddraw.ini in your main Fallout 2 folder, is BonusMoveFix= set to 1?

I am going to remove the bag for my next patch and RP release. I am sure I will get some flack for this (I am sure there is someone out there that actually uses the bag) but I don't care. It is bugged and there is no known fix for it. I get too many e-mails/posts that are the result of the bag.

The bag is only found in Modoc, right?
killap said:
zenitfan4life said:
My character loses the bonus move (the yellow ones) if I re-load before I used them. Also, even if I use them, save the game, and then load it, the yellow bonus move dots still appears on the screen, although I've already used them. This is really annoying especially if you're playing HtH or melee character.
Hmm, bonus move perk should have been fixed by sfall. If you go to ddraw.ini in your main Fallout 2 folder, is BonusMoveFix= set to 1?

I am going to remove the bag for my next patch and RP release. I am sure I will get some flack for this (I am sure there is someone out there that actually uses the bag) but I don't care. It is bugged and there is no known fix for it. I get too many e-mails/posts that are the result of the bag.

The bag is only found in Modoc, right?
Hi Killap..i don´t Think so, maybe it´s found by random traveller i guess....
Random encounter bug

I've made my way through basically everything, and am now wandering the main map looking for xp and special encounters.
The thing is, a couple of those encounters are a little buggy.
I've gotten both the crashed shuttle and vorpal rat encounters, and something strange has happened with both. Rather than the area marker on the main map appearing where I actually had the encounter (cause, you know, that would make sense like the rest of them), they decided to appear in a little spot between Arroyo and Primitive Tribe. Both of them. On top of each other. It's more than a little disconcerting, and I worry about what would happen should I try and enter that overlapping area. On the upside, the strange location didn't teleport me over to the other side of the map, but still.
AFAIK, that's the only bag in the game. Never found one in an encounter.

That sounds like the spot the Cafe of Broken Dreams tended to move to; perhaps something similar is happening with the other encounters.
Kanhef said:
AFAIK, that's the only bag in the game. Never found one in an encounter.
Okay. I will still do a quick grep search through the scripts though and see if any of the random encounters use it too.

@Those suffering from the same or similar issue as Hadanelith
Did problems like this ever happen in the vanilla version of the game? I honestly have no idea what would cause this and why it would have been introduced in my patch/mod.

Oh, and sorry for missing you post from a few pages back Hadanelith.

Hadanelith said:
Second - in Per's (fantastic!) guide to FO2, he says that one of the endings for Vault City is bugged. Specifically, the ending wherein Lynette and Westin get married. Per notes that if you accept the reward for the postman quest, the ending doesn't appear. Have you examined this? If so, is he right? If so, have you/can you fix(ed) it?

Hadanelith said:
Third - The rustle the brahmin quest is being more than a little irritating. The first thing I did was notice the brands. Then I helped Torr guard the brahmin. In so doing, I tried to talk to the Duntons, but they wouldn't give me the option of scaring Torr off. I killed all of the scorps, got the xp, then found the radscorp limbs. After I left that map, Torr had vanished - he wasn't hanging around his usual spot, and he hadn't gone to the canyon, either - and Maida wouldn't give me any dialogue options regarding the quest - the only one I got was the 'I'll come back when I know something' line. I could still provoke the Duntons into a fight (and did), but the quest never crossed out, Maida still won't say anything about it, and Torr is still missing. Did I forget something? Did I miss a piece of the puzzle? Why won't the quest resolve?
Did you ever get this sorted out?

Hadanelith said:
Fourth - another ending thing: Have you fixed the Gecko endings? Can we actually get the best ending by fixing the plant, optimizing it, and then giving McClure the economic data?

BTW. If anyone else has an question I have not answered yet, please post again.
Is possible to solve out problem with Cassidy ? He change his combat control to default after every game crash...little annoying to change it every time after that.

ADD// I'm afraid that there is bigger problem in Sierra than some buggy things. I have similar problem like wrzask in Vault City with Marcus, but I left all people in New Reno and have no buggy things in inventory (I have just some medicaments, alcohol, weapons and so). It freezes if I get to Plans part of Sierra and after some time game crashes and leave no room on disk (probably after eats all RAM and pagefile).

ADD2// I removed EVERYTHING from inventory. Still freezing. Gonna try to play with FALCHE2, maybe it is caused by some perk...like HP from Autodoc.

ADD3// Autodoc raised you HP is not in FALCHE2, I tried to remove my skill points, too, but nothing helped. I can go to Sierra directly by typing 2 to 5, but no way out, since I need to go throw Plains. :cry: :cry: :cry: I want to let out some virus and take Skynet off there :cry:
killap said:
@Those suffering from the same or similar issue as Hadanelith
Did problems like this ever happen in the vanilla version of the game?
I've never actually played the expansion (why are those days only 24 hours each? x) ), but to answer your question: if the spot mentioned is somewhere in the South-West of Arroyo, then yeah.
IIRC it was the Bridgekeeper and the Crashed Whale for me, though some other could have gone "to the family" too. <_<

Also, I don't recall how that worked out in the end, but I had an idea back then: when I encountered a special location, I did NOT save, instead I'd taken my leave to the world map, ventured somewhere near to save, and then gone back to the encounter.
IF I'm not mistaken, it fixed the place of the encounter in the right position on the map.

The whole issue seemed to take place when I saved just after I got into the location, and then (after checking some things ;) ) loaded that save back. Then, after leaving the encounter, my own location on the world map would be fine, but the location of the encounter wasn't.
(Like the variable "THAT special location is HERE on the map" wasn't saved on HDD when I got there, but in some sort of cache; and when I was reloading, the cache would be gone, and the variable was set to some kind of default location.)

Oh, and I'm a new poster (/old reader ;) ) here.
Hey everyone! :)
Many thanks to Killap, and everyone else who participated in his works! :D :clap:
Hey, I just talked to Mr. Chemical and there IS use for bag. You need it for production of Doctor's bag. But some of that drugs production is little unconsidered...you need stimpack, antidote, empty needle and Rad-away and than with some another things you can make Buffout or Psycho...too much things, I think, Buffout is everywhere in wasteland, so why so complicated production ? And who will make First Aid kit ? I use them and have 15+. Everyone will make rather stimpack than FAK, there is just a couple of empty needles in game, I think...(I personaly have more than 200 stimps, anyway :D ). Why on Earth I need FAK for Rad-X ? You know - big box for one small pill :lol:

That thing about gas mask is little stupid...why is not just Power Armor enough for that FEV ? Power Armor has gas mask integrated :lol:

And there are some errors on 2nd level of EPA...you can stay on walls (but not just in this level) and NPC can go throught wall between that supercomputer (not Mr. Chemical) and that small room with three lockers.
Kanhef said:
You picked up the bag in Modoc, right? It's a known bug that the game has trouble removing anything below it in your inventory. That's why you still have the watch, rifle, disc, etc. The best solution would be to remove the bag from the game entirely.

Hmm. I think you're right. Btw, I think it's a good idea to remove the bag entirely for the game. I never saw any real use for it anyway... Thanks for answering this, it does make sense. =)
killap said:
Hmm, bonus move perk should have been fixed by sfall. If you go to ddraw.ini in your main Fallout 2 folder, is BonusMoveFix= set to 1?

killap said:
The bag is only found in Modoc, right?
Correct. This was in vanilla version as well.

Hadanelith said:
Third - The rustle the brahmin quest is being more than a little irritating. The first thing I did was notice the brands. Then I helped Torr guard the brahmin. In so doing, I tried to talk to the Duntons, but they wouldn't give me the option of scaring Torr off. I killed all of the scorps, got the xp, then found the radscorp limbs. After I left that map, Torr had vanished - he wasn't hanging around his usual spot, and he hadn't gone to the canyon, either - and Maida wouldn't give me any dialogue options regarding the quest - the only one I got was the 'I'll come back when I know something' line. I could still provoke the Duntons into a fight (and did), but the quest never crossed out, Maida still won't say anything about it, and Torr is still missing. Did I forget something? Did I miss a piece of the puzzle? Why won't the quest resolve?
Hmm. Sounds like the town reacted as if Torr got killed... Try re-loading the game and helping Torr before you check out the brands.
hmm I have question about "backpack". In EPA Mr. Chemmy inform that needed it to make Doctor's Bag?
Maybe is a wrong translate but I don't think there is chance to get backpack in game... mabe replace it First Aid Kit??
About bag maybe @killap should give a option in config file about removing? for exapmle I use bag (is helpful) don't understanding why but I can put something to the bag in car but not to car when is no free space.
Council McClure is bugged. Every time you tell him that you have a plan to optimize the Gecko plant, he also offers to take a look at the economic data disc, and you keep getting 750XP every time you mention it to him. You can get as much as XP as you want this way. I think that the variable for completion of this quest is never canceled out and he is caught in a loop. Maybe removing the option to keep telling him about optimizing the plant after the first time you get his permission to access the Vault's files should solve this bug.
i don't have problems with holodisk in bag when i talk about gecko disk its disapeer when iso thats not "bag bug". I check the other disapiring items example rairders book in bag and it also disaper.
I ewen try with botanic disk it also disaper so i didint see any "bag bug"
Killap, can you do something with that damned Morton brothers in Restoration 1.3 ? I met about 5 of them last hour. I though there was only three brothers...

Another small error is when you get job to kill Westin from Bishop, than tell it to Westin and kill Bishop for him. You still have task to kill Westin in PipBoy.
You can find the FAQ page from the Vault-Tec link below, just look for Killap's Restoration Project in the list.
SebaL said:
killap said:
@Those suffering from the same or similar issue as Hadanelith
Did problems like this ever happen in the vanilla version of the game?
I've never actually played the expansion (why are those days only 24 hours each? x) ), but to answer your question: if the spot mentioned is somewhere in the South-West of Arroyo, then yeah.
IIRC it was the Bridgekeeper and the Crashed Whale for me, though some other could have gone "to the family" too. <_<

Also, I don't recall how that worked out in the end, but I had an idea back then: when I encountered a special location, I did NOT save, instead I'd taken my leave to the world map, ventured somewhere near to save, and then gone back to the encounter.
IF I'm not mistaken, it fixed the place of the encounter in the right position on the map.

The whole issue seemed to take place when I saved just after I got into the location, and then (after checking some things ;) ) loaded that save back. Then, after leaving the encounter, my own location on the world map would be fine, but the location of the encounter wasn't.
(Like the variable "THAT special location is HERE on the map" wasn't saved on HDD when I got there, but in some sort of cache; and when I was reloading, the cache would be gone, and the variable was set to some kind of default location.)

Oh, and I'm a new poster (/old reader ;) ) here.
Hey everyone! :)
Many thanks to Killap, and everyone else who participated in his works! :D :clap:

Correct, this problem happens when you save when you first get the random encounter, then reload before leaving it. as far as I remember the problem has existed in all versions. The game doesn't mark it on the map till the encounter is complete, so if you reload the game before its marked it no longer remembers where to put it and it ends up in that default spot.

theres another bag in the abbey caves on the dead doctor.
I can +1 this.

Killap, can you do something with that damned Morton brothers in Restoration 1.3 ? I met about 5 of them last hour. I though there was only three brothers...
This is another one I believe is a problem in all versions of the game, they keep coming even after you kill them if I recall.

Something I would like to mention, (not sure if someone else did) is that there is a stick of dynamite and a detonator for it in EPA. The dynamite blows up when you use the detonator instead of on a timer. When you try to sell the dynamite its comes up for a flat 1000, but when you try to do a even trade (1000 for 1000) the NPC will say not good enough. I believe its a bug where the display sell price is not the actual sell price.

Third - The rustle the brahmin quest is being more than a little irritating. The first thing I did was notice the brands. Then I helped Torr guard the brahmin. In so doing, I tried to talk to the Duntons, but they wouldn't give me the option of scaring Torr off. I killed all of the scorps, got the xp, then found the radscorp limbs. After I left that map, Torr had vanished - he wasn't hanging around his usual spot, and he hadn't gone to the canyon, either - and Maida wouldn't give me any dialogue options regarding the quest - the only one I got was the 'I'll come back when I know something' line. I could still provoke the Duntons into a fight (and did), but the quest never crossed out, Maida still won't say anything about it, and Torr is still missing. Did I forget something? Did I miss a piece of the puzzle? Why won't the quest resolve?
If I'm reading this right it looks like your skipping a step. After you get the bug arms and see the miss branding, confront the Duntons first and intimate them to leave Toor alone, then go talk to Maida and turn them in. Don't worry about not scaring Toor, I didn't scare him either and was still able to do the rest. I did notice that he also did not appear back in his usual spot tho ever again after helping him.

Also, in NCR, theres a quest to get papers from the Doc. While I was on it, the Doc gave me the needle to use on a super mutant, I used it on Markus. I talked to him, got the XP, and talked to him again and he gave me the quest again, needle and all, I used it on a diffrent mutant, talked to him again, did NOT get XP, but still got the complition dialog and can keep doing it over and over, will not advance to second part.
Wolfehunter said:
Found another issue,

In the Den the new map you guys made. Far left where you try to remove the squat dudes from the future orphanage. One guy ran off the screen and I can't get to him. I'm going to try to install the resolution patch for FO2 and hope that I can see him hidding.

See pic below,


Here is fixed map, grab it from here:
and unpack to Data/Maps and overwrite old map from RPv1.2
I just finished the game...I think Myron could end in EPA with that doctor (he said Myron could go there whenever he wants) instead of get murdered by adjective in Den...and I am still missing some final words about Klamath and Brotherhood of Steel.

Is possible to Wrights rule fairly even I enter SAD ? For example when I retrieve some virus...cannot try it, SAD is bugged in my game.
i have a possible bug to report. in modoc, if you try to have sex with miria and close the door before, her father can't come in and the game blocks completely. i had to shut it down from windows
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