Fallout 4 does not make sense

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I remember debating with someone on the Bethesda forums who said that raiders raided one another. Never mind how raiders somehow got infinite resources to raid from one another. Maybe they've stashed away some of those vending machines from Dead Money?
I remember debating with someone on the Bethesda forums who said that raiders raided one another. Never mind how raiders somehow got infinite resources to raid from one another. Maybe they've stashed away some of those vending machines from Dead Money?

Yeah, it's an inability to detatch from the game logic - when you are trying to compare to reality-logic
"So, where do they get their weapons from?"
"Well, from the game editor of course, DUH!!!"
"ever since Fo3" that kind of says it all, doesn't it?

Did New Vegas had those kind of shit with Skeletons? Other than the weird Ghoulified Military General in Lonesome Road they were always more sensible with placement of skeletons.

The Survivalist that everyone raves about in the Honest Hearts DLC has been lying on an exposed hilltop quite happily for over a century...

When used sparingly this form of storytelling is effective. When used all over the damn place like Fallout 4 it gets downright retarded.
The Survivalist was a single skeleton at the top of a mountain, it was on lying on the ground and the bones could be moved as it wasn't a Skeleton statue, it wasn't a bunch of skeletons in dynamic poses surrounded by animals and somehow staying in place for 200 years.

Context, ever heard of that? Not all uses of skeletons are the same, and the criticism here is about how nonsensically they place and use those.
You know, now that i think about it, this perfectly describes the difference between New Vegas and Fallout 4, and what value their fans place in Fallout as game.

See, in New Vegas you had this situation with a skeletton and a hat, inside a fridge - a small funny easter egg about Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

In Fallout you have a quest abut a Ghoul-Child stuck in a fridge for 200 years, more or less with "we don't discuss realism in a fictional setting .. bla bla" as explanation.

In New Vegas, the ridiculous stuff, is for the most part an exception, the game as whole, is more on a serious tone, it's about exploring the narrative and the outcomes of your decisions. It's to put it simple. About Role playing.

Fallout 4 is a giant theme park. Full of all the fucking disconected rides that you try out jumping to the next one like a fat kid runing for his cookies never meant to question it to much but just to enjoy it. A kind of Saints Row in the wasteland if you want so. Just not THAT extreme.

I think both approaches have a place. Both can be funny. But Fallout should not be what Fallout 4 represents. Beacause Fallout 4 is simply no RPG.
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I might sound like a broken record, but, the GODDAMN MANEQUINS, what the fuck is up with those? It's almost like they made the History Museum first, they saw that the manequeins worked quite well in that one level and instead of understanding the context or the why it worked, the rest of the level designers just went crazy placing the manequins everywhere.
I might sound like a broken record, but, the GODDAMN MANEQUINS, what the fuck is up with those? It's almost like they made the History Museum first, they saw that the manequeins worked quite well in that one level and instead of understanding the context or the why it worked, the rest of the level designers just went crazy placing the manequins everywhere.

Mannequins are basically skeletons that can stand up to do even moar environmental storytelling.
These Raiders must be really bored, they somehow found the time to make a miniature wheelchair and placed a teddy bear on it with a pocket camera. Then they proceeded to sleep next to headless corpses.
I'm not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls.

It's not about "realistic", it's about "believable." I mean, that's pretty clearly explained at the very start of the rev...ohhhh, I see.

Never mind. Let the "explaining that we use the same word to mean different things in English fairy" handle it when he gets here. :D

He was quoting Pete Hines ;)

Ohhhhhhhh. I'm not sure whether I should be more ashamed or more proud for not having caught that. :) Yeah duh.

Considering my utter failure to recognize either infamous bullshit or the presence of sarcastic irony, please consider my response to have been directed at the original speaker. Along with this raspberry. :P
I remember the bug from Skyrim where the mannequins in player homes would move around the rooms when you weren't looking. Do they still have that bug?
Hm maybe those raiders in the Commenwealth are more crazy like those from the other Fallout games.

For me the most annyoing thing since Fallout 3, New Vegas and now in Fallout 4 is that when you fight a horde of raiders or supermutans and go searching for the treasure they where guarding, almost always you find a 200 years old locked safe..........which contains: a bottle of liquor, some caps, who the hell stores bottlecaps inside a safe which has been locked for 200 years??, a pipe rifle or pipe pistol, which does not make any sense, who would have stuffed a pipe pistol 200 years ago into a safe??? There should have been plenty of weapons around before the war but not some selfmade pistols or rifles, some pre-war money, some useless junk.

I risk my ass off fighting super mutants and raiders and what not for a heap of usless junk and loads of empty bottles lying around???? Who are those raiders? Some guys who try to survive in the wasteland by scavenging looting and raiding people and collecting their best items including weapons. Instead Bethesda made them into some sort of retarded junkies who just drink beer use jet and waiting for ME to come along and shoot them in the face?

Those raiders in Fallout 2 had been a challenge. They had modern weapons and armour and a hidden base. Those Bethesda raiders are a real joke. And in Fallout 4 it became even more hilarious and that is what ruins the game for me. No more challenging RPG where you have to overcome REAL ingame obstacles. Instead it was degraded to violent idotic nonsense paired with a junk collector simulator and Fallout written on the titles.
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paired with a junk collector simulator and Fallout written on the titles.

But they can't even do that right. I found the treasure of Jamaica Plains and then accidentally scrapped it to shreds trying to build a settlement early on in the game (yes, it was quite tough fighting there, but I wanted to do that treasure quest early thinking it'd be something of value, like going to New Vegas straight off in FNV or spelunking the odd cave for a unique weapon).

Before, there was a minor incentive to collect the unique junk. My FNV living quarters had some cool items (acoustic guitar from Dead Money, Brahmin skull, some counterfeit bottle caps, sheet music, and every Nuka-Cola Quartz and Victory I could find; even added through console a Nuka-Cola Quantum since I wasn't lucky enough to find one in Lonesome Road). After opening the 50th safe to find a useless gold watch and pipe revolver, I asked myself what the point was?

The fact that all the non-safe dungeon loot apparently respawns (at least it's doing so in my game in several cells) just completely ended my interest in junking. From that point on I was playing it straight for the (hahahaha) plot. It destroyed this mechanic, along with the removal of the repair system. Even the legendary items eventually seem cheap and worthless, like finding low-level potions in an RPG in the final dungeon. And the unique weapons? Virtually all were the same model as the normal weapons, just with one of those useless legendary modifiers applied.
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I might sound like a broken record, but, the GODDAMN MANEQUINS, what the fuck is up with those? It's almost like they made the History Museum first, they saw that the manequeins worked quite well in that one level and instead of understanding the context or the why it worked, the rest of the level designers just went crazy placing the manequins everywhere.

Mannequins are basically skeletons that can stand up to do even moar environmental storytelling.
Mannequins are not aware of their own material composition.
These Raiders must be really bored, they somehow found the time to make a miniature wheelchair and placed a teddy bear on it with a pocket camera. Then they proceeded to sleep next to headless corpses.

I mean, I can understand why they might be bored. If it's anything like F3 and Skyrim, they probably outnumber the popuations of the towns like a thousand to one. Not enough raiding to go around? Might as well sleep with a headless corpse to pass the time.
I remember debating with someone on the Bethesda forums who said that raiders raided one another. Never mind how raiders somehow got infinite resources to raid from one another. Maybe they've stashed away some of those vending machines from Dead Money?

Yeah, it's an inability to detatch from the game logic - when you are trying to compare to reality-logic

I think it's deeper than that - it shows a failure to even understand reality logic. Saying raiders raid each other is kind of like thinking that an economy where the only jobs are haircutting is sustainable, because everyone can just cut each other's hair.

Fallout 1's raider tribe made sense - it showed the dichotomy, which has appeared time and time again throughout history, between settled farmers and nomads. The Khans were the nomads, and they attacked the settlement of Shady Sands - which had food, resources, and people, which are always the big draws for raiders.

Compare that to games where raiders are just there, because everyone knows it's not post-apocalyptic unless you have a bunch of psychos running around in BDSM attire killing people for no discernable reason.
Raiders have little reason to attack other Raiders - which would put up more of a fight - when you have settlements with 3 people all over Boston.
In Fallout 4 I see no reason for raiders to exist there, they're just there to say they're there. They seem to have no purpose but to sit around in ruined buildings with nothing to do. Of course they're bored because it's a Bethesda game.
Did you guys know that the Gunners also have Vertibirds? Yeah, those vehicles that only the Enclave had access to in Fo2 and after that only the NCR and the DC BOS could maintain.... now some raider gang has a bunch of those.... yeah...
Do they explain how they get ahold of them or make them? I don't know why gunners exist, they sound...generic and uninspired not to mention they're just normal raiders with a different name because it's sooo original.